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Pull my finger! Scientists solve knuckle-cracking riddle

SquidCap says...

I got one of those joints too, i can crack each joint in my hands and 5 on both of my feet, without a lot of force. Wait for 15 minutes and most of the joints crack again. My back cracks too.

How To Quickly Check A Used Car For Purchase

Story Of The Bass

SquidCap says...

Funny to see Roger Waters included in there. The man is pretty poor musician, he admits it freely. In Pink Floyd you had mediocre drummer, barely capable bass player, genius guitarist and great keyboard player. What makes Waters great is his song writing, not the musicianship.

Why do mirrors flip horizontally (but not vertically)?

SquidCap says...

When you think about it hard enough you come in to conclusion that since the only external self-image we have are from looking at mirrors and that the mirror actually shows you back-to-front.. (shudder...)

You know when you look at a photo of yourself and it looks really really odd? That is because pictures are in normal order along depth axis, which means they are not reflections, you are not used to seeing yourself that way. The tiny tiny little details only you know so well are all reversed in your head and thus the creature from blue lagoon is what your brains see in that photo. Only others see you as you really look... And only you know how it looks from inside out, ie, depth axis reversed.

So in a sense, every time you look at yourself in the mirror, you are inside out.

Why people from northern Sweden sound like vacuum cleaners

SquidCap says...

We do this too, a bit differently: "hjuup", coming from "yup", "jup" or "jep" but often it's just the same sound as in this video.. I live in west coast of Finland, we have plenty swedish speaking natives here.

science explains why rich people don't care about you

Learn Finnish With Sara

SquidCap says...

Heh, i live in Kokkola.. We are the neighboring town for Jakobstad and that's where Sara comes from She lived here for couple of years doing music studies.

Kokko is also an old word for an eagle and while Kokkola is understood now as "place for bonfires", it actually comes "place for eagles" as legend says that eagles liked to rest on the rock in the bay. "City that rose from the sea" is is accurate description as around 1200s there were only the exact hill i live on and one other places above the water.. In fact, there is still an old smugglers tunnel, less than 50m away from where i sit right now that leads to the old shoreline, maybe 200m long that was used in 1600s. The sea itself is now about 3-4km from here.

The good news is, i could sit here for a hundred years without fearing rising sea waters.. Not that i intend to but i could.

Why British Homes Don't Have Mix-Type Faucets

SquidCap says...

TL:RD: Flush mix tap for few seconds after not being used for hours. Count to three.

I would say that it is still advisable to flush out the stagnant water from pipes before drinking the water. Not a lot, until you feel the temperature to change. Reason is that while the warm water is now sanitary, it is still warm. Warm stagnant water goes bad pretty quickly, the pipes are NOT clean on the inside. If you have ever seen water mains pipes, you would probably boil your water, brit filter it and most likely perform an exorcision. It's bad, it is really really bad.. The main reason why the water stays drinkable is movement. Moving water is safe, the bacteria that lives on moving water is mostly harmless to us. But 15C to 22C is called "the death zone"; bacteria that thrives on moist conditions, between those temps is the most deadly we can find. E.Coli, Botulinum etc. all explode with those condition. So you take warm water to wash up that last tea, it stays in the pipes and you get a nice shot of bacteria first thing in the morning. Or you keep the tap on for ten seconds, flush out the main colony and then drink a fresh cold water; i'm sure this little trick will add years in to your life (just the fresh glass of water and the feeling we get from that should do the trick..)

But the days of flushing the whole length of pipe several times a day is unnecessary. Only important when it has sit for hours after running hot water thru that particular piece of pipe, maybe just few meters or few seconds. And even then most likely it's 100% safe but the gunk that sits in the pipes is DIRTY.. ffs, we got some wooden main lines still in use in the old town (built around circa 1600).. BTW, the water from those wooden pipes.. excellent, specially in the winter as it is just super cold, totally clear of all bacteria, it's like spring water. But that is mostly because they have been in use for hundreds of year, all the time with moving, cold, clean water running thru them. It's bacterial colonies work with us cleaning it.

Compare that to the other pipe system running thru our homes here: the main heating water that heats our homes, that water is so toxic that every cut you have while working with them, just a drop and you will get infected. It takes minutes and the cut will swell up. And the only really difference is that the heating system is on closed loop, with warm water and it sits for half a year stagnated.. It is still "clean" water, looks clean, doesn't smell. But that stuff is equal to biological warfare..

Why i know this? Well, i'm ex-junkie. Knowing what kind of water you inject to your veins is pretty fucking important if you wanna stay alive.

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming - Veritasium

SquidCap says...

Why do we have to listen to small minority on this anymore? They had their chance of refuting, they failed. We wont ever agree on everything anyway, that hasn't stopped us for making new rules that affect everyone. AGW supporters are overwhelmingly the majority. And don't start Godwining me, i'm talking about democratic process where majority rules.

Climate Change - Veritasium

SquidCap says...

The blocking and delaying of any action is really infuriating. Nothing changes because there is a "debate". The debate is moronic and isn't actually a debate at all.

How to Make an "Anti-Peh" (Pop Shield or Pop Filter)

Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

SquidCap says...

Also the elite of the past were expected to build the roads and the overall infrastructure. The elite of today expect to get subsidies, lower rates when they loan money and not to pay taxes or follow the law.. There is not a single word about responsibility.

The REAL Reason You're Circumcised

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