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Brave men subdue an Internet Medusa...

Understanding Alcoholism - The West Wing

poolcleaner says...

Yeah, it's a bitch. I didn't know I was an alcoholic until I was running away from hard times. Then even after I had gained a marginal amount of success, the alcohol remained. Fucking alcohol. It really does make you a different person. Sometimes a very very excellent, if not womanizing person. But sometimes a monster. Best I avoid the stuff beyond what I think I need or can handle, one drink at parties. Parties can be bad if I violate this. Or good -- it's a gamble lol.

You know what though, it's addiction period. I stopped drinking, my life improved; but, I replace it with something else. I am addicted to video games. I do 80+ hour, no sleep binges playing a game I'm seeking to master. Addiction.

Pretty soon I will have to go cold turkey even on things like marijuana, which make me mellow, happy, heightened senses, and artistic/creative focus/drive, and which my peers claim is not addicting. Nah, everything in my life is an addiction. Even creative endeavors or day to day work -- it commands my utter and impenetrable existence, allowing my world to fall to shambles, meanwhile I create art or engineer new false existence. A system of dice I throw forever for no real reason other than I am addicted forever to throwing dice. Boom. Boom. Cards. Mmm, yeah, gambling is fun and bad too, and consume entire weekends. Sex. Typing things. It's ALL addiction to me.

The only thing I get from typing my mind is the rush and addiction to the finality of saying the truth, regardless of the consequences. It just comes out and the fists raise my adrenaline and I'm fighting now. Haahhahahahahaha!!! Addiction! Adrenaline. Energy. I'll run for 4 hours straight to achieve a moment of elation and existence outside of the day to day shuffle. Addicted to life? I sit at my desk addicted to death? No, life. I am addicted to EVERYTHING.

How Good Is Your Eyesight?

Cop Attacks Uber Driver

newtboy says...

He has now been put on desk duty, lost his badge and gun, been thrown off the joint terrorism task force, and is being investigated by the civilian review board.
He's still a jerk though! ;-)

My_design said:

And nothing happened to this asshat.
What a jerk.

Watch German official squirm when confronted with Greece

dannym3141 says...

Part of me feels like there is an increasingly thin veneer over all of these discussions about what this or that group says will or can happen. People are getting pissed off in my own country about how things are being run, so i can't begin to imagine what that must be like in Greece.

The Greeks have basically been told for a long time that their country is in trouble and they need to work hard to fix it. They get help and told they need to work hard to repay it. The average Greek adult goes out every day and puts in a hard shift. They see no reason why all the effort they're putting in at work and all the tax they pay is falling into a big hole and not making the hole any smaller, whilst austerity measures are making every other aspect of their life more difficult too.

The people have said what they want, how far can you push them exactly, from behind a desk? Austerity has hurt them and made them worse off, completely missed its aims. Now they're being asked to take more of it. If they can't let the Greek people see any light at the end of the tunnel, they're gonna end up with an angry mob on their hands.

"Rock the Cradle of Love" by Billy Idol

How To Properly Kill A Mosquito

ant says...

I used my right hand on a small flying insect on my desk while getting my left arm's blood pressure checked this mawning.

The Umbilical Cord iPhone Charger

Pasco police pursuing, and shooting, an unarmed man

newtboy says...

I could go along with that, but I don't think all 3 cops needed to empty their clips (or close to it) shooting to kill, especially when NO one saw a weapon, just arms flailing. That's text book definition of 'excessive use of force' in my eyes.

It's outrageous to me that not one of them had a taser, baton, or pepper spray out, and instead they all had their guns out ready to kill. It's inhuman to me that they always seem to think it's proper to kill rather than disable, and worse that they are supported in that contention by fellow officers AND the law (in many cases).

It's also outrageous and quite telling to me that they initially shoot at him 5 times as he's running/walking away with his hands completely visible. Apparently all those rounds missed the target and flew down the street where there were many bystanders. Absolutely no excuse for that part. That alone should get all 3 fired, or at least on desk duty until they all 3 pass a gun safety class.

All that said, I expect you are correct and this will be seen as 'justified' because...he had hands that might have had a gun in them? Sad but true.

I'm really starting to think we need to do what England did and stop allowing street beat cops to carry guns and only special weapon and tactics guys should have them, and they should be trained to not use them unless needed. These terrified bullies running around our country armed to the teeth with an immunity shield protecting them from consequence is not working.

lucky760 said:

Yes, @eric3579 is correct. This falls under the Sift's definition of snuff, so it has to be *discarded.

After viewing the video, though, I'd consider this a justified shooting because the suspect's hand went out of the officers' view (behind his body) and when it came back around he put his hands together as if attempting to fire a weapon.

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

bobknight33 says...

..." it is the obstructionist republicans? Really???.

There were around 400 bills sitting on Harry Reids desk being blocked for consideration.

Republicans were shut out from damn near all discussion in the House and Senate.

Be that as it may the poor are poorer and the middle class have slipped downward also. Failed leadership.

Its Puddles the sad clown.

newtboy said:

No sir, you are the one who claims the democrats had, and spent more money in the last 2 elections, and now that the republicans are the champion of the middle class (rather than it's most fervent enemy)....apparently because Faux told you so. I propose YOU are living in opposite land.
The middle class, along with nearly everyone else (not the top 1%), was screwed long and hard by the Bush administration and republican congress. True enough the democrats didn't stop them, nor did they fully solve the disaster they were left with 6 years ago. It was not, however, democratic policies that decimated the middle class, nor was it democratic policy that kept it that way, it is the obstructionist republicans insisting on continuing their own disastrous policies, and democrats never insisting on an actual filibuster (by republicans) to halt political progress, but accepting the mere threat of filibuster and giving up far too easily.
Claiming that the republicans have or will work FOR the middle class is either disingenuous or coming from the completely uninformed. (EDIT: please note that the economy has ALWAYS done better under democratic leadership than it has under republican leadership....every cycle in the last 50+ years, and the economy has been the republicans main issue that entire time.) Remember, it's proven repeatedly that those who listen to/watch "fox news" are consistently LESS informed than those who watch/listen to NOTHING. I think that's what's happened here.

EDIT: Love the new, totally appropriate 'sad clown king' avatar!

Cyborg Animates with Repurposed Power Glove

artician says...

I have a Power Glove and a ROB the Robot on my desk for personal nostalgia. I wouldn't tear them apart, but this certainly has me considering a second purchase for something else that's awesome.

Kudos to this guy for being an extra-special badass.

Gogol Bordello: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Pop 101 by Marianas Trench

oritteropo says...

The music posted here on the sift is a good antidote to that There is a little pop music, but also a wide array of different and interesting pieces.

NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concerts are a really good example.

brycewi19 said:

I hate that even this version of what they are parodying is so damn catchy.

Our ears have been trained from a young age to accept ear sugar like this.

These Cows Don't Like Jazz

Lewis Black - america does not understand teachers

kceaton1 jokingly says...

How'd I literally, "jump-the-shark" memory wise on that one?

Anyway, there must be some sort of causality law in this universe that if your Mom is a schoolteacher, over-worked (due to giving a damn), with crap pay, plus everything else that comes with it make your Mom, like Lewis's and mine raise children who are sarcastic pessimistic frustrated bastards (and liberal as well, do I really need to explain why this is true) and laughing only because the irony of it all...

...Along with the other "fun-issues" I mentioned above, there are also the time honored classics, like: that Elementary & Middle-School teachers must babysit half the kids since their parents (and sometimes it's just the kids...) apparently never figured out to tell their kids, after the many failed parent-teacher conferences, that yelling in class, throwing punches at teachers students, bringing your favorite "x" to show everyone (usually an animal or a weapon), and the epidemic of simply just ignoring the "external" world while in/at a desk/seat...are all wrong.

Sure, some have ADHD and really DO have problems learning the way the majority of us do (same with autism and other issues)--but, if the school is even remotely trying they just might have a special needs class for these kids; or at least resources to help the issue (and to also clue the parents in to the problem if they have no idea it is occurring).

We really need a fresh start on the entirety of the education system; it literally needs a reboot. Especially as you see less and less students going to college every year. There are at least two major issues causing this... It would be a nice setup if we could turn the entire system from the ground up into an apprenticeship and internship type system, with earlier grades built to help you find what you are good at doing AND also what you can excel in and love doing at the same time.

Even extending into college years (and getting rid of all the filter and junk classes), actually give every student at least one ability to utilize. Use colleges and universities to train master's and doctorate (plus other specialized degrees and long-term goals)...

Sorry, I just wanted to rant about my ideological hope for education one day. Can you imagine how impossible this is to do right now... Oh, yeah, class size too should be 15 or lower...

*wishes it wasn't all pipedream or sarcasm towards the end of this comment*

Engels said:

He said his mom was a teacher.

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