What sound does a new-born deer make? (You're Wrong!)

...... the answer is, of course.....

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>> ^grinter:

>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.


Too bad their fawn can't do the same. Details, I guess.>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^grinter:
>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.


>> ^messenger:

Too bad their fawn can't do the same. Details, I guess.>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^grinter:
>> ^bareboards2:
I thought the speckles were camouflage in grass. Not as effective on the gray rocks.

Yeah, what kind of mama deer gives birth on a rocky, wet, windy beach?

I've read that deer often give birth on beaches, and especially on small islands in lakes/ponds/rivers, because they can out-swim most of their predators.

I suspect that's true but the fawn would be just as vulnerable in a field as on a small island. At least near water the mother can survive and have another one next year.

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