What Happens When You Eject Out Of A Jet At 800 MPH

from where I found this link from (which is http://jalopnik.com/5894022/what-happens-when-you-eject-out-of-a-jet-at-800-mph)

What Happens When You Eject Out Of A Jet At 800 MPH
In a training exercise gone wrong back in 1989, Capt. Brian Udell had to eject at from his F-15 travelling at supersonic speeds. The force of the air on his body was so strong that it nearly killed him. Here is Udell explaining what happened.
The wind tore his helmet off, broke every blood vessel in his head and face, dislocated his left elbow so that it was pointed backwards and snapped both of his legs in half. His lips were so swollen that they "fit into the first three fingers of [his] hand."

His weapons officer had ejected with him, but only Udell survived what remains the highest speed ejection from a U.S. fighter aircraft.

"He knows that he has only minutes to climb into his life raft before the freezing ocean kills him. 'I stopped everything; I started praying. I said, God, I need some help.'"

Well, now he has even *less* time to make it into his life raft.


First off, thanks so much for the promote!
In the link to the site I found the video on the page comments mainly focus on the Air Force base... heheh

>> ^Sarzy:

Wait, wait... did I hear that right? The base is called the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base?
Best base name ever.


>> ^aurens:

"He knows that he has only minutes to climb into his life raft before the freezing ocean kills him. 'I stopped everything; I started praying. I said, God, I need some help.'"
Well, now he has even less time to make it into his life raft.

I'm usually right on board with taking pot shots at religious crazies and their god bothering but I think we can cut a guy who was dealing with hideous injuries after such a traumatic experience a little slack for falling back on his faith, regardless of the fact that we don't share it.


Eh, I disrespectfully disagree.>> ^Asmo:
I'm usually right on board with taking pot shots at religious crazies and their god bothering but I think we can cut a guy who was dealing with hideous injuries after such a traumatic experience a little slack for falling back on his faith, regardless of the fact that we don't share it.


>> ^aurens:

Eh, I disrespectfully disagree.>> ^Asmo:
I'm usually right on board with taking pot shots at religious crazies and their god bothering but I think we can cut a guy who was dealing with hideous injuries after such a traumatic experience a little slack for falling back on his faith, regardless of the fact that we don't share it.

Yeah, because intolerance of someone who doesn't share your belief system (or lack thereof) is awesome. /eyeroll

You trying to out-douche the Westboro morons?


Yep, precisely my intention. It's my considered opinion that a tongue-in-cheek Videosift comment intended to highlight the silliness of self-defeating religious impulses is the moral equivalent of anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Islamic, anti-Jewish funeral pickets.>> ^Asmo:
[...] You trying to out-douche the Westboro morons?


>> ^aurens:

Yep, precisely my intention. It's my considered opinion that a tongue-in-cheek Videosift comment intended to highlight the silliness of self-defeating religious impulses is the moral equivalent of anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Islamic, anti-Jewish funeral pickets.>> ^Asmo:
[...] You trying to out-douche the Westboro morons?

Both are insensitive and intolerant towards people who have not offered any overt offense. Both are self justified and self righteous. I don't see much of a difference, even if you pan it off as humour.

Besides, the humour would have been closer to the target if the guy had actually died from his "self-defeating religious impulses". As it stands, he lived versus incredible odds in spite of taking time for prayer. Kinda hard to argue with the results in this case... X D


Tags for this video have been changed from 'F15, Jet, ejection, 800, mph, ow my lips, Navigator took Goose Cosplay seriously' to 'F15, Jet, ejection, 800mph, ow my lips, Navigator took Goose Cosplay seriously' - edited by xxovercastxx


Funny: I don't find it at all hard to argue with the results. It was billions of years of biological evolution—particularly the development of coping mechanisms for acute stresses—that saved Captain Udell, not his appeal to the (presumably) Christian god. (Surely I don't need to explain the difference between correlation and causation, do I?) And yes, if he really did pause to pray, then his religious impulse was self-defeating: it delayed the instinctual biological responses that eventually saved his life.

The difference between me and the Westboro Baptist Church—I'll spell it out—is in intention, delivery, and degree. Of course, your criticism lost all its punch as soon as you went off the deep end in equating me with those crazies.

I learned from the Hitch, thankfully, to be weary of people like you, people who want to chastise—or, worse, forbid—the criticism of religion on the grounds that it's unacceptably irreverent. Well, goddamn right its irreverent (in the etymological sense); that's the point.>> ^Asmo:
Both are insensitive and intolerant towards people who have not offered any overt offense. Both are self justified and self righteous. I don't see much of a difference, even if you pan it off as humour.
Besides, the humour would have been closer to the target if the guy had actually died from his "self-defeating religious impulses". As it stands, he lived versus incredible odds in spite of taking time for prayer. Kinda hard to argue with the results in this case... X D


>> ^aurens:

Funny: I don't find it at all hard to argue with the results. It was billions of years of biological evolution—particularly the development of coping mechanisms for acute stresses—that saved Captain Udell, not his appeal to the (presumably) Christian god. (Surely I don't need to explain the difference between correlation and causation, do I?) And yes, if he really did pause to pray, then his religious impulse was self-defeating: it delayed the instinctual biological responses that eventually saved his life.
The difference between me and the Westboro Baptist Church—I'll spell it out—is in intention, delivery, and degree. Of course, your criticism lost all its punch as soon as you went off the deep end in equating me with those crazies.
I learned from the Hitch, thankfully, to be weary of people like you, people who want to chastise—or, worse, forbid—the criticism of religion on the grounds that it's unacceptably irreverent. Well, goddamn right its irreverent (in the etymological sense); that's the point.>> ^Asmo:
Both are insensitive and intolerant towards people who have not offered any overt offense. Both are self justified and self righteous. I don't see much of a difference, even if you pan it off as humour.
Besides, the humour would have been closer to the target if the guy had actually died from his "self-defeating religious impulses". As it stands, he lived versus incredible odds in spite of taking time for prayer. Kinda hard to argue with the results in this case... X D

You are weary of his calling you a douche, and he is weary of you calling a guy whose body has been blown apart and is barely holding himself together for his wife and kids an idiot.

Way to raise the level of discourse here fellas.


Yeah, fair point.

>> ^Lolthien:

You are weary of his calling you a douche, and he is weary of you calling a guy whose body has been blown apart and is barely holding himself together for his wife and kids an idiot.

Way to raise the level of discourse here fellas.


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