So the kid falls from a bridge, breaks his back and separates his heel.
They cops taser him 19 times, because "he was trying to dart into traffic".
Broken Back and separated Heel.. he isn't running any where.
The Police Captain is reciting what he was told to recite, he indicates with his nonverbal communication a different story.
Rapid hand moments that look like he is gasping for something.
Right and down Eye movements: Down and To the Right while moving his hand:
"Indicates: Internal Dialog (Ai)
This is the direction of someone eyes as they "talk to themselves".
He then moves his eyes to the left and down: Down and to the Left indicating that he is feeling for an answer.
Indicates: Feeling / Kinesthetic (F)
"If you asked someone to "Can you remember the smell of a campfire? ", this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they used recalled a smell, feeling, or taste." That's my take on it.
zombieguerillaThe kid is laying on the ground with a broken back and there was concern from the officers? Bullshit. No matter what this kid was saying if he had a broken back from a fall he was not a threat to them. If the police officers tasered him for what he said because they didn't like it, that is abuse of power.
BillOreillykid was probably high on Ritalin, and wanted to get away from his hick father who had just downed a 40 of malt liquor, the police had every right to be afraid of this 16 year old terrorizer, this is Missouri after all people...
NordlichReiterCops wonder why people dont like them, its because of this groupthink taser shoot mentality they get when they are in groups.
There is another video of a man in Canada from poland who got tasered and and died. I would post that video but, the video clearly shows the man dieing. 4 men to shock a man who couldn't even speak English.
They said the main would not comply... HE DIDN'T SPEAK ENGLISH OR CANADIAN!
I refuse to be nice about this, these idiots give the majority of Good cops a bad name.
MrFiskI walked after I broke my spine (a couple feet).
charliemsays...Something tells me this isnt the whole story.
NordlichReiterDoesnt matter what the whole story is, they reported him as laying on the ground in a sad state. He fell from a friggen bridge, tazing him is not going to help! What he needed was calm words like "hang on buddy bus is on the way, we are gonna get you to the doc asap, just hang on,".
Something tells me this isnt the whole story.
9058Tasered him because of remarks he was making? Damn that must of been some pretty harsh language he was using to taser an incapacitated cripple lying there possibly dying. What did he call your mother a whore or something?
PaybackHe said unpleasant things? They should have dragged him back up and tossed him again. Sloppy police work.
(sarcasm btw)
thinker247So if he screams "Kill the police," you tase him, even if he doesn't have a weapon and is lying on the ground with injuries? What is the mindset of a police officer who acts this way?
I've met quite a few cops who are wonderful people, and I consider them friends. However, many of their partners are just total dicks in every aspect. And I wonder how and why they received their badges.
8756I've got my pelvis broken. I can imagine what it feels to have his back broken. The pain is such intense that everything, i mean EVERYTHING, pisses you off. So, if there's a dumbass telling you to move out of the road (which, of course, you absolutly can't), the only thing that come out of your mouth is "Gnaaarg ! Call an ambulance you bastard !".
IrishmanThought crime, punishable by taser.
jwrayIf he was incapacitated with a broken back before the cops even got there, why would they taser him?
kronosposeidon"..So there was a very big concern for the officers to keep this guy out of traffic, to keep him from getting hurt."
Yeah, they'd hate to see the cars and trucks have all the fun fucking this guy up.
8369says...I had to watch this a few times just to make sure i heard this correctly.
By the time they arrived he was on the ground with a broken back and separated heal... and then they tased him around 19 times because he was incoherent (shock and concussion maybe) and muttering things like kill cops?
Wow. I’m speechless... I think it would have been better to say that they didn't have any defibrillators on them and were trying to save his life. As far as there being more to this story, I’m sure there is… but, I don’t see how it’s going to get any better. If a group of cops can’t handle a teenager with a broken leg and back without shocking the crap out of him, we are in a mess of trouble.
jmdsays...this my a free ticket on the money train. Sue sue sue!
Bosse>> ^NordlichReiter:
Cops wonder why people dont like them, its because of this groupthink taser shoot mentality they get when they are in groups.
There is another video of a man in Canada from poland who got tasered and and died. I would post that video but, the video clearly shows the man dieing. 4 men to shock a man who couldn't even speak English.
They said the main would not comply... HE DIDN'T SPEAK ENGLISH OR CANADIAN!
I refuse to be nice about this, these idiots give the majority of Good cops a bad name.
BosseDammit, went wrong. But what is this CANADIAN language...?
MINK"Sir I need you to roll on to your front and put your hands behind your head"
"Sir that is an incoherent response. I am going to have to ask you again to roll on to your front and put your hands behind your head"
"Sir that is unacceptable language. Please roll over immediately."
"Oooohh, we're going to taser town now bitch."
budzosThe concept of a Canadian cop overreacting extremely harshly to words is not lost on me. I've almost never seen a police officer decline the chance to power-trip. The couple guys I knew growing up who became cops totally don't surprise me... one actually tackled me from behind and tried to choke me out when I was arguing with my girlfriend when we were like 16. I'm still so annoyed by that incident. Oooooo look at the big hero, what would the world do if he wasn't here to tackle and choke people who are in the middle of a normal goddamn argument.. Fucking idiot!
lucky760>> ^NordlichReiter:
There is another video of a man in Canada from poland who got tasered and and died. I would post that video but, the video clearly shows the man dieing. 4 men to shock a man who couldn't even speak English.
NordlichReiterIm glad I didnt post it.
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^NordlichReiter:
There is another video of a man in Canada from poland who got tasered and and died. I would post that video but, the video clearly shows the man dieing. 4 men to shock a man who couldn't even speak English.
srdPersonally, I'm more than a bit skeptical about non-lethal weapons. The connotation "non-leathal" lowers the inhibitance to actually make use of the weapon. Plus, I've read that weapons get rated as "non-leathal" if the lethality is under 30%.
I'm really looking forward to the uninhibited use of microwave crowd controllers on peaceful demonstrations by some powerhungry idiot with the finger on the button.
Payback>> ^budzos:
The concept of a Canadian cop overreacting extremely harshly to words is not lost on me. I've almost never seen a police officer decline the chance to power-trip. The couple guys I knew growing up who became cops totally don't surprise me... one actually tackled me from behind and tried to choke me out when I was arguing with my girlfriend when we were like 16. I'm still so annoyed by that incident. Oooooo look at the big hero, what would the world do if he wasn't here to tackle and choke people who are in the middle of a normal goddamn argument.. Fucking idiot!
If your girlfriend was hot, that's pretty much the response of ANY 16 year old.
timtonersays...>> ^srd:
I'm really looking forward to the uninhibited use of microwave crowd controllers on peaceful demonstrations by some powerhungry idiot with the finger on the button.
Given that we have a sitting member of the SCOTUS saying that "Torture is not punishment," it is indeed only a matter of time.
KrupoAbsolutely tragic. Any follow-up on this?
9671is there any way that the cops thought that by tasing the kid, it would calm him or make it easier to transport him, maybe keep him from going into shock? I dont know, its just a thought, thats what the cops thought so they started to tase him and it got out of hand.
hotlava646Stupid kid!
Would have never made you tube if he had jumped in traffic and killed.
spoco2From reading the article it would seem the reason for the tasering was that he was trying to run into traffic, and they were trying to stop him doing so and getting hit by cars.
Not saying that tasering is the best way to achieve this, but it is possible that this kid was trying to commit suicide and they were trying to stop him doing so.
I'd be interested to know the followup, but I guarantee it's not as simple as the parents try to make out.
(Also, I love how during my searches I see other sites having this story posted and it morphing into 'Cops push kid off bridge and then taser him'. God I hate dickheads who just make shit up on the web)
NordlichReiterI will dispute that argument that he could run any where with a broken back and dislocated heel.
So until they have third party proof that he was running around with or without the injuries I will dispute any thing the group thinkers at the station have to say.
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