Shaolin Monk throws needle through piece of glass

An ordinary sewing needle thrown through a piece of glass.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'martial arts, kung fu, throwing, weapons, self defence, focus' to 'martial arts, kung fu, throwing, weapons, self defence, focus, qi, chi, shaolin, monk' - edited by lucky760


Keeping it in slow motion throughout emphasizes just how fast his hand moves at the moment of letting go of the needle. I felt like this will take a while but once the throw started it was all worth the wait.


The title" Very fast handed monk throws a large nail through a unusually thin piece of glass, while standing closer then you would think, yet still makes you wonder if he can stand up to Kwai Chang Caine's abilities, but , you will be happy he's not molesting catholic children, while you wish this video just skipped the first minute". Might not climb up the ranks very fast.


i saw that life once in a show called "masters of shaolin kung fu" touring europe. It was the highlight of the show, pretty impressive when seen live (there was a ballon behind the glass back then). It took a lot of tries, he tried it on several occasions during the show because allegedly it was such a difficult thing to do. the slomo clip takes away the "wow" effect somehow.


I thought the title said a needle through a piece of grass. The whole start of video I was looking for the grass, "where is that blade of grass?" I was thinking. "Well, certainly I will see it when he hits it" I thought. Of course, I just couldn't make it out because it's a tiny piece of grass and this will be frickin' amazing when he hits it with a needle!

Suddenly, there was a hole in the screen, "What the..??" is my thought. Wait... waitaminute.. then I look to see the title said GLASS not grass! "well," my first thought is, "Well, that isn't very impressive at all, a piece of glass is huge, how could he miss a piece of glass?? What is the big deal here?" I was indignant, "why, I could hit a piece of glass with a needle!!" I boasted! then it occurred to me, "wait, I could hit it but I couldn't make it go through the glass." And then all was revealed.

tl;dr I'm an idiot.


My first question is, how fast does a needle massing x grams need to be moving to go through a piece of glass y millimeters thick? Considering that tornado winds can put a piece of straw several inches into a tree, I'd have to say probably not much faster than a good fastball (~150-160 kph). I think the trickiest part is probably the timing of the spin, to get it to hit when perfectly perpendicular. Otherwise it would simply deflect.


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