Reporter demonstrates a slide for the news

I don't want to spoil it, but her reaction is...interesting

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, January 12th, 2012 10:38am PST - promote requested by original submitter residue.


I'll upvote for the honesty. I get a little creeped out by the extreme sweetness and almost infantalization of women in some Asian cultures. To hear her be real is rather a treat.


Saw this a few days ago on Google+. (At least two days before it was posted here >_>) I'll say here what I said there: She's quite obviously faking.

Come on, guys. Can't you tell when a woman is faking it from her scream?


This slide is at the Grand Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan. (though the reporter is not Taiwanese)

some more pictures here.

The slide was actually built to be a secret escape route for the president and/or other VIPs in the event of an emergency.


*dead -- "'美女記者的悲慘遭遇 (字幕版) Reporter sc...'
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by 客家電視台 Hakka TV..."

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