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I'm sure this is exactly what it looks like... a spoiled girl who thinks she's talented doing a music video because her parents can pay the bill.

edit: And then they got the least self-respecting rapper around town who wouldn't charge too much for this gig.


And this is what she sounds like after she's auto-tuned. Also has an oddly punchable face, though I would never condone that sort of thing.


"Yesterday was Thursday... today is Friday..."

Rebecca Black's Friday makes the Black Eyed Peas' I Got A Feeling feel like The Who's Tommy.


...and I'm Utterly Disgusted that below all this, the Sift ACTUALLY calls Roberta Flack's Killing Me Softly With His Song a related video... *vomit


>> ^Payback:

>> ^Deano:
Oh boy, this one made me laugh. Still they are surprisingly well done, though not quite there.

YouTube Suggests this if you liked Britt Rutler...

All day I've been dozing on and off trying to forget about my rather excruciating toothache. Checked out the newly revamped radiohead.com site, started listening to some dubstep suggestions from his Thomness.

And yet oddly I kind of prefer this sappy, anodyne by-the-numbers pop crap. I can either laugh at it or think, you know these guys (Ark Music) are brilliant opportunists or are offering some excoriating comment on popular culture.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, March 13th, 2011 2:18pm PDT - promote requested by Fusionaut.


The Ark website launch video is AWESOME!! Imagine these same talentless rich kids singing without the post and without the autotune!! It's truly epic.

Also the announcer... he says stuff like "this girl has more talent than I have in my little toe". The band looks like high school garage band.

they put the Factory in Music Factory.


When I establish my Empire/Reich/United States, noone under the age of 18 is allowed to write, produce, record or buy music. Result: no Biebers, no Rebecca Blacks, no Britney Spearses, no Boybands, no 'Talent' Show bands/'singers.'


I actually like it... it is meaningless, completely pointless and quite "sing-alongy"... I mean it's not hard to learn the lyrics and hum and whistle along, the beat is quite friendly.... Maybe I'm brain damaged... or maybe I just miss the good old days in school...


Remember the documentary "Before the Music Dies"? If you don't, you need to watch it. But I couldn't watch this without thinking about the model that they autotuned and made a music video with. I wish I could say that people are wising up to this ish, but the group these labels are attacking are so susceptible to this crap.


>> ^BoneRemake:

You cannot.
hope that answers your sincere question.

Damnit! Thank the gods for my smartphone, I've been trolling the mall for 8 hrs now. I wrote a sweet song I was gonna perform:


1 pm, wakin up in the shelter;
gotta get out before someone steals my cart
eatin cereal that I found in the garbage;
now that's pretty much the top of my day. tickin on and on everyone's drinkin!
gotta get down to the bus stop
gotta beg for money

I see my friends!
kickin in the alley *yeah!*
kickin on the cardboard *yeah!*
gotta make my mind up, who will share some booze?

it's thursday, or friday;
maybe wednesday or sunday....
not really sure but for me it's a -
weekend, weekend.

tuesday, monday;
can't recall the other day
everybody's lookin forward to the
soup line, soup line.

loiterin', loiterin' *cops*!
loiterin', loiterin' *run*!


lookin forward to this box wine.


My invisible pet dog "extreme Earl" wrote that last part. He'll rap in the final cut.


I lasted about 1.5min before the pain made me involuntarily twitch my hand to stop it. I feel bad for this girl if she's somehow convinced herself this was worth putting out into the world and want even more to beat the ones who told her it was a good idea into senselessness.


>> ^ant:

hiphop made it worse. Haha!

hiphop is a culture. not simply any "urban" vocalist singing a breakdown.

That bit of the song is to hip hop :: As fortune cookies are to authentic Chinese cuisine.


After listening to this song and thinking about it overnight, I'm pretty sure it bears more than a passing resemblance to Justin Beiber.

Without doing too much analysis, it is in the same key and has nearly the same note structure in the refrain as Beiber's "Baby". In addition, the key is the same as Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and the refrain is very similar.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'rebecca black, friday, friday, frriiiiiidddaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy' to 'rebecca black, friday, friday, fun fun fun, which seat do i take, partying yeah' - edited by Issykitty

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