Penn Jillete on raising an atheist family

It can be tough, especially with young kids, because people understand atheism so poorly.

For those who do not enjoy using the pause button (or are slow readers like me ), the question that was proposed was: "As an atheist, how do you raise a family in a society that seems to condemn atheism?"


My father was catholic, my mother was Church of England (I believe it’s called Anglican now). I was taken to Sunday school as a child and then invited to religious teachings in 3rd / 4th grade, in which I took part.
There was one week that we learned about Noah’s ark, and of marsupials (animals indigenous to south-east Asia, more so to AU – NZ). I raised the question about whether he had to pickup / come back and deliver these animals after the floods. I was suspended from school from this exchange (one of several exchanges). Afterwards, I was put in the non-Christian/Catholic/Anglican group ... which had to be put in the school library during this weekly religious teaching (about 40 minutes).

I couldn’t be more thankful of being punted to the library today. The wealth of knowledge I gained was extraordinary and I do thank religion for bringing me there. It also made me read the bible cover to cover and made me the atheist I am today.

I do also wish my fellow atheist brothers and sisters thanks, for thier constant display and thirst for knowledge.




@ZappaDanMan - I had a fairly similar upbringing and set of experiences. My family is Methodist, which is about as liberal as protestants get; and both of my parents are big travel buffs and quite open to different points of view.

However, I think that they both have had highly positive associations with their experiences within the church, and they wanted that for me as well. So I got the full on Bible school, summer church camp, etc. etc. treatment. I think that at around age 10-12 I was questioning the dogma quite a bit (at least internally, I didn't bring up my questions at that point) and by 13-14 I was already thinking of myself as an atheist.

I think when I was 15 my folks wanted me to be in the church "confirmation class". I told them up front that I didn't want to do it but they told me to take the class and then I could make a decision for myself at the end. Now I am actually rather glad that I did, because it showed me the true face of many of the "faithful". I found the confidence to actually raise the questions and doubts that I had had for a long time, and I never got any answers I found satisfying.

To the church's credit, I was never kicked out of the class, and the "official" teachers like the pastors and group organizers didn't do anything to try to pressure or exclude me. But word got around to church members that I was asking these sorts of questions, and I got lots of cold shoulders at best and accusatory rants at worst from many of them.

When the year-long class had finished, I was the only one out of 20 or so students that refused to be "sworn in" as it were as a church member. My parents relented then and let me stop going to church, possibly because it became obvious that the good experiences that they had in the church weren't applying to me, and possibly because some of the bad feelings towards me were transferring onto them.

Anyway, I'm glad I got out, glad I had that experience, and glad that there wasn't any real fallout with my family as a result.


@ZappaDanMan @MilkmanDan

Dad's Mormon and Mom's Southern Baptist--talk about a screwy mix. When I was in Sunday School (raised as a Mormon) the teacher told us the story of the loaves and fishes. I got it! People said they had no food so a very good man gave everything he had to them all--his unselfishness and generosity inspired them all to give up the food they were holding out for themselves--and all were fed. What a beautiful and inspiring story--then the teacher screwed it all up by saying that a "miracle" occurred and more food magically appeared. Makes for a much worse story. Instead of giving of himself just magically making food seems so trite (not to mention he could always just give everyone all the food they need. Poof! No more starvation).

I got a bible and read it cover to cover, twice. I wanted to know what it said--not memorize chapter and verse. All myths and verbal history of a primitive people (I was 11 years old).

Anyway, I just wanted to put in my two cents. Later.


My mother is an atheist, but she found that if she celebrated religious holidays (ones that have been raped by corporate greed anyway) nobody would question her. That and she's not an open atheist. She doesn't feel the need to come out about it, but that doesn't change the fact that she does not believe in a god, or the fact that she married a Catholic.


My parents forced me to go to church until I was 18, luckily it was a really liberal Lutheran church. I remember playing Cannibal Corpse for my peers when we were in 6th grade at some christian camp, that was fun. Although, our camp counselor who was an older punk rocker saw my MRR and got an unhealthy little boy crush on me that was pretty frightening.

I remember scaring a lot of kids, smoking lots of cigarettes and smoking lots of pot and then sitting up on the balcony in the back of the Church so all of us kids could just talk and be stoned while ignoring the sermon. Good times! What I would rather have been doing was waking up late Sunday and playing Quake - but nah, instead we were just getting stoned whilst being bored & tired. Oh! but there were doughnuts at the end....


Ahh, and there is some interpretation to this, but it's not that atheists deny the existence of a god or other supreme intelligence, we just don't have any proof. We are essentially ignorant and we are quite comfortable with that fact.

Certainly there is a distrust of any concept of "god" that smacks of self projection.

Yet it is more and more appealing to see the process of evolution as the god-stuff itself, once recognizing that the process of evolution is potentially infinite.


My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


I received revelation myself a few years ago. God told me that the end times were near and that I could rape and kill non-believers because they would be dead soon anyway and I would be free of sin. I too have empathy for those who don't see his glory, but they do see me... right before the end...

>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


Somehow this sounds as believable as your epic fling in the videogame industry. Soooo... convenient. If it is true though, I truly pity your parents, they must feel they failed miserably.

>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.

respectfully, I would challenge the notion that you, or any of us, are able to even remotely conceive of god.


>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.

Funny, I have the exact opposite story -- and I have empathy for you.


So, um, what were these lies that have been told to you all your life? That the earth is round and over 4 billion years old? That the sun is the center of the solar system? That there is undeniable evidence that suggests that man evolved from primates?

Now that you have found god and are visiting the church regularly (and likely investing a good amount of your accumulated agnostic secular materialistic wealth into the collection plate) you believe that those people are telling you the truth? Instead of providing evidence that supports their claims you are told to believe based upon faith? The church is asking you for your time, your money, your obedience, all in exchange for some supposed heavenly glory that you will never be certain that you will receive.

Tell me, what has the scientific community ever asked of you in return for the knowledge that they are offering?

Look around you, every modern convenience that you currently enjoy was made possible by science and engineering. Science drives our species forward, religion fights to hold us back while struggling to stay relevant.

Believe what you want, just keep it to your self. I don't need what you are selling.

>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


Fixed that for you.

>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathya totally unearned and almost comically disproportionate condescension for people who can't see it.


My parents respect my choices, even if they don't necessarily agree with my beliefs. They're not anti-theist, as you are. As far the suggestion that I am lying, that would be convenient for your stereotyping, but I am telling the truth about it. I also did work for the video game industry, albiet I wasn't a designer, but my credentials would impress.

>> ^hpqp:
Somehow this sounds as believable as your epic fling in the videogame industry. Soooo... convenient. If it is true though, I truly pity your parents, they must feel they failed miserably.
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


I agree with you on this point, fundementally. Left to ourselves, none of us could ever conceive of who or what God is. The only way we could know anything about God is if He told us. I believe that He did tell us, through His inspired word and by the work of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only way to know God, the way the truth and the life.

>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.

respectfully, I would challenge the notion that you, or any of us, are able to even remotely conceive of god.


>> ^shinyblurry:

I agree with you on this point, fundementally. Left to ourselves, none of us could ever conceive of who or what God is. The only way we could know anything about God is if He told us. I believe that He did tell us, through His inspired word and by the work of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only way to know God, the way the truth and the life.
>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.

respectfully, I would challenge the notion that you, or any of us, are able to even remotely conceive of god.

So, you are satisfied that primitive man has adequately constructed the proper conception of god? Nailed it on that try, eh?


You probably have no idea but the scientific method was created by Christians who believed that matter behaved rationally because God created an orderly universe. The same goes for the idea of natural law. Some of the very greatest scientists who ever lived were Christians, and not lapsed Christians either, but pursued science as part of their Christian world view, with their love for Gods amazing creation.

Christianity has never been opposed to science, and neither am I. When I grew up I wanted to be an astronomer, and I had the math skills, I would probably be one today. I think the study of the Universe is extremely fascinating and wonderful. I just don't happen to agree with all the conclusions of modern science. Specifically the age of the Universe and its theories about origins.

As far as my church is concerned, there is no pressure to tithe. People give because they want to, not because anyone pressured them to do it. My church uses the money it gets to build wells for people who don't have access to clean water. The only time I ever hear money mentioned is when we're trying to raise some for a charitable cause. There are definitely some churches which are run around the tithe, but you won't find the Spirit of God there. We get together because we love God, and we study the bible and sing hymms. It's a fellowship. I'm not sure where you get your ideas from, but your salvation doesn't come from going to church. The church is a place where Christians gather together to worship God..going to church doesn't make you Christian, and pastors don't decide if you go to Heaven. A pastor is the same as anyone else in that regard.

In short you present a false dichotomy that doesn't exist in my world. I am an avid user of technology, and the beneficial use of science, but I oppose the conclusions of the secular worldview that is driving some aspects of it. If you don't think there is an agenda please watch the documentry "Expelled".

As far as my beliefs, I am not selling anything. I don't want your money. I am quite plainly just trying to save your life, because I honestly care about you as a human being. I cannot remain silent about the gospel in any case, because it is the good news and I am commanded by God to preach it.

>> ^Deadrisenmortal:
So, um, what were these lies that have been told to you all your life? That the earth is round and over 4 billion years old? That the sun is the center of the solar system? That there is undeniable evidence that suggests that man evolved from primates?
Now that you have found god and are visiting the church regularly (and likely investing a good amount of your accumulated agnostic secular materialistic wealth into the collection plate) you believe that those people are telling you the truth? Instead of providing evidence that supports their claims you are told to believe based upon faith? The church is asking you for your time, your money, your obedience, all in exchange for some supposed heavenly glory that you will never be certain that you will receive.
Tell me, what has the scientific community ever asked of you in return for the knowledge that they are offering?
Look around you, every modern convenience that you currently enjoy was made possible by science and engineering. Science drives our species forward, religion fights to hold us back while struggling to stay relevant.
Believe what you want, just keep it to your self. I don't need what you are selling.
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


I think your idea of people in former times being primitive is a gross mischaracterization, and I also believe God is quite capable of delivering and preserving His message in any generation. He would be a pretty poor God if He couldn't.

>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I agree with you on this point, fundementally. Left to ourselves, none of us could ever conceive of who or what God is. The only way we could know anything about God is if He told us. I believe that He did tell us, through His inspired word and by the work of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only way to know God, the way the truth and the life.
>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.

respectfully, I would challenge the notion that you, or any of us, are able to even remotely conceive of god.

So, you are satisfied that primitive man has adequately constructed the proper conception of god? Nailed it on that try, eh?


>> ^shinyblurry:

You probably have no idea but the scientific method was created by Christians who believed that matter behaved rationally because God created an orderly universe.

The scientific method was not "created", nor did its origins stem from any particular group. It was was a gradual refinement of repeating observation and experimentation, and it involved Christians, Muslims, and others that predate both religions (it's worth noting the development was during times when people would often be tortured and killed for daring to doubt the existence of a creator).

Most people like to be reasonably sure what is real versus what someone made up and others believed anyway. That's why we test ideas and observations... to know whether a particular belief or possibility holds any real basis in reality.

People used to claim all kinds of magical events that only happened to others. Heck, they still do. We have the scientific method because people got tired of it and wanted to know what was reproducable.


Well, some ideas may have been floating around, but Christians are the ones who put them into practice. Read about Robert Grosseteste and the christians after him who refined his ideas.. The scientific revolution took place is medievil europe, and the people responsible were all devout Christians.

Also, please dont pigeonhole Christians with superstitious pagan religions who cried in horror every time lightning struck..this is the entire point that it is the presumption of Christianity that God created an orderly universe with natural laws that could be observed and verified.

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^shinyblurry:
You probably have no idea but the scientific method was created by Christians who believed that matter behaved rationally because God created an orderly universe.

The scientific method was not "created", nor did its origins stem from any particular group. It was was a gradual refinement of repeating observation and experimentation, and it involved Christians, Muslims, and others that predate both religions (it's worth noting the development was during times when people would often be tortured and killed for daring to doubt the existence of a creator).
Most people like to be reasonably sure what is real versus what someone made up and others believed anyway. That's why we test ideas and observations... to know whether a particular belief or possibility holds any real basis in reality.
People used to claim all kinds of magical events that only happened to others. Heck, they still do. We have the scientific method because people got tired of it and wanted to know what was reproducable.


Another masterpiece of provacation. Brava! Brava!>> ^shinyblurry:

My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


The God I know is loving..He takes care of me and even the little things in my life. He is powerful..He controls everything that is going on. He is merciful..He forgives me when I screw up, which is often. He is just, righteous, true and pure. He is good..He does no evil. He is awesome..He created this beautiful Universe and all the intricate things in it. He changed my life..transformed my character..and leads me through every trial. He is wise..His ways lead to life. He is my Lord and my King. He is worthy of all honor and praise. He is the universal Savior, the one who takes away the sin of the world. He is eternal, he is omnipresent, He is Almighty God.

>> ^criticalthud:
please explain your conception of god.
(via this primitive technology)


@criticalthud - shinyblurry has gone into this topic quite specifically on another thread:

I'm paraphrasing, but after a series of direct explicit communications delivered personally from god he became religious. Furthermore he believes that personal revelation *is* proof of god's existence - so there's pretty much no point in arguing about it anymore.

Save everyone a lot of time and see here for the all his quotes and full (to a point!) personal history on the matter:

p.s. hey shinyblurry - was starting to think you'd given up on us!


I am certain your credentials are most impressive - you have an IQ of 149 after all (which makes creationism trump evolution, of course) - so why not answer my question? It's not like you'd be the only person with game industry history on the Sift. Are you afraid one of your ex-colleagues remembers you? ...or doesn't? Don't be shy, shiny!

>> ^shinyblurry:

My parents respect my choices, even if they don't necessarily agree with my beliefs. They're not anti-theist, as you are. As far the suggestion that I am lying, that would be convenient for your stereotyping, but I am telling the truth about it. I also did work for the video game industry, albiet I wasn't a designer, but my credentials would impress.
>> ^hpqp:
Somehow this sounds as believable as your epic fling in the videogame industry. Soooo... convenient. If it is true though, I truly pity your parents, they must feel they failed miserably.
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


>> ^shinyblurry:

The God I know is loving..He takes care of me and even the little things in my life. He is powerful..He controls everything that is going on. He is merciful..He forgives me when I screw up, which is often. He is just, righteous, true and pure. He is good..He does no evil. He is awesome..He created this beautiful Universe and all the intricate things in it. He changed my life..transformed my character..and leads me through every trial. He is wise..His ways lead to life. He is my Lord and my King. He is worthy of all honor and praise. He is the universal Savior, the one who takes away the sin of the world. He is eternal, he is omnipresent, He is Almighty God.
>> ^criticalthud:
please explain your conception of god.
(via this primitive technology)

Ok, so to sum,

God to you is:
a "He"
has a son
is controlling, merciful, forgiving, awesome!, wise, worthy, eternal, omnipresent, paying attention to you.

one more question:
against a backdrop of countless different notions and characterizations of God through all manner of religions, cults and individual views, including yours, and the overall stupidity, pettiness, and self-serving nature of man, what would you say is more probable?:

a. God created us in his image
b. We created god in ours


So let me get this straight...

"God I know is loving..He takes care of me and even the little things in my life. He is powerful..He controls everything that is going on." & "He is just, righteous, true and pure. He is good..He does no evil."


"He forgives me when I screw up, which is often."

If your god takes care of you right down to the little things why does he allow you to screw up? If he is so good and pure and powerful then why does he allow so many people who believe in him to suffer and die? Do you think that the tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes in the US only kill non-believers? "Well, god works in mysterious ways" ... feh. There is nothing mysterious about a tornado ripping through a trailer park in tornado alley. (Other than why the hell those idiots keep building trailer parks in tornado alley.)

There are so many holes in your swiss cheese of a fairy story that you are constantly defending your viewpoint. You talk about your effort to try and "save the souls of the non-believers" but in fact I think that this effort you put forward is your attempt to re-affirm your personal beliefs.
>> ^shinyblurry:

The God I know is loving..He takes care of me and even the little things in my life. He is powerful..He controls everything that is going on. He is merciful..He forgives me when I screw up, which is often. He is just, righteous, true and pure. He is good..He does no evil. He is awesome..He created this beautiful Universe and all the intricate things in it. He changed my life..transformed my character..and leads me through every trial. He is wise..His ways lead to life. He is my Lord and my King. He is worthy of all honor and praise. He is the universal Savior, the one who takes away the sin of the world. He is eternal, he is omnipresent, He is Almighty God.
>> ^criticalthud:
please explain your conception of god.
(via this primitive technology)


The question of "why does He allow me to screw up" is the same as "why does He give us free will?"? I think that is because robots would be undesirable.

Why do good people die and suffer? It doesn't say anywhere that God guarantees a pain free life. It actually specifically says that believers can expect to encounter all kinds of trials and tribulations.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."

"Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also."

"If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father."

"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin."

"They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me."

"He who hates me hates my Father as well."


God is a spirit so He doesn't have a gender, persay..but He identifies Himself as a Father..and thus Jesus as His Son was born as a man.

The great evil that human beings have done speaks exactly to the problem of sin. Humans are capable of great acts of compassion and self-sacrifice as well. It's really a false choice you offer here, because the presence of evil is not an argument against God. It can actually be an argument for God, because if there is evil there is also good, and if there were no God how would anything be good or evil?

>> ^criticalthud:
>> ^shinyblurry:
The God I know is loving..He takes care of me and even the little things in my life. He is powerful..He controls everything that is going on. He is merciful..He forgives me when I screw up, which is often. He is just, righteous, true and pure. He is good..He does no evil. He is awesome..He created this beautiful Universe and all the intricate things in it. He changed my life..transformed my character..and leads me through every trial. He is wise..His ways lead to life. He is my Lord and my King. He is worthy of all honor and praise. He is the universal Savior, the one who takes away the sin of the world. He is eternal, he is omnipresent, He is Almighty God.
>> ^criticalthud:
please explain your conception of god.
(via this primitive technology)

Ok, so to sum,
God to you is:
a "He"
has a son
is controlling, merciful, forgiving, awesome!, wise, worthy, eternal, omnipresent, paying attention to you.
one more question:
against a backdrop of countless different notions and characterizations of God through all manner of religions, cults and individual views, including yours, and the overall stupidity, pettiness, and self-serving nature of man, what would you say is more probable?:
a. God created us in his image
b. We created god in ours


I have no interest in answering the personal questions of someone who strives to mock me at every turn.

>> ^hpqp:
I am certain your credentials are most impressive - you have an IQ of 149 after all (which makes creationism trump evolution, of course) - so why not answer my question? It's not like you'd be the only person with game industry history on the Sift. Are you afraid one of your ex-colleagues remembers you? ...or doesn't? Don't be shy, shiny!
>> ^shinyblurry:
My parents respect my choices, even if they don't necessarily agree with my beliefs. They're not anti-theist, as you are. As far the suggestion that I am lying, that would be convenient for your stereotyping, but I am telling the truth about it. I also did work for the video game industry, albiet I wasn't a designer, but my credentials would impress.
>> ^hpqp:
Somehow this sounds as believable as your epic fling in the videogame industry. Soooo... convenient. If it is true though, I truly pity your parents, they must feel they failed miserably.
>> ^shinyblurry:
My Dad is an atheist and my mom an agnostistic/near-theist..I was raised with no religion. Was an agnostic secular materialist by default. I received revelation of Gods existence a few years back. Although I am sad I was lied to all my life and believed the lies, I marvel at the fake world we live in, and am amazed more people don't see right through it..but then remember I used to be one of those people. Although I was never so arrogant as to rule out Gods existence, I have empathy for people who can't see it.


It's not always you I mock, mostly your ridiculous beliefs. In any case, suit yourself.

>> ^shinyblurry:

I have no interest in answering the personal questions of someone who strives to mock me at every turn.



ok, you've avoided the question. I do admire your spunk tho.

if you follow the logical conclusion of the question, you will find that your conception of god that you have been worshiping is really a projection of the self.

the arrogance of an atheist who says that there is absolutely no god is equaled by the arrogance of religious folk who claim they "know" god.
And the truth is that we don't know shit about shit. let alone "know" god.

there might be some god stuff out there...we're barely touching into the collective intelligence of this planet. but to stick a human name and face on it and endow it with your own values is jerking off at its finest. It is a self-centered activity, and it's is crippling to non-self centered activity.
and thinking that some old mythology book has all the answers is a cop out, plain and simple.
good luck!


Again, I understand from your perspective that it seems we can know nothing about God. However, it is not unreasonable to think that if there is a God, He is perfectly capable of revealing Himself to us. In fact, a Deist type God who doesn't get involved I would say is immoral.

Now you seem to think that, as per the popular argument, that the Christian God is simply a reflection of man. I can tell you that in answer to that, God did reveal Himself as a man in the person of Jesus Christ. Really, it comes down to the facts about Christianity. Was Jesus who He said He was? Is He risen? If He did and He is still alive, then everything He said was true. Although I have personal revelation, I think the evidence is very convincing. We could discuss that if you like.

>> ^criticalthud:
ok, you've avoided the question. I do admire your spunk tho.
if you follow the logical conclusion of the question, you will find that your conception of god that you have been worshiping is really a projection of the self.
the arrogance of an atheist who says that there is absolutely no god is equaled by the arrogance of religious folk who claim they "know" god.
And the truth is that we don't know shit about shit. let alone "know" god.
there might be some god stuff out there...we're barely touching into the collective intelligence of this planet. but to stick a human name and face on it and endow it with your own values is jerking off at its finest. It is a self-centered activity, and it's is crippling to non-self centered activity.
and thinking that some old mythology book has all the answers is a cop out, plain and simple.
good luck!


so did god and jesus also reveal themselves to the chipmunks, the beavers, the ostriches, the gnats, the millions of species all over this planet?
did god appear to the fish in fish form? or to the lemurs in lemur form?
or are humans just so special? are we just SO wonderful that a supreme being would construct a planet for us to enjoy?

you do of course realize just how incredibly self-serving that sounds?

dude, i have no doubt you mean well, but seriously man, chill. thinking you have all the answers is arrogant, not humble. a lot of people have had some seriously spiritual experiences, including myself. but i'll be damned if i'm going to be stupid and arrogant enough to slap a name and face on it and proclaim my ascension.

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