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Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito

Either Obama doesn't know (or doesn't care) that the POTUS does not bow to foreign royalty. Ever.

Either way: Presidential fail.

So, it's a fail, because he was showing respect to a foreign dignitary?

I'm not too up to par on my Asian cultural tidbits, but I'm pretty sure any Korean national bowed to him as well, it's just that when you use photos, you only get the one moment without the context of the rest of it =P


Some people just fail to understand that there is a difference between the Asian custom of bowing in greeting and the European custom of bowing as a sign of obeisance. The President does not bow to Akihito because the Emperor is higher ranking, he bows because it is customary to bow when you meet a Japanese person.


How did I know you'd post this crap? Now why don't you post a video of the actual conference between the two leaders? Let me know if Obama ceded control of our government and way of life to the Japanese. Thanks.


I know that qm is just a well-fed troll, but I can't help but chime in. I find it fitting that he used the "clueless" tag, especially when saying that a U.S. president doesn't bow to foreign royalty "ever."

A quick Google search shows President Richard Nixon bowing before Emperor Hirohito. If you don't quote your manufactured neocon talking points correctly, you run the risk of looking silly and hypocritical, and nobody wants that.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Upvote for the discussion.

I'm upset not by the depth, but at how crappily he executed the bow - with the sculiotiic spine and tandem handshake. I expected him to be schooled a bit better on a proper Japanese bow before the meeting.


Downvote for misrepresenting my royal house. I'm a staunch defender of our royalty, and this (perhaps unintentional) depiction of the king as being less-than-respectful couldn't be further from the truth.

Do you know how many time they meet and shake hands in front of the camera like that? Well I can tell you it's enough times to warrant an initial bow, followed only by subsequent handshakes. You can definately find a picture where the emperor and my king bow to eachother, garantueed! Also, some of these heads of state have spent everything from a few years to several decades in events together. As I understand it, bowing is oftentimes more of a formal greeting for people introducing themselves to each other. Is that wrong?

As we've so clearly seen in this slideshow, if your agenda is to paint someone up as being more humble than the rest and at the same time try to equate that trait as something negative, then there's more than enough of a selection of pictures to choose from.


This really isn't news worthy; obammy has already demostrated that he's a diplomatic moron. What, no iPod for Akihito?

There are more relevant reasons to slam this Banker boy:

1) No immediate plans to leave Iraq. What happened to the nine month plan?
2) Additional deployments to Afghanastan; more dead Americans fighting the elite's wars.
3) Filling his admnistration with the same thugs that have consistently corrupted and looted America.
4) Other than banker bailouts, he hasn't done SHIT for the economy.
5) No changes in banking regulations that led to the last economic meltdown.
6) Other than creating a few thousnad jobs in his native state, he hasn't done SHIT in creating jobs.

As a matter of fact, other than touring the planet, he hasn't done a fucking thing.

The only CHANGE he's interested in is the change in your pocket.


>> ^Rotty:
This really isn't news worthy; obammy has already demostrated that he's a diplomatic moron. What, no iPod for Akihito?
There are more relevant reasons to slam this Banker boy:
1) No immediate plans to leave Iraq. What happened to the nine month plan?
2) Additional deployments to Afghanastan; more dead Americans fighting the elite's wars.
3) Filling his admnistration with the same thugs that have consistently corrupted and looted America.
4) Other than banker bailouts, he hasn't done SHIT for the economy.
5) No changes in banking regulations that led to the last economic meltdown.
6) Other than creating a few thousnad jobs in his native state, he hasn't done SHIT in creating jobs.
As a matter of fact, other than touring the planet, he hasn't done a fucking thing.
The only CHANGE he's interested in is the change in your pocket.

Your racism is showing, fuckwit.


>> ^dag:
Upvote for the discussion.
I'm upset not by the depth, but at how crappily he executed the bow - with the sculiotiic spine and tandem handshake. I expected him to be schooled a bit better on a proper Japanese bow before the meeting.

I agree. Straighten your damn back and don't show the back of your head! I've shown the back of my head exactly once and it was because I'd messed up pretty good before hand.

Still, to be fair, as a Westerner you can't help but be aware that you suck at bowing no matter how many times you've done it. But I believe the important point is that you're at least trying to show good etiquette. All this outrage over bowing is so obviously fabricated for ignorant people that anyone criticisizing him for this should be embarrassed that they're so easily manipulated.


I forgot you statist jeenyusses don't care a whit for the Constitution (except when distorting its meaning to justify your insolvent welfare state).

Some numbnuts' excuse was, 'Nixon bowed to Hirohito'. Sadly, that's the closet to a cogent argument the moonbat brigade has. The proto-socialists preceding this generation of compliant serfs like to endlessly bring up Nixon as a bad president, which he was, so using him as a justification for Odumbo's folly doesn't help the cause.

Forget for a moment that your humble messiah is once again diving for Air Force One (operating cost to taxpayers: 50K an hour) in an effort to escape having to call the Fort Hood massacre what it is, a terrorist attack. Too many people were looking back and forth between the faithful muslim murderer and callous, disinterested Obama and saw little difference, so he cut and ran (big surprise). There's plenty of other reasons for Obama to run: high unemployment, the socialized medicine scheme and now the latest atrocity, terrorist vermin who should have been executed years ago getting civilian trials in New York.

The video, while tedious, proves it is not necessary for ANY foreigner to bow to the Emperor and certainly not the POTUS. Sixty million American lives were sacrificed to stop the fascist Japanese war machine. We owe them NOTHING. Maybe the Emperor would like to visit the USS Arizona Memorial. I'm sure the Annointed One would bow like a serf there too, just as he'd likely bow to the Saudi King at Ground Zero.

2010 can't get here fast enough.


>> ^quantumushroom:
Sixty million American lives were sacrificed to stop the fascist Japanese war machine.

Wow, are you sure about that? You mean to tell me, a little less than half the United States died during World War II? Jeepers!

As usual, fail troll is fail.


>> ^KnivesOut:
Your racism is showing, fuckwit.

Ohhhh...did the term "Banker boy" upset you? I forget that the leftist pigs here get to make and break the rules regarding what can be said and foolish of me to forget you have a "code word" book to use against those who differ from you. Ok, let's change it to "BankerMan" and give him a yellow cape and glasses. Would that make you feel better and address the issues, douchebag? I think not.


>> ^Rotty:
This really isn't news worthy; obammy has already demostrated that he's a diplomatic moron. What, no iPod for Akihito?
There are more relevant reasons to slam this Banker boy:
1) No immediate plans to leave Iraq. What happened to the nine month plan?
2) Additional deployments to Afghanastan; more dead Americans fighting the elite's wars.
3) Filling his admnistration with the same thugs that have consistently corrupted and looted America.
4) Other than banker bailouts, he hasn't done SHIT for the economy.
5) No changes in banking regulations that led to the last economic meltdown.
6) Other than creating a few thousnad jobs in his native state, he hasn't done SHIT in creating jobs.
As a matter of fact, other than touring the planet, he hasn't done a fucking thing.
The only CHANGE he's interested in is the change in your pocket.

If you cut out the diplomacy slam and all the childish name calling, I would have to agree with much of this fellow's post.

The bank bailout is a moot point because anyone in office would have bailed them out. Maybe not Ron Paul, but certainly McCain! After all, Bush bailed out Bear Sterns in Feb 2007 and McCain did whatever Bush did so...there you go.

I voted for Obama because he said he'd...

1) end the war,
2) go after those that committed war crimes (admittedly, Biden said this not Obama, but still)
3) not have any lobbyist on his cabinet (for the post of Deputy Secretary of Defense he nominated William J. Lynn III, the top lobbyist for Raytheon, one of the biggest companies in the military-industrial complex)
4) follow the rule of law. Meanwhile, the suspension of habeas corpus is still in effect for many "enemy combatants" and warrantless wiretaps at the NSA are still going like the energizer bunny.

He has done some good things. He at least tried to introduce a public healthcare option (it's unfortunately DOA on the Senate floor), he reversed some environmental policies, and, well, he's not Bush. But that's not really enough for me.

Downvote this comment if you like but everything I've pointed out is the truth.


liberalsift definition of troll: "anyone who disagrees with me or King Obama"

400,000+ American lives were sacrificed to stop the fascist Japanese war machine.

Sorry. Righteous rage when dealing with verminous liberal ignorance occasionally causes me to slip up on facts but it happens...

Oh, sorry again. A fact is a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true.

The libtard short-bus never stops at Facts or Logic on its way to Dogma. The shock of actual dissent as opposed to the manufactured rebellion of hollywood and screamo bands can be traumatic, as liberal bullshit doesn't normally get challenged on TV or in government schools. I suggest you keep rolling on to Olbermann City and don't look back.


>> ^quantumushroom:
2010 can't get here fast enough.

Keep wishing on that star, sunshine!

No ACORN thugs to fudge the records this time around. And so many unemployed they'll have nothing to do BUT vote, SUCKA!

Bring it on, burros!


>> ^shuac:
Downvote this comment if you like but everything I've pointed out is the truth.

No down vote here, but you are not gaining favor with the socialist elites here. You see, thay are as blind as they claim the right to be. During the bush years, they were always on the economy, the war and posting pointless right-winged videos just for content. Now that obammy is in charge, there is no war or economic issues; just health care and glenn beck videos.

Where I live the unemployment rate is > 10%, which means THREE neighbors on my street are unemployed. And trust me, they are not sitting around watching glenn beck or that loser on his global romp. No more mention of the war or unemployment on this site, just corporate greed, health care and glenn beck. While I agree with corporate greed, I'm waiting for these minions to fess up to the fact that they were used. But, that's not going to happen; thay have drank the kool-aid and are zombies. Since obammy is willing to let the wars continue (because that's what he's told to do), we'll never be able to afford health care or anything else. Let me "dumb it down" for the lefties: you got a better chance of getting health care with a job than getting a job with health care in a bad economy.


I thought an internet troll was just someone who spewed something, hoping to invoke a reaction out of someone, not caring if it made sense or not.

You have demonstrated that you don't think before you speak, which is obvious in your other postings. Things have changed in the sixty years since the end of the war. You're also allies with Germany, and Bush gave her a comforting back massage. By your logic, back massaging a leader of a former axis country ought to be ten times worse than just a bow. Or how about when Bush referred to the people of Pakistan as: "Pakis?" Or how about when he held hands with the king of Saudia Arabia?

The libtard short-bus never stops at Facts or Logic on its way to Dogma.

Mmm, the irony is delicious here, apparently you don't either =D

You assume that I like everything Obama does. I don't like his current health care plan, also he still hasn't got rid of "don't ask don't tell" yet.

He is doing a lot better than the guy he replaced though.

Troll is still a troll, he's at least getting a better response this time.


Doesn't this whole video basically show that while Obama was respectful to the emperor, everyone else wasn't? Shit, there's nothing wrong with a little extra courtesy.

*quality for the lols


i never comment on the sift but i had to register and chime in on this one !! look at how cute the emperor and his wife are !! can i have one ?

not trying to be racist they are just really cute little old people


I upvote because Obama did the correct thing, in my opinion. I'm an East Asian Studies major, I bow and shake hands when I meet people in Japan. It's called being polite. This is exactly Obama's style, being less formal and openly friendly.

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