Car Jumps 150 Foot Ramp!!!


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Monday 24th April 2006 (promotion called by gold star member dotdude)


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Tuesday 17th October 2006 (promotion called by gold star member gwaan)


i saw this a few years ago, it stays with you for life. after, it's hard to watch anything that's calm without being suspicious of what's to come.
i sometimes fast forward to the end of clips or dont concentrate fully first time, just so i dont throw my mind off kilter


I have to admit, I promoted this video after I saw that opinion seems to be divided for or against it more than for any other video I have seen on the Sift.

24 upvotes, 25 downvotes - what is it about this video that divides opinion so much??????


*save (please become an undead zombie video... That would be fitting!)

I think the first time this makes the rounds on the intertubes, it is novel. When someone revives it months later, people are hateful and angry for being taken in the first place. You probably didn't forget about this video it you ever saw the first 10 seconds some point in the future,


Awesome.. keep voting folks until this is one for the record books. (Where the heck does this video sit? Back sorted by original date? ... hmm... I have a *promote burning a hole in my pants. LOL.. it's in the queue and can't be promoted.. even though the date did get reset to 0 days from formerly 335 days..


Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Sunday 25th March 2007 (save called by gold star member joedirt)


Saving this video from the discard pile and sending it back to the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 9:56am PDT - save requested by Fjnbk.


I removed my older brother's contact from ICQ when he first sent me that video years ago, he still makes fun of how I "overreacted".

To be fair, it was the last straw, he sent me a lot of retarded video links before that. I guess we were born with different senses of humor.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'car, jump, awesome, stunts, stunt driving, flawless landing' to 'Screamer, car, jump, awesome, stunts, stunt driving, flawless landing' - edited by gwiz665

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