radx i have recently found myself having to defend my position for listening to chris hedges.a pulitzer prize winning,former war correspondent for twenty years and author of numerous illuminating books criticizing power,institutionalized inequality,the failure of the liberal class and the fascism of the christian right.
not one person actually addressed what hedges was i do not know if they agreed,or disagreed with what hedges was laying down.i was being forced to defend my reasoning to listen to hedges who just happened to be on RT:russia today.
that somehow,because RT is a propaganda arm for russian politics that hedges MUST be a russian propagandist,or at least legitimizing RT by his mere presence,and therefore his analysis should be disregarded on that point alone.
i found this troubling,and reached out to a fellow sifter to ask if maybe i was missing something.was MY bias clouding my judgement? i am,after all,human and just as prone to confirmation bias as the next person.
because i was really having trouble digesting the whole "throw the baby out with the bath water" mentality,and this coming from people i respected and hence my self-reflection.
this fellow sifter reminded me (thanks @
radx) that some people simply cannot allow information that contradicts their internal narrative.
because uncomfortable truths can be uncomfortable.
so here on the sift ridiculing FOX is childs play,because it does not conflict with that internal narrative,in fact it solidifies that narrative,but what if we began to really examine our own biases,and internal narratives?
and what if a media personality we all adore,reveals her own biases?
to the point of absurdity?
what if the disease of partisan politics become so odious that it begins to break down the foundations of our own prejudices?
what if democrats are forced to finally admit that they promoted a shit candidate?
that there is NO evidence of russian hacking to promote trump?
what if democrats were finally forced to admit that their party is JUST as broken,dysfunctional and corrupt as the republicans?
i hold many liberal and progressive ideas,i am an anarchist for fuck sakes...cannot get more "lefty" than me.
but i am allergic to partisan bullshit.
and the apopalectic reaction to trump by the left and the consequent belief in russian hacking for the promotion of trump as president,based on the most facile and tacit of information...reveals a stunning and dangerous defiance to facts and truth.
all to hold onto a bullshit narrative that the democrats did not fail the american people on an epic scale.because to do that means to take responsibility.
lets just blame russia and it's merry band of "useful idiots",based on un-sourced and anonymous players from the deep state.
yeah..lets do that.
what could go wrong right?
newtboyI'm not at all sure if you're referring to me in your description.
I thought I explained well why a respected reporter working for a propaganda site is both making themselves suspect and lending veracity to the propaganda machine, and that you mostly agreed.
I also mentioned Maddow specifically as being willing to fudge the news for her bias....BUT it bears mention that here she did NOT say what the narrator said she said, she said "we are about to find out if Russia MAYBE has something on our president." That's arguing that, if Trump does what Russia wants, it MIGHT be because they blackmailed him into it...or might not. If he goes against Russia on something serious like securing our allies borders from an expansionist Russia that indicates they MIGHT not be blackmailing him. This guy totally exaggerated and misstated her statement to feign outrage, he's a complete bombastic liar....sorry @enoch. That's not to say she doesn't also exaggerate and omit.
As to the troops on the border, that's what Russia did, and claimed it was just defensive until after they took Crimea and part of Ukraine proper.
As to the treaty with Russia, we also have a treaty with the Ukraine (and so did Russia) that, in return for their nuclear disarmament, we would guarantee their borders and come to their aid militarily if anyone attacked them....and we completely failed to stand up when Russia invaded TWICE. Of course now our allies want our troops ON the border, if American troops aren't killed, we don't care if Russia invades them, and they want us to keep our word, so we need our troops in harm's way to force us to live up to our responsibilities since we've horrendously failed to do so incredibly recently and now look even less likely to oppose Russian expansion.
you were not the only one who put me on the defensive for supporting chis hedges.
so if you feel singled out,i apologize.
the point of this post is put into light an adored spokesperson for the left,and a commentator who is also left leaning (and many of his upvoted videos can be found on the sift) to make a point.
and by your comment,you are struggling to reconcile the two.
but you DID reconcile,and you did so by giving maddow a tacit pass and condemning kyle for being a "complete bombastic liar".
when the truth is:
they both are...kinda..sorta..
they both are approaching,and making their points by using biased and slanted data to influence you,and i for that matter,into adopting their viewpoint.
these are not outright and pernicious lies.they are lies that serve a purpose and i find maddows far more egregious,because it is far more subtle..and you appear to have bought it.
she did so by using the innocuous word "might",yet her inferrence cannot be mistaken.they call it the "dog whistle".this is a wink and a nod that those dirty ruskies own our new president.
wink wink...nudge nudge..know what i mean?
now kyle is not exactly lying either.
he is using russias reaction to the new deployment from putin himself.who has stated that there was an agreement that there would be no new encroachment after the GDR,but that simply reveals the cleverness and political saavy of putin.
the real truth is this:
or is it?
from 2009?
maybe this is the truth?
from 2016.
well,personally i am going with the LAtimes and der spiegel.
brookings is a right wing think tank with deep tentacles in the pentagon and DoD.
but CNN reports that poland LOVES the new troops:
while i will agree that putin is a vicious thug,who murders political opponents and tortures dissidents.that he is ruthless and relentless political player.
i do not see any evidence of russian hacking influencing our elections,nor do i see a new russian empire pushing for those cold war expansionism days.
the only entity/country i see pushing for expansion and a renewal of the cold us..the pentagon and the department of defense,and those juicy juicy defense contracts!
i feel my time on the sift is coming to a close.
having to defend my admiration for a pulitzer prize winning,war correspondent and author is just...weird.
at least i know i am biased,but i do my best to self-correct.
newtboyNo prob, I was just wondering.
Oh...I'm sorry you took it that way. I gave her a pass on this story alone, and only on the specific detail that she didn't say what the commentator claimed she did, but she did IMPLY what he said, and to those that don't listen closely, that's likely what they heard. I did not "buy it", I do hear what she came close to saying, and I call her out for being completely biased in her assessments and implications about what this means. You are correct, however, that while I APEAR to give her a pass for qualifying, I would likely not give those on the right the same....but that's only an appearance. Her IMPLICATION that this would "prove" they have something on Trump is just biased, conjecture, and wrong, and is a reason I don't watch her, even though I agree mostly with her takes on things.....mostly.
Kyle was lying when he reported what she said....and that's what I took issue with. I also took issue with his take on the issue that Russia militarizing it's borders isn't something to guard against...history proves him wrong.
The 'proof' of Russian involvement in the hacking is classified, you won't get to see it. That's an issue with Trump decrying the intelligence community (who didn't really get Iraq wrong, btw, they were clear in their uncertainty in their reports, but the administration erased any hint of uncertainty and claimed the redacted reports were fact publicly.)...but as a whole, I still have some trust in them...perhaps it's misplaced but I have a hard time believing so many intelligence organizations came to the same specific conclusions based on pure bias.
Um...Russia expanded into 2 countries recently, and are eyeing the other Slavic states. To me, that's a renewal of a hot war if we ever react like we're obligated to by treaty, until we do, it's a renewal of the cold war (and a violation of numerous treaties, including that the pentagon is probably quite happy about, granted.
Again, don't feel you have to defend your viewpoint from me, or your admiration for a reporter....but allow me to have my own viewpoint, and to state and explain it if I choose. I am also quite biased, but not to the point of exclusion of fact.
EDIT: As to the troop placement in the Eastern NATO countries, I would like to see minutes of the 1990 summit where this agreement/guarantee was either made or not, not just reports of what Putin says today VS what Gorbachev says today...I want to see what was ACTUALLY said in the meeting, and more important, what was SIGNED by the parties. That the Russians haven't produced a signed treaty guaranteeing NATO wouldn't deploy farther in the East EVER is a pretty good indicator to me that it was not agreed on, so claims about what may have been SAID during negotiations are moot and have no bearing at all on what was agreed on. It's possible there was that agreement, if they just point us to it, I'll be on their side on this topic (unless it included a clause like "unless Russia begins expansion back into it's now independent satellites")
Fairbssays...I don't even know where to start with how wrong his logic is. Russia is the agressor in Crimea; Russia has hacked our elections. Does the logic carry that if the molester in chief pulls those troops back then he's in the back pocket of Russia? Not really, but it does look questionable. And the inquiry into the connections is another piece.
Yelly is putting a lot of words in her mouth too. She's not saying send more troops or even particularly taking a stance on. She's reporting that this is happening.
greatgooglymooglysays...I think Maddow's argument "We're about to find out if the new President of our country is going to do what Russia wants once he's commander in chief" is utterly moronic. Implying that withdrawing a few thousands troops will mean he's Russia's puppet is intellectually dishonest. No mention of other actions he could take like reversing sanctions or undoing Obama's punishment of specific Russians after that latest reports that would show that. Or other possible justifications he would have for withdrawing the troops. No, just a black and white yes/no based on one action.
It calls to mind the endless repetition of Republican talking points on fox news. They don't expect their viewer to think at all just absorb a few basic scraps of info and come to a firm conclusion that they can easily repeat like a mantra and block all opposing views because they are so sure they are right.
while i agree that russia is the aggressor in regards to crimea,can you provide evidence that our election was hacked by russia?
was there actually cyberspying going on?
probably,all major nation states play that game,and all deny participating.(looking at you china).
because i see a LOT of accusations,and declarations of russian hacking,but i don't see any i remain skeptical of the russian hacking meme,and am even MORE skeptical that the hacking was intentionally to give trump an edge.
and you are right,maddow simply reported the troop deployment in poland.she reported that this deployment was rushed,and before schedule,,,
and then she did something very curious.
she posits the question,and implies that it will answer a previous question..that she does not actually STATE..but "after all the worry.we are actually about to find out..if...maybe..russia has something on the new president"?
this is the old "i am not saying your sister is a whore..i am just saying your sister is a whore".
she never directly speaks of russian hacks.
she never directly accuses putin of influencing our election.
she just puts it out there,that if trump withdraws troops,then maybe..possibly..he is sucking putins cock.
i'm juuuust saying.
with all due respect...
your sisters a whore.
look man,i adore maddow and i love her analysis,but can we have a moment of honesty here?
she is fairly biased,and is particular on the stories she will cover,and during the run up to the election and even during..she has engaged in some serious apologetics in regards to hillary clinton.
as for the host from secular talk.
this is just his opinion.maybe he did take some liberties,and made some assumptions but i agree with him on calling maddow out for her dog whistle tactics.
lately the democrats have been beating this drum like indians on meth,and when i see so many tv pundits all beating the same tune,without providing tangible bullshit alarm starts to go off.
vilNo one knows what the clown is going to do on Monday. He will most certainly drop the sanctions at some point and let Putin keep Crimea. Ukraine is likely to stalemate long-term. If they can make a "good deal" he will hand Putin "eastern europe" on a plate. Never mind that he buys his brides there. RT just provides the philosophical sauce. These are whole countries full of human beings that are on the line, not some semantic details.
Rachel is a Hillary fan? What else is new?
The troops in Poland are purely symbolic. Troops are not necessary at this point. Commitment is important, but the clown is committed only to making himself look good.
What would be the point of getting Russian troops out of Eastern Europe if they could come back at will? How can you argue against NATO at the very time when Russia thinks it can take over any part of Europe that is not protected by NATO?
In any case you only want to publish stolen e-mails if there is something criminal in them. If not you are the criminal for stealing them.
If Hedges works for RT then he is a russian propagandist by definition. That does not mean that some of what he says cant be true.
vilI would downvote this video just to shut up this guy. What shortsighted stupidity.
That guy from Kansas who is on a field trip to Estonia is there to demonstrate NATO commitment. No "massive numbers", no "offensive threat to Putin".
This guy speaks of the "border" with russia like its some desert wasteland where NATO and russian troops can move in and out at will. These are civilised countries with hundreds of millions of people living in them, currently in a defensive partnership with the USofA. I wonder what the "good deal" will be that the clown gets to sell out.
Poland doesnt even border the main part of Russia, only the Kaliningrad exclave.
Also dont forget that all these other countries also contribute troops to NATO. The only thing that the clown has right is that they should be contributing more.
mrsmitersays...I know I've been just kind of a wallflower on this website for years, but I just want to take a moment to tell y'all that I appreciate the long form generally civil conversations you guys have on here about topics which tend to garner incredibly uncivil discussion.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Thanks for that.
I know I've been just kind of a wallflower on this website for years, but I just want to take a moment to tell y'all that I appreciate the long form generally civil conversations you guys have on here about topics which tend to garner incredibly uncivil discussion.
bareboards2This is the only place I can stand to hang around. Great smart people saying great smart things. Occasional things that make one cringe, but it never takes over. It isn't allowed to take over.
Thanks again @dag,
I know I've been just kind of a wallflower on this website for years, but I just want to take a moment to tell y'all that I appreciate the long form generally civil conversations you guys have on here about topics which tend to garner incredibly uncivil discussion.
bareboards2I think part of the problem here is semantics Definitions.
What does "hacking our election" mean?
It is widely acknowledged that there is no evidence that the Russians accessed our voting machines to change votes. If your definition of "hacking" is interference with computers and their outputs, then yes, there is no hacking by Russians.
But if you are a person who isn't careful with original meanings of words, and use words in a new way to speak in short cuts -- then you will use the word "hack" to mean mess with. Change. A life "hack" for example. And there is plenty of proof that there was a concerted effort on the part of the Russians to plant false stories, fake news, to try and influence the election. That Americans were doing it too, for either political purposes or just to make some sweet easy advertising money, doesn't change the fact that there was this specific effort.
As for "confirmation bias" -- yeah. You got some, enoch. Every time anyone sets up an argument in such black and white terms, that is evidence of confirmation bias.
The world is gray, and messy, and not black and white. To try to make it so is deepening a manufactured divide.
And both sides do it. And have done it for a long time.
Because sound bites work. Slogans work.
Fight back against black and white thinking.
00Scud00says...My only problem with this statement is that by calling Hedges a Russian propagandist you are implying that Hedges is working with or for Putin in the service of Russia.
While anything I possible I suppose I find it more likely that RT is using Hedges and Hedges is using RT. I believe that Hedges genuinely wants a better United States, while RT is just happy to sow chaos, and at this point chaos is really unavoidable anyhow.
If Hedges works for RT then he is a russian propagandist by definition. That does not mean that some of what he says cant be true.
radxIs there a signed treaty? No. But the US SoS (James A. Baker III) and the German Foreign Minister (Hans-Dietrich Genscher) are on the record in 1990
Genscher is on video tape stating very clearly: "Wir waren uns einig, dass nicht die Absicht besteht das NATO-Verteidigungsgebiet auszudehnen nach Osten. Das gilt übrigens nicht nur im Bezug auf die DDR, die wir da nicht einverlaiben wollen, sondern das gilt ganz generell."
In English: we are in agreement that there is no intention of expanding the NATO security zone eastwards. This applies not only to the GDR, which we do not intend to incorporate, but in general."
Or how about Baker's words, Feb. 9, 1990, St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin:
"If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the East."
And the minutes show Gorbachev as having said:
"Certainly any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."
To which Baker replied:
"I agree."
Again, no treaties, nothing. But some people, myself included, make the argument that unequivocal statements of a nation's highest-ranking diplomat are to be taken seriously, unless overruled by explicit, written agreements.
And from what we've heard from Gorbachev over the years, he took them for their words.
Admittedly, having been replaced by Yelzin who received massive "help" from the US might have made Gorbachev a little grumpy.
What remains at the end is this: NATO was created as a defensive alliance against the Soviets and wasn't dissolved when the Soviet Union collapsed. The highest-ranking diplomats of the primary players at that time (US, FRG) are on the record with promises that NATO wouldn't expand eastwards after the German reunification. Now NATO is closer to Russia's border than ever and the Ukraine had a democratically elected government (they were thugs, but elected) overthrown by forces that had massive support from the US. As a result, fascist militias wearing SS insignia are roaming free in Novorossiya, with government support.
If I were Russia, I'd be pissed.
But I'm in Germany, so now I have a strongman in charge of Russia, a thug who has journalists and opposition in general killed, on the one side, and the Americans who installed a Nazi-sympathising regime in Ukraine on the other.
What's not to like about it.
So when the US establishment then goes on a full-blown bender to position Russia as a scapegoat for now having to live with President Trump, they are playing with fire just to distract from their fucked-up domestic policies.
And we're not even touching on the hypocrisy of the US being outraged when some foreign nation meddles in their internal affairs. Of course Russia tries to influence US politics in their favor. Guess what, so does the UK, France, Germany, NZ, China, Japan, even bloody Luxembourg for all I know. Just like the US exerts influence on German politics (ie German Marshall Fund, Atlantikbrücke, etc), and on politics of every other nation of significance.
EDIT: As to the troop placement in the Eastern NATO countries, I would like to see minutes of the 1990 summit where this agreement/guarantee was either made or not, not just reports of what Putin says today VS what Gorbachev says today...I want to see what was ACTUALLY said in the meeting, and more important, what was SIGNED by the parties. That the Russians haven't produced a signed treaty guaranteeing NATO wouldn't deploy farther in the East EVER is a pretty good indicator to me that it was not agreed on, so claims about what may have been SAID during negotiations are moot and have no bearing at all on what was agreed on. It's possible there was that agreement, if they just point us to it, I'll be on their side on this topic (unless it included a clause like "unless Russia begins expansion back into it's now independent satellites")
vilWhich shows that Baker and Genscher had no idea of the margin of their victory in the cold war. The word of two men on NATO not wanting to expand is one thing, whole countries actively seeking partnership in NATO to protect them from future russian threat is another.
newtboyNo INTENTION to expand, not a guarantee, just a statement of their alleged intentions at that time (90).
Are the words of diplomats to hold no weight, no, but they certainly aren't the same as a treaty either. The nation, and NATO, are not beholding to a statement by one diplomat not included in the final draft of the treaty being discussed, certainly not for 26 years without addressing it.
If NATO's expansion to the east was such an issue, it should have been taken up in 97 when those nations were added to NATO, not now 20 years later because NATO actually seems ready to defend them.
I do think Russia's involvement had a part in electing Trump, but they are FAR from the only player in that tragedy. The only one's to blame are the American me.
Yes, it is amazingly hypocritical and self unaware for Americans to complain that another country tried to meddle in our election. We have installed our choices in so many other countries by meddling in theirs, it's insane that we would really mention it. I must admit, I had not looked at it that way, but you're correct. We hardly have a leg to stand on in that argument.
Is there a signed treaty? No. But the US SoS (James A. Baker III) and the German Foreign Minister (Hans-Dietrich Genscher) are on the record in 1990
Genscher is on video tape stating very clearly: "Wir waren uns einig, dass nicht die Absicht besteht das NATO-Verteidigungsgebiet auszudehnen nach Osten. Das gilt übrigens nicht nur im Bezug auf die DDR, die wir da nicht einverlaiben wollen, sondern das gilt ganz generell."
In English: we are in agreement that there is no intention of expanding the NATO security zone eastwards. This applies not only to the GDR, which we do not intend to incorporate, but in general."
Or how about Baker's words, Feb. 9, 1990, St. Catherine's Hall at the Kremlin:
"If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the East."
And the minutes show Gorbachev as having said:
"Certainly any extension of the zone of NATO is unacceptable."
To which Baker replied:
"I agree."
Again, no treaties, nothing. But some people, myself included, make the argument that unequivocal statements of a nation's highest-ranking diplomat are to be taken seriously, unless overruled by explicit, written agreements.
And from what we've heard from Gorbachev over the years, he took them for their words.
Admittedly, having been replaced by Yelzin who received massive "help" from the US might have made Gorbachev a little grumpy.
What remains at the end is this: NATO was created as a defensive alliance against the Soviets and wasn't dissolved when the Soviet Union collapsed. The highest-ranking diplomats of the primary players at that time (US, FRG) are on the record with promises that NATO wouldn't expand eastwards after the German reunification. Now NATO is closer to Russia's border than ever and the Ukraine had a democratically elected government (they were thugs, but elected) overthrown by forces that had massive support from the US. As a result, fascist militias wearing SS insignia are roaming free in Novorossiya, with government support.
If I were Russia, I'd be pissed.
But I'm in Germany, so now I have a strongman in charge of Russia, a thug who has journalists and opposition in general killed, on the one side, and the Americans who installed a Nazi-sympathising regime in Ukraine on the other.
What's not to like about it.
So when the US establishment then goes on a full-blown bender to position Russia as a scapegoat for now having to live with President Trump, they are playing with fire just to distract from their fucked-up domestic policies.
And we're not even touching on the hypocrisy of the US being outraged when some foreign nation meddles in their internal affairs. Of course Russia tries to influence US politics in their favor. Guess what, so does the UK, France, Germany, NZ, China, Japan, even bloody Luxembourg for all I know. Just like the US exerts influence on German politics (ie German Marshall Fund, Atlantikbrücke, etc), and on politics of every other nation of significance.
radxEvery expansion of NATO has been a hot topic over here, from the moment the reunified Germany joined NATO. We've attacked Russia twice last century alone and to betray them again in this fashion never sat well with quite a lot of folks, especially the old politicians who supported Willy Brand's "Entspannungspolitik" -- that's this guy.
To further illustrate my own stance on this, let me paraphrase Genscher and others: there can be no stability/security in Europe without Russia, and especially not against Russia.
If NATO's expansion to the east was such an issue, it should have been taken up in 97 when those nations were added to NATO, not now 20 years later because NATO actually seems ready to defend them.
newtboyI can understand, it's not a simple issue, but this expansion happened 18-20 (invited in 97, members in 99) years ago. I simply can't grasp anyone being upset that NATO troops are in a long term NATO country.
If Putin/Russia hadn't been massing troops on it's borders, and then moving them into neighboring countries it now claims as part of Russia, the other bordering countries would not be asking for this safeguard, but to imply that NATO troops in Poland are somehow an attack on Russia is laughable. NATO troops would never invade Russia, that would certainly be WW3. As it stands, I feel like NATO probably wouldn't respond if it's troops were overrun by a Russian invasion of a member country, we (the US and others) certainly didn't help Crimea or Ukraine, even though we have a binding treaty requiring us to come to their defense, one paid for by giving up their nuclear arsenal.
Sadly, it's looking like there can be no stability/security in Europe with Russia either.
Every expansion of NATO has been a hot topic over here, from the moment the reunified Germany joined NATO. We've attacked Russia twice last century alone and to betray them again in this fashion never sat well with quite a lot of folks, especially the old politicians who supported Willy Brand's "Entspannungspolitik" -- that's this guy.
To further illustrate my own stance on this, let me paraphrase Genscher and others: there can be no stability/security in Europe without Russia, and especially not against Russia.
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