You are being shagged by a rare Parrot - Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry and zoologist Mark Carwardine are on a journey to find the last remaining kakapo, a fat, flightless parrot which, when threatened with attack, adopts a strategy of standing very still indeed. That bird's got some style. Unfortunately the way they beat their lovers round the face during copulation just may have something to do with their approaching extinction.


Sirocco had an uncertain start to life, suffering a respiratory illness at three weeks old whilst being raised by his mother Zephyr. The treatment he required meant that he had to be hand-raised, and he was the first male kakapo for this to happen. Unfortunately he had to be raised in the absence of other kakapo, and as a result became imprinted on humans. Older age doesn’t seem to have increased his interest in other kakapo yet; he doesn’t associate with them at all, and instead he booms in the presence of humans.

As a result, staff have realised he is unlikely to be an effective breeding bird, but instead an extremely good advocate for his species; and can provide the best opportunities for people to meet a live kakapo.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Thursday, October 1st, 2009 9:12pm PDT - promote requested by newtboy.

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