World's Best Hurdler in the World!

Youtube Description: "中國真是臥虎藏龍之地!在著通高校比賽裡亦發掘出超卓選手!下一個奧運會,中國奪金應­再破記錄!"

Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, six losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Breakfast could be good for me. No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am lightning.


bravo, my friend...bravo>> ^probie:
Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, six losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Breakfast could be good for me. No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am lightning.


This is one of the funniest things i've seen in ages.. When he gets to the third hurdle and thinks "i'm running through", he puffs out his chest as a barrier and tilts his head back, i absolutely lose my shit. Then he starts fucking winning until he gets a hurdle wrapped around his neck and falls, then switches lanes and tries to jump the FINAL hurdle.

And then, if that's not enough humiliation, in the last half a second of the video, he fucking trips over the ridge.

I can't stop laughing.


>> ^direpickle:

lol, I love that joke.

It says something like:
China is truely a country full of unnoticed talents! The 著通 University games brought out the best in an aspiring sportsman! In the next Olympic Games, China fight for gold - break another record!


>> ^direpickle:

lol, I love that joke.

It says something like:
China is truely a country full of unnoticed talents! The 著通 University games brought out the best in an aspiring sportsman! In the next Olympic Games, China fight for gold - break another record!


I'm *returning this, because video posts shouldn't be * discussed unless the video itself is problematic. I put up a Sift Talk post so the issue would be addressed, with links back to this video. That should suffice.


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