World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong


Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, December 8th, 2013 2:33pm PST - promote requested by original submitter eric3579.


What the fuck? SInce when is there a 'rule' that people get to do their dumb cosplay wherever they want and the rest of us have to respect that? If this was a professional movie shoot they would have gotten permission to block the road off and they would have done so. Instead they decided to wing it and hope there wouldn't be any traffic. Sorry, they gambled and will have to do a reshoot; there's nothing (in this video) that says the guy on the bike did anything wrong.


There's also nothing in the video saying he did anything wrong.


What the fuck? SInce when is there a 'rule' that people get to do their dumb cosplay wherever they want and the rest of us have to respect that? If this was a professional movie shoot they would have gotten permission to block the road off and they would have done so. Instead they decided to wing it and hope there wouldn't be any traffic. Sorry, they gambled and will have to do a reshoot; there's nothing (in this video) that says the guy on the bike did anything wrong.


And typical non-cyclist response. Nothing new to see here either.

All I see is a bunch of assholes who honk at me, try to hit me on purpose (one intentionally ran me over), and hundreds of people a day with absolutely no respect for someone else's life. And all that happened while in the bike lane. Oh, the guy who ran me over? He hit me because I WAS obeying traffic laws. Both the person behind him and the officer both concurred.

So yeah, nothing new to see here, right?


Typical biker not obeying any rules

Nothing new to see here


Being in the industry, I can't tell you how many times low budget productions try to wing it. We've shot "period" pieces where we are constantly contending with that. Especially when a brand new fancy looking car drives past while shooting a 1980's short. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Nissan Leaf wasn't around yet . . . .


What the fuck? SInce when is there a 'rule' that people get to do their dumb cosplay wherever they want and the rest of us have to respect that? If this was a professional movie shoot they would have gotten permission to block the road off and they would have done so. Instead they decided to wing it and hope there wouldn't be any traffic. Sorry, they gambled and will have to do a reshoot; there's nothing (in this video) that says the guy on the bike did anything wrong.


I have mixed feelings regarding cycling enthusiasts. The ones who see the world as a polluted shit-hole because of cars, who dress in biking-gear and ride to work everyday and don't own a car, the SAME people who obsessively recycle their garbage and preach about it to others (as if the world would be a better place if everyone "recycled").

It's THESE insects, OCD, tweakers that I can't stand, self-absorbed, self-righteous gimps on two skinny wheels.

Add to that description the DICKHEADS that preach cycling-over-automobiles who intentionally stick their ass in the center of the road while conducting traffic and talking smack to drivers sharing the road with Professor Suicide??

THOSE motherfuckers, can moisturize my ballsack.

I had an old roommate who died in San Francisco during a Critical Mass ride, the poor fucker got creamed by a truck driver who was ALSO a dickhead, of the opposite persuasion.

I certainly believe that anyone who chooses a bicycle as their only means of transportation who do so in a large cities where the majority of people commute to work from rural areas in cars everyday, have a fucking death wish.
San Fran, NYC, Chicago, Philly?? No problem. Any city where cyclists are not very prevalent on the roadways, yer an idiot plain and simple.


And typical non-cyclist response. Nothing new to see here either.

All I see is a bunch of assholes who honk at me, try to hit me on purpose (one intentionally ran me over), and hundreds of people a day with absolutely no respect for someone else's life. And all that happened while in the bike lane. Oh, the guy who ran me over? He hit me because I WAS obeying traffic laws. Both the person behind him and the officer both concurred.

So yeah, nothing new to see here, right?


Then again, they also said those few black kids going to all white schools were idiots too . . . Or those few Indians who stood against British rule . . . Or perhaps those few women who protested and marched until they had the right to vote?

See, the problem with that statement is that many cyclists are actually out there to change the world for what they perceive is a better way of life. Not to mention, they have tons of research on the subject to back up their claims (unlike the situations I cited, which btw, I am well aware are on a totally different level of human abuse).

The issue is of course is you have some die hard cyclists who aren't there to make a statement, but because they're counter-culture. They're hipsters. They're going to run stop signs because "fuck authority" etc. Then again, I've been hit 6 times in my car. Care to guess how many of those were because someone didn't obey a traffic law? That's why we have those rules to begin, to prevent "accidents" from occurring.

As a cyclist-commuter, and as someone who drives thousands of miles as work requires, I say if a cyclist blows through a stop sign and you hit them, their own damned fault.

Many of us, including myself, have petitioned to create a Yield on Stop Under 30 rule. In essence, we have way to many stop signs in this country. This goes for cars as well. And you know you've done it at some point: you come to a stop sign in some part of a housing project and you "California Roll" through it. Or a "Brooklyn Stop." Whatever you want to call it.

But I do know some cyclists who blatantly disobey rules as a fuck you. But as a cyclist who stops at red lights, who stops at stops signs, who checks behind me to see if I can make it easier for a car to pass me, the whole "fuck cyclists" thing tells me exactly what I see on the streets everyday: we don't need cars. Cars create assholes. Cars insulate you from the world around you and the people around you become anonymous boxes of steel that you don't care about. It's a me me me me society.

To that matter, the cycling community here in Orlando is pretty big given our population and disgusting sprawl patterns. The majority of us you'll never notice because we're doing things right. Some of us, you will notice because we are doing things right. When we make a left turn, we get in your way. So would any other vehicle. Are we going too slow? Suck it up. I can't tell you how many times some asshole comes within inches of me trying to speed past me . . . on a 25 MPH road while I'm doing a good 18. We almost always end up at the same stop sign or red light.

So yeah, as you said, the extreme ones are stupid. It goes both ways, as you said. But FYI, the world would be a better place if everyone rode a bike. Just saying.


I have mixed feelings regarding cycling enthusiasts. The ones who see the world as a polluted shit-hole because of cars, who dress in biking-gear and ride to work everyday and don't own a car, the SAME people who obsessively recycle their garbage and preach about it to others (as if the world would be a better place if everyone "recycled").

It's THESE insects, OCD, tweakers that I can't stand, self-absorbed, self-righteous gimps on two skinny wheels.

Add to that description the DICKHEADS that preach cycling-over-automobiles who intentionally stick their ass in the center of the road while conducting traffic and talking smack to drivers sharing the road with Professor Suicide??

THOSE motherfuckers, can moisturize my ballsack.

I had an old roommate who died in San Francisco during a Critical Mass ride, the poor fucker got creamed by a truck driver who was ALSO a dickhead, of the opposite persuasion.

I certainly believe that anyone who chooses a bicycle as their only means of transportation who do so in a large cities where the majority of people commute to work from rural areas in cars everyday, have a fucking death wish.
San Fran, NYC, Chicago, Philly?? No problem. Any city where cyclists are not very prevalent on the roadways, yer an idiot plain and simple.


Wow are you seriously comparing cyclists right to share the road to

Black and White integration in schools
Indians being pillaged of their land
Women not being allowed to vote

The only "shatteredrose" you probably have is in your ass because you are really butt hurt about this entire situation.

Oh next time remember to include the holocaust in your comparison list too. I mean because cyclists are constantly forced into interment lanes where they can't be free.

See I'm even helping you.


Then again, they also said those few black kids going to all white schools were idiots too . . . Or those few Indians who stood against British rule . . . Or perhaps those few women who protested and marched until they had the right to vote?


You mean typical ROAD biker.

My experience has been that mountain bikers (who generally view being on the road as a necessary evil to get to a trail) are careful and courteous.

The lycra brigade, OTOH, all think they're in the fucking tour de france and feel the need to practice riding in a peloton. What especially annoys me is when there is a cycle lane and these idiots ride on the outside marker so that half their body is in traffic.


Typical biker not obeying any rules

Nothing new to see here


Actually, to practice road ride, you MUST ride in a group. There is a huge group etiquette and not to mention learning to pass, take over, draft, follow etc can only be learned by actually doing it.

Most road groups like that ride on long stretches away from town. It's not like it's the end of the world to pass them, safely mind you, by waiting a good 30 seconds.

But you're right, roadies are lame. Fat Tire for life!

BTW, should be noted that most cycling experts will attest that most cycle lanes are more dangerous than not having them. Between all the road debris and poor maintenance, it's sometimes the worst place for us to be.

Which means I should also point out, that cycle lanes does not mean we're required by ANY law to use them. They are basically a courtesy for slower solo riders. In Florida they tried passing a requirement law, and it hit a lot of walls due to liability issues. If a cyclist is in the bike lane and there's an obstacle, and they hit it and get hurt, the city/state is completely 100% liable for any injuries or deaths.


You mean typical ROAD biker.

My experience has been that mountain bikers (who generally view being on the road as a necessary evil to get to a trail) are careful and courteous.

The lycra brigade, OTOH, all think they're in the fucking tour de france and feel the need to practice riding in a peloton. What especially annoys me is when there is a cycle lane and these idiots ride on the outside marker so that half their body is in traffic.


*sigh* Learn to read, dumbass. And spell my handle correctly.


Wow are you seriously comparing cyclists right to share the road to

Black and White integration in schools
Indians being pillaged of their land
Women not being allowed to vote

The only "shatteredrose" you probably have is in your ass because you are really butt hurt about this entire situation.

Oh next time remember to include the holocaust in your comparison list too. I mean because cyclists are constantly forced into interment lanes where they can't be free.

See I'm even helping you.


Problem is, I often see then riding 2 or 3 abreast on city roads and narrow country roads. On city roads, it's merely annoying. On narrow country roads, it's downright stupid. If you're riding at (being generous) 50 kph and someone comes round a corner doing a perfectly safe and legal 90, you're in trouble.

As for cycle lanes, you're generally right. Unless there's some physical separation from the road, in which case they're great. And while you may be obliged to use the cycle lane, it really makes more sense than cycling in traffic.

I don't want to come off as anti-cyclist. I really believe that cycling is a much better way of transporting people in an urban environment, but people need to stop being so stupid about it. In NZ, you are legally required to wear a helmet, yet everyday I see idiots
a) without a helmet
b) with a helmet, but it's hanging on the handlebars (I guess they don't want to mess up their hair??)
and most stupidly
c) wearing a helmet, but not closing the strap... honestly, this is just retarded. You're wearing the damn helmet anyway, close the strap so it might actually be useful in a crash. It's like running around carrying a bullet proof vest


Actually, to practice road ride, you MUST ride in a group. There is a huge group etiquette and not to mention learning to pass, take over, draft, follow etc can only be learned by actually doing it.

Most road groups like that ride on long stretches away from town. It's not like it's the end of the world to pass them, safely mind you, by waiting a good 30 seconds.

But you're right, roadies are lame. Fat Tire for life!

BTW, should be noted that most cycling experts will attest that most cycle lanes are more dangerous than not having them. Between all the road debris and poor maintenance, it's sometimes the worst place for us to be.

Which means I should also point out, that cycle lanes does not mean we're required by ANY law to use them. They are basically a courtesy for slower solo riders. In Florida they tried passing a requirement law, and it hit a lot of walls due to liability issues. If a cyclist is in the bike lane and there's an obstacle, and they hit it and get hurt, the city/state is completely 100% liable for any injuries or deaths.


My observations as someone who drives pretty much all the time but has spent some time on a bike (all being in the San Francisco bay area in Calif.)
In general people who are incompetent asshole drivers (ones who don't obey the law and drive in a dangerous manner) also tend to be incompetent asshole cyclist. Assholes are assholes regardless of mode of transportation. I also think that when a driver sees a cyclist do something unsafe it makes an impression that they dont forget as conflicts are a rare occurrence (compared to conflict with other automobiles)and tends to stand out in ones mind. However I find that every time i drive across town or down to the local market I see multiple people (in cars) tailgating ,driving to fast, running lights, not using signals, generally being unsafe. Thing is we accept this as being pretty normal so it doesn't make as much of an impression. Just business as usual.
Being on a bike for me makes me hyper aware of my surroundings as I realize one mistake by an automobile can cost me dearly. When driving in my comfortable bubble of an automobile not so much.
Also in MY(exclusive to my personal experience) many years of being on this planet ive not once irl known a cyclist who condemn motorist for driving automobiles. Thinking they are somehow better for riding a bike(its always drivers who say that about cyclists). Most peeps i know that ride bikes do so because they love it and don't give two shits about what you do.

Just annoys me that people are so quick to point out some reckless cyclist when they have little or nothing to say about the epidemic that is horrible unsafe driving(at least in California) that we seem to accept.


He's saying that you're being smarmy for no reason because there's no dispute beyond what you've projected as "dumb cosplay". And then you replied with a pretentious denial of your own intelligence, declaring you have no idea what the problem is, which is just more smarminess to the contrary.

It's ok, I'm a smarmy asshole too. (Like right now.) So stop pretending to be an idealist when you're really just a bitter troll with something to prove. It's just embarrassing. Embrace your fear and suffering, and then join me and kill all of your friends.

But srsly, trust me and just be an asshole.


What? I actually don't know what you're getting at here...


But if I have my bullet proof vest them I'm safe! And how has that video not gotten more votes? It's friggin hilarious!

I agree with almost everything you said except one thing: the safest place for a cyclists is actually in the middle of the road just like any other car. I've done my fair bit of research on this topic (board member for the states bicycles association) and the stats are glaringly obvious. Cyclists who behave just like a car live the longest. The ones who ride on the sidewalk, ride opposing traffic, don't wear their helmets, no lights, don't signal, or try to cut through traffic get killed the quickest.

Also, there's the issue with bicycles being the last resort. There's those of us who drive a $40k car, but choose to ride a $300 bike down to the coffee shop or to grab a bite to eat. Then there's the idiots who lost their $2k clunker in a DUI and have been banned from driving for life. These ones are already dumbasses and they continue their dumbassness on a bike, giving cycling it's high fatality rate. Then there's the spandex warriors who simply get a bad rep because they ride in packs and drivers get so nervous when they're confronted with other people they freak out and complain. And then there's the hipster.

To your point about driving along a country road at a "safe" speed and then suddenly having to deal with a pack of cyclists, thus making it "unsafe." If you're going to fast to respond to a group of cyclist who can and do ride up to 50kph or 30mph, then what happens when a deer walks out? Or an alligator (yes, that happens here)? Or there's a car stalled? Obviously you weren't going at a safe speed. Point is, a pack of cyclist taking up the road for a hundred feet isn't going to cause anyone to miss saving the world or something. It's a matter of having patience.

And then, there's the matter of idiots. Like those wearing a helmet but not strapping it in . . . there's probably just no hope for them. EIA?

(Seeing as you appear to not be American, there's also the issue with American's already being hyper pumped up full of fear and hatred in general from too much media and taking it out on anyone who isn't like them. Dunno if that applies where you're from.)


Problem is, I often see then riding 2 or 3 abreast on city roads and narrow country roads. On city roads, it's merely annoying. On narrow country roads, it's downright stupid. If you're riding at (being generous) 50 kph and someone comes round a corner doing a perfectly safe and legal 90, you're in trouble.

As for cycle lanes, you're generally right. Unless there's some physical separation from the road, in which case they're great. And while you may be obliged to use the cycle lane, it really makes more sense than cycling in traffic.

I don't want to come off as anti-cyclist. I really believe that cycling is a much better way of transporting people in an urban environment, but people need to stop being so stupid about it. In NZ, you are legally required to wear a helmet, yet everyday I see idiots
a) without a helmet
b) with a helmet, but it's hanging on the handlebars (I guess they don't want to mess up their hair??)
and most stupidly
c) wearing a helmet, but not closing the strap... honestly, this is just retarded. You're wearing the damn helmet anyway, close the strap so it might actually be useful in a crash. It's like running around carrying a bullet proof vest


The cyclists I spoke so fondly of are a small segment of the cycling population and my consternation is borne of the occasional variant described, who treat their mode of transportation like their sexuality or alternative lifestyle-choice.

MOST folks who use bikes as their sole mode of transportation are common-sense courteous and 'invisible' to motorists, this is due primarily to a properly-functioning survival circuit in the grey matter area.

It's the passionate geeks trying to serve as a shining example of conservative, earth-friendly superiors pushing that envelope between sucking-air or taking a dirt-nap. My pal who got killed during a Critical Mass ride in S.F. was not one of these, he was simply in the wrong group at the wrong time.

Oh-when I ride a bike, I ride against the flow of traffic as I do when I walk down a street-WHY? Because I want to optimize my chances of survival against the ever-growing number of lame-brains who compulsively and obsessively, text while driving. Heck, most folks can't carry-on a phone conversation, blue-tooth or not without forgetting they are charged with a 3000 lb death machine.

Erics' right when he says you are hyper-aware while riding on two wheels, be it motorized or not. You have to be if you want to live.

Take a picture-My rant here contained NO expletives or curses, I found Jesus yesterday and he told me to and I quote, "For fuck's sake, fucking cut that shit the fuck out or else!"


It's got nothing to do with being a cyclist and everything to do with common courtesy...

Seriously, it's not hard to notice a bunch of period dressed people + cameras and volunteer to take 5 minutes out of your day to not be a cunt...

But hey, continue arguing about how cyclists are going to cause the next world war or some fucking bullshit, I stopped reading once the paragraphs got taller than my 1200 pix tall monitor..


Hahaha, that was funny... let's look at the comments... wait a minute is there a war going on?
All I saw was a guy riding a bike, he didn't get an erection when he saw the Nazi uniforms and he wasn't hugging a tree. So I guess he was just riding a bike. Maybe he saw the camera, maybe he didn't.


If they cut because of a 2 frame blur on a shot like that I'd kick their asses.
Also, as a cyclist to the haters: fuck you.
Squeezing between 2 rows of parked cars and 2+ of dangerous fat idiots texting and pissing out planet destroying poison is no fun.

You fuckers keep making it hard the million cyclists in your major city will all switch to cars - and then no-ones going anywhere.



Because while you may look silly wearing lycra and riding a bike; you would look absolutely RIDICULOUS wearing lycra and driving a car. Plus then you'd have to give up that sweet new rear view mirror you bought that mounts to your helmet.

That's why everyone rides bikes right? Lycra?


You fuckers keep making it hard the million cyclists in your major city will all switch to cars - and then no-ones going anywhere.


How is there not a dispute? Which comments section are you reading, while steadfastly ignoring this one?


He's saying that you're being smarmy for no reason because there's no dispute beyond what you've projected as "dumb cosplay". And then you replied with a pretentious denial of your own intelligence, declaring you have no idea what the problem is, which is just more smarminess to the contrary.

It's ok, I'm a smarmy asshole too. (Like right now.) So stop pretending to be an idealist when you're really just a bitter troll with something to prove. It's just embarrassing. Embrace your fear and suffering, and then join me and kill all of your friends.

But srsly, trust me and just be an asshole.


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