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siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Music) - requested by ant.
noimssays...Did anyone not check the shop? The basic model starts from $74,500.
With me, Spot can... put my home at risk if I do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it.
Mordhaussays...Thank you 2020. Now we have the first murder robots.
Digitalfiendsays......and so it begins...
dfawcett1337says...Great so we have a dancing set of sensors? It can walk and I would imagine bring you things and can sense things. How is this not just a very expensive dog? Wait, I could strap a go pro to my dog and voila!
jeffhexsays...creepy and cool at the same time.
BSRsays...More than just creepy.
creepy and cool at the same time.
lucky760says...seventy four thousand five hundred dollars
spot can't.
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