Why I Don't Have A Smartphone - Tales Of Mere Existence


Wow, I'm right there on almost every reason he gave there...but I can go one farther (being a luddite). When asked how/why I don't have a cell phone, I still quote my father from the late 80's when he said: (and this is no longer true, but still funny)...
"Cell phones are for those who are so un-important that they can't afford to miss a phone call."
I must admit I sometimes feel left out when I'm in a room full of people and I'm the only one not sealed off in my own little world glued to a tiny screen. It happens all too often.


That's all fine but you can use a smart phone in moderation. I suppose if he doesn't feel he has the self control, that's a perfectly good reason.

You also don't have to buy the latest and greatest model, you can buy a very cheap one? They're still very capable and if you leave it at the default install, you're really just looking at improving your interaction with your phone.

Don't get a data plan and well, you're truly going to just have a nicer to use phone. I think modern UIs are objectively better than those keypad based interfaces.

Of course, do as you please, it's just a bit weird to here "smart phones" put under one category like this, there's thousands and thousands of different models to suit different use cases. You don't need to limit yourself to "dumb phones" to put barriers on your usage.


i didnt get a smart phone until recently; my mom gave me her old one. I enjoy having the internet in my pocket..dont see much downside to that. Straight talk for 45 dollars a month is not too expensive either. I make it a policy not to use it when I am talking to other people and not to do too much social media on it. I also try not to get sucked into my own electronic world. I used to listen to music all the time..whenever I could get a spare minute I would have my headphones on and that isnt very healthy, psychologically. Now I may listen to sermons or some music but only to a limited extent. Also try not to take pictures or video of everything and just experience what is in front of me. I read something which said that people who chronicle everything on their cameras have more trouble remembering those things.


So basically, 19 reasons not to be a hipster douchebag that have nothing whatsoever to do with owning a smartphone.

Oh and if you're "posting selfies on facebook" with your phone, then you're participating in the same narcissistic crap as everyone else, just less efficiently.

They're a tool, and a useful one at that. Having one or not will not make you a better or worse person than you already are.


I have a smartphone, but I dont use it much. Well I do use it much, but 99% of the time as a desk clock/alarm clock. Much prettier and far less power consuming than one of these radio clocks, plus a bigger display and many more options as a clock. Of course I also use it as a smartphone, but very rarely. For example I dont use it to spend my time in the doctors waiting room. I do check my emails when I am out, but only when I have free time, as in taking a break. The most important uses for me on a smartphone are not really usable anyway. Surfing on the Internet is far too clunky with a tiny touch screen and having to turn on GPS and waiting 10 mins for it to get a fix makes using it stupid too. I wont keep GPS on permanently after all this NSA crap and because it simply sucks the battery dry even quicker.


This may be one of the few times we're on the same page -- death to the smartphone deniers! *raises pitchfork*


i didnt get a smart phone until recently; my mom gave me her old one. I enjoy having the internet in my pocket..dont see much downside to that. Straight talk for 45 dollars a month is not too expensive either. I make it a policy not to use it when I am talking to other people and not to do too much social media on it. I also try not to get sucked into my own electronic world. I used to listen to music all the time..whenever I could get a spare minute I would have my headphones on and that isnt very healthy, psychologically. Now I may listen to sermons or some music but only to a limited extent. Also try not to take pictures or video of everything and just experience what is in front of me. I read something which said that people who chronicle everything on their cameras have more trouble remembering those things.

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