Whitest Kids U Know - Call of Duty

I love these guys.

and this is why console games are inferior to PC games.
in PC games you can kick somebody from the server. with consoles you have to tolerate this bullshit.


^ ? Are you saying that only PC gamers can kick other players? That's retarded. It depends on the game, not the platform. Fanboy talk like that just makes you sound dumb.


>> ^mxxcon:
and this is why console games are inferior to PC games.
in PC games you can kick somebody from the server. with consoles you have to tolerate this bullshit.

You can kick people from many console games. This isn't 2002. This PC vs. console shit is beyond old.


Seeing as how ass jelly is NOT delicious jelly, I disagree with you, Razor, and find your input stupid. You heard me. Stupid.

Glad to see we transitioned this from a boring argument that's over a decade old to the real pressing matters at hand.

And it's delicious jelly. Like strawberry jelly. *Hides under my desk, preparing for the anti-strawberry, pro-grape fanboys to flame me.*


>> ^Hive13:
>> ^mxxcon:
and this is why console games are inferior to PC games.
in PC games you can kick somebody from the server. with consoles you have to tolerate this bullshit.

You can kick people from many console games. This isn't 2002. This PC vs. console shit is beyond old.

In fact, if you've ever had the displeasure of playing something on Playstation Online, you'd know that you'll probably be kicked from every game within a few minutes, especially if you do well with any consistency.

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