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EMPIREsays...oh thunderfoot... don't waste your time with these idiots, even if to make fun of them.
bareboards2"You have no good faith, you are a filthy pervert."
Why does that make me laugh? I guess I don't understand the word 'good.'
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, July 9th, 2011 3:09am PDT - promote requested by geo321.
critical_d"they're grinding pervert!"
BoneRemake" did you anally copulate with him " bahahahaha, I hooted and hollered at that.
VoodooVto be fair...trying to argue that the bible is ok with homosexuality is rather silly.
Conservatives and whackjobs like the WBC don't care what the bible says, they just think homosexuality is icky and work backwards from that...end of story.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Gay) - requested by MrFisk.
DerHasisttot>> ^geo321:
Thank you! This is comedy gold.
Jinxsays...I actually disagree with TT's interpretation, but then the bible may as well be written on toilet paper for all the worth it is to me. Its seems odd to argue that that the bible is irrelavent, and then give it legitimacy by forging an argument based on its text. They will dismiss your interpretation as easily as all the blatent contradictions, and you're forced to accept this premise that the bible is somehow important.
Then again, any debate with these people isn't really a debate. There is no dialogue here, its just trolling really. Much as its fun to get a rise out of these people I'd much rather they were just ignored and forgotten.
smoomansays...anally copulate hehe
lavollfilthy perverts are the best kind
shagen454Was she revealing that she has some sort of sense of humor or was she actually upset with his analysis?
LawdeedawShe reminds me of my Granny. Ah, poor granny, poor crazy, crazy Granny. (Granny was my rabbid dog)
kceaton1You can't quote this! -- You can't talk that way! -- Stop thinking like that! -- You don't know the definition of a simple word AND can't! -- You're evil because I say so! -- I"M AN EXPERT! -- ETCETERAAAAA!!!..........
$%>^>RAGE-QUIT^%&*...Carrier Lost...
She sure is ready to have a "conversation". Hilarious troll. Many lulz.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Saturday, July 9th, 2011 4:07pm PDT - promote requested by gwiz665.
DerHasisttot>> ^gwiz665:
Thanks! :-)
criticalthudsays...that filthy pervert was not given the opportunity to repent. this is outrageous
XaxClassy dame.
YouMakeMeSickIMakeVideosReminds me of a lot of forum moderators I have dealt with...
If you say anything that disagrees with with what they say-- BAN!
bamdrewyou know what... that's a nice table.
DerHasisttotYou loved the teaser, enjoy the pain:
hpqpWe may be masochistic, but that's a bit much. It's a wonder anyone in their right mind can stand being in the presence of so much ignorance and hate... tfoot deserves a troll medal or something.
>> ^DerHasisttot:
You loved the teaser, enjoy the pain:
That said, the implication the Jesus was endorsing homosexuality in that passage was so... yeah.>> ^Jinx:
I actually disagree with TT's interpretation, but then the bible may as well be written on toilet paper for all the worth it is to me. Its seems odd to argue that that the bible is irrelavent, and then give it legitimacy by forging an argument based on its text. They will dismiss your interpretation as easily as all the blatent contradictions, and you're forced to accept this premise that the bible is somehow important.
Then again, any debate with these people isn't really a debate. There is no dialogue here, its just trolling really. Much as its fun to get a rise out of these people I'd much rather they were just ignored and forgotten.
jmzerosays...To me, the funny part is that she doesn't know the passage or understand what it means. What Jesus is getting at (according to a mainstream interpretation of this scripture) is that we won't be able to predict who will be saved based on the work they do, their associates, or likely anything else outward. If she actually knew the passage well, and knew its historical context (ie. why men would have slept in the same bed in that time), she could have answered him calmly and he would have looked silly if he tried to press the issue.
Knowing the historical context, there's no reason to think two men in a bed was significant - and if she'd stayed calm here it would have been easy to make this point. The genders were the same in service of the point that "among these two outwardly similar people, there are internal differences we can't see". But because she can't calmly refute his points, she just shinyblurries it up, spazzes out on him, and generally makes him look like the victor (even though, obviously, he was just having fun with her).
And, honestly, the passage could be taken as a rebuke to those who assume no gay men will be saved. Part of the point is that it won't work to guess whether a person will be saved based on what you can see. At the time, the likely distinction would be "Jews vs Gentiles" (and that was partly the message here: don't assume you're saved because you have the right lineage and hang with the right crowd) but thinking of it now as "gays vs straights" isn't a crazy extrapolation. In general, one of Jesus's big themes was tolerance - there's lots of what he says that could be taken as supportive of inclusiveness and acceptance of gay people, so it shouldn't surprise her to hear a passage that goes against their tactics.
But you can tell right from the start that she doesn't know her Bible - she doesn't even know what he's going to read and she's already (incorrectly!) gainsaying his attempt to provide context. She also straight up fails when she suggests that the men are in different beds (despite having just heard him read it). But I suppose if she had any sense or reason, she wouldn't be where she is.'s true, but doesn't that mean it ISN'T the end of the story?
how can you live and think you are a decent person when the theory you pronounce to follow with everything you have isn't actually what you live by, but an excuse for preaching what you want?
>> ^VoodooV:
to be fair...trying to argue that the bible is ok with homosexuality is rather silly. Conservatives and whackjobs like the WBC don't care what the bible says, they just think homosexuality is icky and work backwards from that...end of story.
juliovega914says..."Love thy neighbor"
Seriously some of the worst people on earth. Spreading untold misery. Seemingly formed only to prove that you can follow the exact word of the bible whilst simultaneously following the polar opposite of it's meaning.
ponceleonAngry Christian is angry.
PaybackMan, not really enjoying tfoot.
Back then, lots of people shared beds. Basically a "sleeping bed", like a flower bed, was a general area, not two mattresses, sheets and orthopedic pillows.
...and I don't even believe in the thing.
I dislike seeing perfectly decent opportunities for rational discourse be wasted by juevenile antics.
notarobotEverything I need to say about the WBC happens in this video:
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