Utopia Season 2 Opener The Real Cost Of Having A Child

Opening scene from the greatest show ever Utopia, if you have never seen this show please go and watch both seasons.

What the hell?!? I thought Utopia was some stupid 'big brother in the wild' kind of American 'reality' television show about creating a utopian society out of random strangers.
What was that?!? What channel is this Utopia on?
And who was that brilliant man? I want to pay him to sit in my farmer's market every week and say the same thing.


I thought it was the stupid, American 'utopia' series...and about that, who cares?
This is FAUST! I'm so sorry I missed it when you posted now that I know.


Posted the Trailers for this show a couple weeks back and got NO response here...

Wake up Sheeples !!!


Of course, this character could accomplish the same act of worldly sacrifice by slicing his own throat, if he really wants to think about it. A bit hypocritical perhaps.


spoiler alert (joke)

no, but really...


Of course, this character could accomplish the same act of worldly sacrifice by slicing his own throat, if he really wants to think about it. A bit hypocritical perhaps.


First scene, First series...

newtboyjokingly says...

Or...stick with me here...if he has no children, he could accomplish the same thing by carefully slicing his own scrot(um).


Of course, this character could accomplish the same act of worldly sacrifice by slicing his own throat, if he really wants to think about it. A bit hypocritical perhaps.


He was responding to the woman saying she is using the bus as a way of "saving the planet" because of the responsibility for taking care of the planet.

We are talking about a character of course, but the rant seems designed to undermine her ridiculous self assurance that she is making things better rather than to express his belief structure... ; )


Of course, this character could accomplish the same act of worldly sacrifice by slicing his own throat, if he really wants to think about it. A bit hypocritical perhaps.


If you install a vpn you can watch the first season on Netflix in the UK. And then you can go to channel 4 website sign up there and watch the second, thats how I watched it. You need to watch it!!!


I'm interested now...

Seems that Channel 4 won't pick the show up for series 3 and 4? I wonder it the American uptake by David Fincher will include whatever was planned for series 3 and 4?


I'm pretty sure they denied a second series would happen right until they started production...

They would be insane not to do a third series...

Season two episode one was stunning.
The only other series that has this gravitas is True Detective and that was massive.

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