Time-Lapse Of Fastest Scaling Of "The Nose" on El Capitan

Brad Gobright and Jim Reynolds break the standing speed record on "The Nose," after eleven failed attempts.

Around 20' per minute is clearly pretty damn fast, but remember, Dan Osman climbed lovers leap, >400' of similar climbing in just over 4 minutes, almost 100' per minute....without ropes or assistance. I wonder what his record would have been on the nose.


Alex Honnold beat Dan Osmans lovers leap record (free solo) and these guys beat Alex Honnolds record (speed climbing).

Alexs lovers leap climb https://youtu.be/Mi4iR4clDGs


Around 20' per minute is clearly pretty damn fast, but remember, Dan Osman climbed lovers leap, >400' of similar climbing in just over 4 minutes, almost 100' per minute....without ropes or assistance. I wonder what his record would have been on the nose.


Pretty sure they were other climbers. They defiantly look like other climbers. Don't think you can have support crews and claim a record like this.


I gather all those folks along the way were support crew? Not other climbers that these two just yelled "Later, bitches!" and they zoomed on by?


Its possible a few were planted for documentary purposes. If you watch Honnolds videos you will see he has at least 2 or 3 camera guys planted on the faces he climbs. The majority are other climbers. You can see the two blow throw many camps on the way up.


The difficulty of each climb are vastly different. Lover's leap is easy difficulty, never any danger of falling for skilled climbers. The Nose is usually aided, or placing gear in cracks to hold body weight directly for the incredibly hard parts. This is much slower. Comparing feet per minute doesn't make any sense, even between two similar climbs.


Around 20' per minute is clearly pretty damn fast, but remember, Dan Osman climbed lovers leap, >400' of similar climbing in just over 4 minutes, almost 100' per minute....without ropes or assistance. I wonder what his record would have been on the nose.

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