The Ultimate trick


There's a series of four of these, in the first three they put dishes and stuff on the tablecloth and the trick fails, here they finally nail the trick but knock the furniture over.

I'd say it's all a set-up. In part because, what kind of psycho would post this video to YouTube if the kid actually was seriously injured or killed?


This sets off all my cringe alarms.
Can somebody please confirm the reality of this.
Somebody who can search the German media maybe...

YT comment: "it's a viral commercial for 'Stoppt die Show'"


Confirmed fake. It's part of an advertising campaign for some show called "Stoppt die Show". Another viral ad they did featured a bride spinning until she's dizzy across the dance floor and landing on a table.


Reasons it looks funny to me:
1. Michel shuffles his feet before the tablecloth pull, as if he is getting in place and getting ready.
2. Michel pre-blocks with his arms. Not natural.
3. Michel scrambles backwards into the shelves without using his arms to catch himself, seeming to propel himself. That's the impression I get, maybe he was slipping on the tablecloth at that point?
4. Sven's hand trajectory during the pull seems purposefully targeted.

Reasons I don't think they planned for the whole shelf to come down:
1. That thing in the top left is a full aquarium - oops
2. The TV appears to be real - and really heavy.
3. Sven's "GTFO" reaction seems very sincere.

Initially staged, but unintended consequences?


>> ^catbutt:

Reasons it looks funny to me:
1. Michel shuffles his feet before the tablecloth pull, as if he is getting in place and getting ready.
2. Michel pre-blocks with his arms. Not natural.
3. Michel scrambles backwards into the shelves without using his arms to catch himself, seeming to propel himself. That's the impression I get, maybe he was slipping on the tablecloth at that point?
4. Sven's hand trajectory during the pull seems purposefully targeted.
Reasons I don't think they planned for the whole shelf to come down:
1. That thing in the top left is a full aquarium - oops
2. The TV appears to be real - and really heavy.
3. Sven's "GTFO" reaction seems very sincere.
Initially staged, but unintended consequences?

no, probably just staged.


The pen is weird at 10 seconds, good catch - it also seems to 'redraw' along with the alignment of the table at 11 seconds, from right to left with the falling shelf. Just a pixel lower than before... anyone know what (if any) editing that might be resultant of?

They are consummate magicians, especially if they faked it - that's what magicians do, right?

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