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Marines in Iraq abuse and kill a puppy.

Two brave Marines serving in Iraq murder a cute fluffy puppy. This makes me sick to my fucking stomach. I'm posting it to make a point- there have been a lot of animal-abuse videos that have received a lot of votes from some sifters posted lately. People don't seem to think it's a big deal when it's a scary-looking camel spider or a scorpion fighting a black widow. Well, now it's a fluffy puppy. There's no difference. All are equally immoral and disgusting. I think we need to add a new policy on the sift to cover this.

"People don't seem to think it's a big deal when it's a scary-looking camel spider or a scorpion fighting a black widow. Well, now it's a fluffy puppy. There's no difference. All are equally immoral and disgusting."

Well, I disagree with this bit, but that's really beside the point. What I'm wondering is, what would you have me do? I'm not really sure how I should vote on this. What were you hoping for? Downvotes? Upvotes in hopes of spreading the word about this (awful) story? The whole thing is really quite shocking.


Yeah, Tofu, it's a tough question.

I would vote up because...
- It's controversial.
- It's popular and being discussed all over, why not here?
- The Solider should be exposed. And that could be debated as well.
- There is a debate about the video authenticity.

I would vote down because....
- It could cause a flamewar.
- It makes me sad.


Sift talk, IMO, is the place for this discussion.

I've already read a bunch of offensive analysis that basically amounts to either 'people care more about dogs than about the people of Iraq' or 'Who cares, it's an animal'.

Bullshit on both.

This isn't people vs. puppies, but rather video vs. print. Without the video, this story would have gone nowhere. If this soldier had thrown an Iraqi child over the cliff, the war would end tomorrow. It's all about the visuals; video or it didn't happen as they say. The death of a single person (or puppy) on video is a tragedy. The death of thousands in print is a statistic.

MG said he thought that the dog was already dead and that the sound effects were added later. I hope he is right.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I don't think the puppy was dead. Anyone who has raised puppies will tell you that they go limp when you pick them up by the scruff of the neck. This being the way the momma safely carries them.

It's disturbing to me not because the puppy dies - but because it indicates a certain level of pathos. If a puppy - then why not a child.

Although I'm not excusing his actions - I'm sure the war has created many, many sociopaths- disassociated form all the violence they have witnessed and caused. They all need to come home from this clusterfuck of a war caused by the chicken hawk in chief and his junior draft-evading assistant chicken hawks Rummy and Dick.


Thats horrible.

Though I have to ask, if this is indeed real (am hoping its not, because what kind of person just kills something totally harmless like that)

How would you go about punishing someone for killing a puppy?

Especially since far more violent crimes are not punished by the State Department when it comes to private contractors.


>> ^Farhad2000:
Especially since far more violent crimes are not punished by the State Department when it comes to private contractors.

Those guys should be punished too, but lucky for them Bush signs in laws to make them Immune, so they can rape and pillage without having to worry.

I dunno how the puppy killer will get punished, after all, he is in a war zone, war can fuck a guy up in the head, he'll get in more trouble from his superiors for releasing the video over actually killing the puppy. However he'll never hear the end of this for the rest of his life. People like puppies.


I have yet to see this, because I'm a it too sensitive to watch puppykillings in the morning, and I don't want to be pissed at the world right from the start of the day. So my comments are based on what I've read in the comments.

The soldier in question has to learn that there are consequences to his actions, so I've requested that his testicles be removed surgically, but then he was a ball-less coward in the first place, so it might not do any good.

Sadly, in the eye of the law a puppy is merely property, so that you can sue for damage of property, but not really much else.

That being said there is a notable difference between an insectoid and a dog. A dog has higher-order brain functions and thus feel pain, insects do not. (As far as I've been informed.) I wouldn't upvote either animal cruelty, but still, there is a difference.


No, just because a puppy goes limp when his mother picks him up doesn't make this one alive. Besides that, every bit of audio was shitty except for the "screaming". That's what leads me to believe that it was added later.


Is this clip really the "Best of the web?"

Meh, maybe it is, maybe its not. It's funny that everyone is up in arms about it. Mostly because nobody's going AWWWWWWWWWW to the thousands dead over there. When we see videos of the carnage of war usually its combined with heavy metal rock music.

Do you remember the Puppy Scene from Apocalypse Now?


First thing... Camel spiders scare the crap out of me, and if I am not mistaken, have been known to bite people. If I saw one I would kill it, assuming I could muster the courage to not run away screaming like a little girl. Puppies pose no such risk to me.

Second thing... I really hate the title you chose for this. I did not watch the video, as puppies and dogs in general hold a special place in my heart and I am just not in the mood to see one killed or hurt at 6:45AM. But unless it is an entire division of marines all killing puppies, you have quite unfairly associated the acts of one sociopathic scumbag, with the entire marine corp.


Oh. I hate you internet. You suck.

E: Can we return this so I can downvote the shit out of it? I know things like this exist in the world, and I watched it and am glad that I did, but the only recourse I have against an evil like this is to downvote it. Unless of course it's CG then it's sorta funny, in a really mean way.


Not watching this either. It's hard to comment on this given where the marine is. My instinct is to have a fit and ask to see his ass kicked right after he has to personally show the clip to his mother.

Look where he is though. There's no telling what missions he's had and how many people he's killed in the line of duty. I want to assume his perspective is shot to hell because he's been in combat.

Still, it proves this guy needs to be brought back and disciplined. He either is a cold hearted bastard or disturbed and should not be walking around with a gun in his hand. This is no way for a soldier to act.


Oh, and the title needs to change on this. I get the glibness and all but..

It's bad enough this ass-hole has to make his brothers-in-arms look bad. There are thousands of admirable, hard-working Marines that deserve the title.

my .02


I don't want to watch it; I'm too much of a softy for animals. Made me think of a joke I heard once, one guy says to his friend "I'm going to be the next Hitler, I'm going to kill all the jews and 1 clown" And his friend says "Why the clown?" to which he replies "See, no one cares about the jews!" Just retool it a bit. "I'm gonna kill all the Iraqis and 1 puppy!" "Why the puppy?" "See, no one cares about the Iraqis!". I'm not really trying to make a point or anything, thats just what it made me think of. Though I have no idea why you would kill a puppy, so I truly hope the video is a farce.


I've read in several places that some people think it's a fake. Some think he did a quick change, substituting the real puppy for a toy when his arm was way back. I don't know, I suppose it's possible, but I don't think it's really the main point. Hear me out:

If it WAS real then of course it's disgusting. That guy should be brought up on some charges, if nothing else then at least conduct unbecoming. If it was fake it's still disgusting. Granted, not as bad as the real deal, but it's still disgusting. In that case he is still bringing shame to the uniform, the Marine Corps, every man and woman in uniform of all the armed forces, and the United States. His actions look real enough, and therefore it would convince a large segment of the viewing population. It brings shame to me just knowing this guy is a fellow American, regardless of whether it's real or not.

Yes, it's certainly not the same as taking a human life, but it's still the act of senselessly taking the life of an innocent creature, or at least the realistic depiction of such. Similar acts of cruelty to animals take place every day all over the world, and I'm sure if we scour the internet we could find some of those acts on video too. However this case is a little different, in that he wears the uniform of the most powerful nation on Earth, while occupying a nation where most of the locals resent America's presence, taking place after a highly controversial war. They should kick his dumb ass out of the Corps after serving the standard sentence for animal cruelty, whatever that may be.

Now can we return this video so I can downvote it already?


From the Youtube community guidelines: "Don't post videos showing bad stuff like ANIMAL ABUSE (emphasis added), drug abuse, or bomb making". It's my thought that the same guidelines should be added here. Our community has a lot more integrity than that the Wild West show over at Youtube, why would we fall short here?

This has been my point all along- I don't want to see shit like this here. Again, I make the point that there is no difference between torturing a puppy and torturing a scary camel-spider. Yes I too would likely freak out and kill the camel-spider if it was in my tent, but I would never strap it down and torture it any more than I would do the same to a fluffy puppy or kittie.

I'm sorry, blankfist, if you can't unwatch seeing this, but I really tried to make it clear what the video contained so people could choose whether or not they watched it. What part of "Animal abuse" or "Two brave Marines serving in Iraq murder a cute fluffy puppy" didn't compute?

So, to reiterate my stand: Youtube doesn't allow animal abuse videos to be posted, why do we here at Videosift?


You people need to chill out.

That puppy could have had WMD's hidden in it's mouth, threatening soldiers and civilians both. I see nothing wrong with what the soldiers did, they were protecting themselves against rabies or worse.


I would vote this down in a second. And I would do it while knowingly violating the policy of needing to view a video before voting it down. I don't want this stuff on the sift, but then, I feel that way about a broad category of things we don't seem to have policies on.


Gosh, realblankman, you sure know where to find them. I don’t know where to begin. I already found the camel spider video upsetting (but that’s just because I like spiders, and camels spiders do bite but are not really that dangerous and all those vid’s from Iraq try to make them look bigger and more dangerous than they really are, and 10 years ago we believed fish couldn’t feel pain and 50 years ago we thought babies couldn’t, so I guess the jury is still out on what spiders feel and btw spiders are not insects; but that’s all beside the point).

What seriously worries me is that thousands of people being killed doesn't seem to raise the uproar this vid did. And, indeed, is it because there are images available (but then: what about Abu Ghraib?) or because a cute puppy dog is such a nice and easy symbol for pure innocence getting hurt? So, for whatever reason, and even if it’s fake (and if someone is kind enough to replace the dead video), I would upvote this anytime, just because of all the issues it raises.


I can feel the disgust penetrating my being while browsing a VideoSift that contains this filthy video embed.

I wasn't going to watch it, but felt the need to know what the discussion was about. (I was imagining it must have included gore and involved a gunshot or knife.)

Since I did view it, here's a description of the 17 second video for the lucky ones who won't, as it doesn't seem to have been described above: A Marine holds a puppy up by the scruff of the neck for the camera and gives an "Awww" and says how cute it is. Then he swings his arm in a strong overhand throw and we listen to the puppy scream as it travels through the air over the cliff toward its death. One of the other Marines simply says, "You're mean," as the puppy murderer smiles for the camera.

All of the audio is consistent and to me the puppy's scream seemed to definitely be authentic.


I'm not upset blankman posted this, it's news worthy. I'm pissed w/ the Marine and the others that filmed this for posterity. Instead of caring about Iraq and our soldiers there this crap is going to be the big story for the next month!

This idiot was not thinking about the fact that he represents his country and the Marines. Kids will see this damnit. Doesn't he care that he's a role model?


>> ^therealblankman:
I'm sorry, blankfist, if you can't unwatch seeing this, but I really tried to make it clear what the video contained so people could choose whether or not they watched it. What part of "Animal abuse" or "Two brave Marines serving in Iraq murder a cute fluffy puppy" didn't compute?

Oh, no worries, brother. I was being more sarcastic than anything else. That was my deadpan wit being masked once again by the limitations of internet posting without context of the writer's subtext. I still want to unwatch it though - that part was for real. I love me some animals.

Seeing these guys throwing that puppy doesn't make me angry because they're also Americans. They could be anyone from any country, from any culture, with any religious belief. The truth is, they're just people acting like people. They may not act like you and me, but that's because we're not where they are and they're not where we are sitting comfortably behind our computers posting videos all day.

While I was in the service, I can tell you that a lot of the people there are just as horrible and despicable as the people we encounter in our civilian lives - those dregs of society we build fences around our homes to keep out. Some enlisted men are crazy, some are emotionally unstable, some are just absolute awful human beings. Just because we like to paint soldiers as freedom giving heroes in our fight against terror doesn't mean they're above the frailty of the human condition. They're human. You have to take the good with the bad, in my opinion.


More fun and games with animals from the Marine Corps and Army in Iraq:

And a link to one of many studies linking animal abuse to sociopathy and psychopathy:

Please people, can we have a consensus on animal abuse videos on the sift, whether they're cute or not?

Please, no more.


They are all quite disturbing, that middle one was especially sad as the Iraqi (owner?) knelt by his dog and began to cry.

I don't think the sift needs to put a ban on these types of videos, they tell an unfiltered story about what goes on in a war zone.

/good luck getting one published though.


TRBM, you need to change the title. For many reasons, all of them being obvious. But I'll list them here anyway.
1) I find it incredibly offensive.
2) It paints all Marines to be puppy-killing bastards
3) It's inflammatory.
4) It's derogatory.



Your point about allowing animal abuse videos notwithstanding, I have a real problem with both the title you chose for this video (which I pointed out earlier in the comments), as well as your last comment containing more animal abuse perpetrated by Marines. What is you real issue here? Is it animal abuse, or is it your apparent hatred of Marines? There are plenty of animal abuse videos featuring abusers not wearing a uniform.


SofaKing: I have no inherent dislike of Marines. For the record, I too have served here in Canada, but never in a time of war. The title was chosen very deliberately, but it is a distraction from the real issue here-that of animal abuse. I'm not currently considering changing the title as this post is attracting a lot of attention, and I believe the issue deserves some real, reasoned debate.

I came across those other videos when I was searching for yet another embed to replace the Youtube embeds which are being deleted as quickly as they are posted- they must have a guy working full time deleting new ones. Like so many issues on the internet, this has become a meme, hence the other posts of related videos. I state categorically that I am not trying to make any point about soldiers, only about animal abuse. I'm trying to provoke the community into looking at the policy on the sift, and see a guideline drawn up similar to the one on Youtube which prohibits posts of animal abuse. I have been very consistent in my stand on this.

I make no apologies for the title, but reiterate my respect for those who put themselves in harm's way.


Having that title is NOT respect for us. It's DISrespect, and you know that.

If you are really trying to incite a conversation about Sift policy and animal abuse, then what the FUCK does that title have anything to do with it?


FWIW - Your trying to attract attention to a discussion about Animal abuse, perhaps changing the title so that it is about animal abuse, I agree with MG on this one. Maybe title is something like "Marines performing animal abuse" (or something like that.)

Sift Talk is a community center let's show some respect for our fellow sifters.


kulpims- you are absolutely correct. That said, I'm not trying to stop the war here, I'm not trying to revisit the invasion of Iraq here. I am trying to provoke a small change to policy at a web community that I have participated in since (almost) day one. You know, the old "Think Globally, Act Locally" maxim? Though instead of environmentalism, we're talking about ethics and morality.


>> ^Fedquip:
FWIW - Your trying to attract attention to a discussion about Animal abuse, perhaps changing the title so that it is about animal abuse, I agree with MG on this one. Maybe title is something like "Marines performing animal abuse" (or something like that.)
Sift Talk is a community center let's show some respect for our fellow sifters.

--- With that said, I don't think anybody should be asked to change a title of something they submit to Videosift, be it a blog, a Channel Talk or a Video Submission, its your writing, its your work.

This case is special, TRBM submitted this with the sole intention to submit it to Sift Talk and have a discussion about Animal Rights abuse and how we as a community should handle those types of submissions. Sift Talk is like our Town Hall here and when you submit here you should keep in mind the best interest of all Videosift.

Personally, I understand how the title was meant to provoke, but I don't think it was needed to fuel this discussion. We can now see that the title has solely caused this thread to de-rail.


Thank you. That being done, I will say that if it is real, then there must have only been a couple Marines around, because others would not have let this happen. Even if it's fake, why the hell would they want to film this, and then put it on the internet? Like it WOULDN'T come back to them? They are what we call the ten percent. There's always that 10% of Marines that are shitbags and will fuck it up for the rest of the honest good ones.


This video is terrible, no doubt about it. But now I have to throw a fly in the ointment regarding a proposed "no animal abuse" policy. What about this scene:

It's been re-edited from the original scene in "Apocalypse Now", but anyone who's seen the movie knows about the water buffalo sacrifice. And it was a real animal sacrifice. Should a video like this be banned too, or will we let it slip through a loophole for "art" and/or "religion"?

And what if someone decided to post a video about animal abuse that takes place with circus animals, like maybe one produced by the Humane Society or the ASPCA? Or what if someone posted a video about how veal is produced, i.e., by penning the animal in a cage so tightly that it can't move, thus making its muscles weak and therefore tender? Or how chickens and turkeys are tightly packed into production facilities?

All I'm saying is that if we craft a new policy regarding animal abuse videos, it needs to be done VERY carefully.


I don't really understand the point of this post. Sure, we can all say something here, it hits our nerves, but is there anything constructive that can come of this? Does anyone really think that all marines are sociopaths because of this video? Maybe I should post a video of a hillbilly firebombing a cage of squirrels, call it intellectual debate and brand myself the hero of dissonance and patriotic morality.

This is nothing but shock value and it cheapens the site. I’m not trying to give you a hard time blankman, you were concerned and wanted to bring this to attention, but lets step back, think, and realize there is nothing here but empty cannonfodder.


Redsnow- you're missing the point. This is not about Marines, it's about animal abuse. More than a few postings on the sift depict animal abuse, but it has been considered acceptable because the animals in question are scary or creepy.

See these examples:

These are the two most recent examples.


I see what you mean, now. I guess the fact of the matter is people don't give a crap about animals that aren't cute. If the animal had scales, the video wouldn't have more than 30 hits on youtube.

Well, what can I say besides it's a sad, superficial world. If this is an attempt to get admin involved then more power to you. If you're trying to change people's minds I'd say give up while you still can.


"hundreds of innocent people die each week as a direct result of US's thirst for power, world dominance and cheap gas."

If your ok with religious fanatics, tyrants, gangsterism and foreign interests in Iraq, and want to give them a free pass on the death and misery THEY have inflicted both before and after the invasion I guess your free to do so. But where is this cheap gas you refer to cause I would really like to know. Also.... even if there is some cheap gas somewhere that I have missed, doesn't the astronomical cost of the war offset the savings?


I hear the puppy-thrower in the vid is getting death threats and harrassment from vigilantes who have posted the info up on the interwebs. What the F were those trashbags thinking would come from recording animal abuse as if it were a joke and posting it on Youtube, anyway? Fame and fortune?? The sick fucks are going to be known as INNOCENT PUPPY MURDERERS for the rest of their pathetic lives, and only if they don't get pushed off a cliff first themselves. Congratulations, scum.


I think I put the nail in the coffin. Nothing personal Blankman. This does prove that we don't need more policy. (I'm talking about adding animal abuse to the posting guidelines)

The system works as it stands. The votes killed it.


For the record, my comments above were not meant to imply I think we need a new posting guideline. I just want to avoid this disgusting video like it's the plague.

Human nature, particularly of psychopaths, is endlessly disturbing. I may, however, enjoy a video of him being thrown off a cliff or perhaps beheaded, but that's just me.


Apparently BillO was right, the puppy was an Al Qaeda operative. "A top Iraqi insurgent has been executed by US Marines in Iraq according to worldwide reports. A video showing the execution has since been removed from youtube.

'Patch' a mongrel puppy is believed to have been responsible for numerous attacks against coallition forces including the nipping of ankles, pooping on sleeping bags and stealing scraps of food from ration packs.

Sources at the Marine Corps base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, said they were proud of the US Marine who carried out the execution and that he would be receiving a medal of honor for his valor.

The brave marine, known only as Motari, has rid Iraq of a dangerous menace, hell bent on causing mayhem and destruction. 'Patch' was thrown from a ravine.

"Hero 'Motari' has upheld the fine and honorable traditions of all the US marines who have served in Iraq, as well as those who have served in other conflicts, his friends and family must be very proud today" said Major Tom Tom, "By tossing that evil puppy of a cliff he has shown himself to be the biggest tosser the corps has ever know."


>> ^TheSofaKing:
"hundreds of innocent people die each week as a direct result of US's thirst for power, world dominance and cheap gas."
If your ok with religious fanatics, tyrants, gangsterism and foreign interests in Iraq, and want to give them a free pass on the death and misery THEY have inflicted both before and after the invasion I guess your free to do so. But where is this cheap gas you refer to cause I would really like to know. Also.... even if there is some cheap gas somewhere that I have missed, doesn't the astronomical cost of the war offset the savings?

There were IEDs, Al Qaeda and sectarian violence before the invasion? Sir you have your facts wrong.

There is no cheap gas because the plan was stupid from the start. Don't you remember the administrations claims that invading Iraq and bringing freedom and democracy was going to pay for itself as Iraq starts exporting oil?

And the cheap gas was never for you Sir, it was for the oil companies who would then make you pay more anyway because they like da profitz.


Can someone help me with this? In the other place this vid was posted:, someone posted
a full name, phone no. & address of a person alleged to be the puppy thrower in the comment section. Is there any way of having that removed? I know this information is all over the web already, but I nevertheless think it shouldn't be on the videosift. The vid is already discarded, but apparently still accessible, together with the comment.


I posted this video too (discarded as a dupe) and thought nothing else of it. (the video was in a sifttalk) but Octopussy is right, there is a comment attached to my discarded video that does not belong on Videosift.

I know people feel strongly about these videos, and their content, but posting up personal details for the alledged soldier is not right.

Is there any way to remove this comment? I have contacted the author of the comment and politely requested he edit the details out.


There were IEDs, Al Qaeda and sectarian violence before the invasion? Sir you have your facts wrong."

I never claimed those were the only possible sources of death and misery. You are the one who has quite ignorantly made that claim. Astonishingly you also don't appear to consider violence, directed by the government of Iraq, at Kurds to be "sectarian". The book "The Long Short War" details enough about Iraq's support of international terrorism and burgeoning links to Al Qaeda that I am glad it went as far as it was ever going to go.


>> ^oxdottir:
I would vote this down in a second. And I would do it while knowingly violating the policy of needing to view a video before voting it down. I don't want this stuff on the sift, but then, I feel that way about a broad category of things we don't seem to have policies on.

This is a scenario where the term "valid exception" is beyond valid, as you're aware of the contents - watching wouldn't change your opinion and no reasonable person would expect that it would.

>> ^chilaxe:
Is videosift really only for cute videos? How about upvoting because an issue is important?

Actually we have a policy to include most things with the exception of snuff videos. "Snuff" is videos where someone is killed - this is generally meant to be "people" but the point of this discussion was, essentially, to extend it to catsanddogs.

Unless there's some Real Merit, then videos of torture are also included under the rubric of "snuff" 'even' if the person isn't killed.

Can I call a discarded video *dark?>> ^lucky760:
For the record, my comments above were not meant to imply I think we need a new posting guideline. I just want to avoid this disgusting video like it's the plague.
Human nature, particularly of psychopaths, is endlessly disturbing. I may, however, enjoy a video of him being thrown off a cliff

See above for guideline observation.

See here for the video you're waiting for:

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