The Evangelical War On Science

Evangelicals teaching hundreds of children that men and dinosaurs lived together and that the universe is only a few thousand years old. (Info from YouTube description)

The sad part about this is that, contrary to these peoples' beliefs, this is not a "war on science", but rather a war on their children's future.

To teach them that the bible is always correct over science, and that one must ignore the evidence if it goes against your "faith", is really just teaching a form of ignorance. And when the rest of the world moves on technologically and scientifically, and these people, and their poor, poor children, are left behind, it will be a sad day.



this stuff is scary. like, i've always been a believer that everyone is entitled to a vote.. but now i'm beginning to rank these people down there with the scientologist cult. should these sorts really be allowed to govern?


I prefer not to think of my ancestors as cockroaches, but I guess to each his own. Public achools are crap nowadays, at least these kids get an alternative to some liberal loser espousing his views on the state of the universe he can't possibly comprehend.


Bill O'Reilly is right. It's easy to understand why ignorant people don't like evolution: they think it isn't as glorious and noble as being God's chosen supreme beings of the earth.

While the world would be nicer if we could all just choose the coolest reality for ourselves, I'm sorry, Bill. Cockroaches explain a lot more about you than divine right ever will.


It's like Hitler's rallies. Forced collective response is an effective brainwashing technique, commonly used in churches, that lends nothing to the logical validity of the speaker.


I REALLY feel sorry for these kids. I feel sorry for them having absolute morons as parents who permit them to be told this kind of incredible shit.


"While the world would be nicer if we could all just choose the coolest reality for ourselves"

I hardly think Creationism is "cool", especially in liberal college settings. Someday you young kids will figure out that while you have to study for the exam, and then write the exam, you're under no obligation to believe the exam's contents. Figure it out for yourself for once.


I feel that people should read as many books as they can. Comparative religion, evolutionary biology (including critical analysis), world history, natural science, political science and everything they can to expand their knowledge and world views. Then consider their own ideas and remain flexible. Sticking to any one set of dogmatic beliefs has its pitfalls.


What the lady said, "it's easy to explain to your children". Hate these people, they need to grow a brain. And stop brainwashing our young you bastards.


We need mandatory public education so that parents can't deliberately keep their children ignorant of basic facts about all other religions of the world and science. Public education should teach critical thinking and the formal algebra of logic at a young age also. Mandatory public education is our civilization's immune system against ideological viruses.


I've identified a new argument from the evangelical point of view. Though I've heard it before in almost exactly the same words (he must have a hotkey for quickly pasting these generalizations against people to disagree with him,) Mr O'Reilly stated the following about a supporter of evolution:

"Someday you young kids will figure out that while you have to study for the exam, and then write the exam, you're under no obligation to believe the exam's contents. Figure it out for yourself for once."

I find it interesting that he advises us to "figure things out for ourselves," presumably to agree with him and his 1500-year-old book.

'Yeah, kiddies, don't believe those space-age peer-reviewed journals. Think for yourselves and let God-Knows-Who write your beliefs out for you.'


I think Doug Stanhope put it pretty well.

Let's say you come from another planet, therefore you've never heard of the Bible. Never heard of religion. Never heard of evolution. Had no pre-conception of the background of humans or the world.

You go into a used bookstore and find a copy of the Bible.

You can seriously say that once you finished reading it that you would say that it makes perfect sense and explains the history of the world?

Or would you say that it is just a fiction book along with the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books you read.

Knowing nothing else of history, why would the Bible be the one that is right, rather than say the encyclopedias? Because the encyclopedia has pictures and therefore can't be right?


The bible is the infallable word of god, and contains no contradictions. If god says he created all the animals both before and after he created humans, then that's exactly what he did. god can do anything, and tying space-time in a knot qualifies as doing anything.

Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image.

Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.


'Sometimes,' I'm not sure that is really related to the topic of this video, but thanks for contributing. You've made me realize how infinite god's capabilities are.

I really love something else he can also do that none of us can: He can fail to require even a purpose to exhist. That's a pretty tough one to pull off. Oh yeah, and sending his word abstractly through an old book, tortillas, and whatever else I choose to see him through, that's something else you really have to respect.


the sift needs a new channel called "ignorance is bliss". videos like this and the ones creating hated in other religions are perfecr for it.

and i agree with the above comment. I had some of these people come to our school when i was younger. The only faith i have is in young peoples ability to make thier own mind up, I even saw a few videos where someone sits in their house saying that science hasnt proven anything, whilst surrounded by every modern appliance you can name.


If these people are so anti-science, why do they choose to utilize television or the Internet? I say if you don't want to acknowledge scientific theories and hypotheses, then you don't get to reap the rewards from them. Besides, "God will provide" so they don't need to worry about being without.

It's ok though, everyone. We just need to get our asses in gear, do some space exploration and colonization and leave these nutjobs here on Earth. They don't believe in global warming so we can use up all the fossil fuels in preparation. Once we colonize a few planets we can have our first interplanetary war. Should be over pretty quickly seeing as sticks and stones are no match for a disintegration ray.


i Love the "You just havent looked at all the information" being used as a logical defense as to Why evolution belivers are wrong... last time i checked, people that Study and research stuff tend to look at MORE information. also, emo's dont win Noble prizes. but sadly, he prolly will becuase he's christian and its a cult now, i will loose all hope when they start going around asying "Give up science and get a Free PS3 today!"


F*cking leave the damn kids alone you A grade morons. You have NO UNDERSTANDING of how the world and universe work, stop pretending to 'teach' children anything...

F(*K they piss me off... argh....


'Yeah, kiddies, don't believe those space-age peer-reviewed journals.'

Finally, a kid said something halfway intelligent in this drivel-filled pigsty of arguments.


There's nothing quite like bunch of dunces on Videosift trying to make fun of someone else. They might be off the mark, but the things you guys pull out to try and pick on the bible (arrendek, BillOreilly, for example) make you look to complete morons. Do some research and stop making fools of yourselves... obviously not to the people on here, but to anyone that's done some research into the bible.

And no, I won't spell things out for you. Go use the ol' brain, and one day you might be able to post a proper counterargument, instead of something you found while googling anti-bible websites.


The woman at t-4:35 talking about how the Bible's creation story makes more sense to her is VERY INFORMATIVE!

Its easy to say, 'these people are dumb and they're brainwashing their poor children', but this ignores the fact that to them this is the right answer and 'believers' in evolution are wrong. How to rectify? ... inform with humor, reason, evidence and humility.

I feel very personally that this woman has been let down by not ever recieving an adequate explanation of the theory of evolution in a simple, concise, interesting and meaningful way! The truth is stranger, and more powerful, than fiction.


r10k -like the cutaayer jib there, pardner......yes kiddies....cut and paste, blue in the face, inner space before outer space......and you atheists really need to get a room....
you taoists can imagine one....
and you Benedictine bastards can keep yer silly haircuts, and circle jerk some more good likker!



Only four comments in almost 10 months? You aren't even a good troll. Pretty easy to condescend to others and only allude to your superior insight and knowledge, isn't it? Careful r10k, your MO is showing. Then again, maybe you are one of those the-bible-is-true-because-the-bible-tells-me-so shitwits that this video portrays. Most of the admitted atheists here on VS understand the frivolity of arguing about god and the bible with believers who can, and do, pull out the ol' "faith" trump card when "proper counterarguments" escape them. So... feel free to enlighten us "dunces". We are here to learn. Teach us what truths your research into the bible has revealed to you. I'll try not to laugh.


This just grinds my gears. They are being fed lies and deceit with every word.

While I think that these rallies should not be directly outlawed, there should at least be a proponent of evolution to refute the claims.

"Did your grandfather look like this..?" Oh please!

What is troubling is that the most powerful super-power in the whole world is so swept up in this craze that it's astonishing.

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