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Boston Dynamics | Spots got an arm!

mysdrial says...

What they don't tell you is that, now that Spot has an arm, they did all the camera work too...after eliminating the unnecessary and wasteful human component of Boston Dynamics.

World's First Lightsaber! - Guinness World Records

A Computer Vision System's Walk Through Times Square

Planned Parenthood EXPOSED! Caught On Hidden Camera Selling

The Terrifying Truth of Childhood Technology Addiction

Dark Dungeons - Full Trailer

mysdrial says...

It's not a parody, it's a true-to-the-original-material telling. It just happens that the original material (a Chick Tract, I believe) is deep into Poe's law territory.

NOMAD Micro Home

First Person Sonic the Hedgehog!

Digital Carjackers Show Off New Attacks

mysdrial says...

I'm not going to claim this stuff isn't worrying...but it currently requires physical access to the inside of the vehicle...none of those signals are wireless and accessible without popping in and messing with the wires, I believe. The scary thing will be if they do make the control systems externally accessible...

Daft Punk - Lose Yourself To Dance (mashup with Soul Train)

Sudo Make Me A Sandwich: Robot Edition

mysdrial says...

Did you know that they originally wanted SCSI to be pronounced "Sexy". And yet everyone pronounces it "Scuzzy".

You can't always get what you want.

jimnms said:

Maybe they should write a program to teach them how to properly pronounce sudo. The name comes from a combination of the "su" command and the word "do." The su command is short for super user (also some call it switch user). So sudo is short for super user do, and should be pronounced with a long "o" sound as in "sue doo" not "sue dough."

Destiny ViDoc - The new game from Halo creators, Bungie

Changing Tires While Driving on Two Wheels

Forging Game of Thrones Sword

Everything Wrong With Avatar In 4 Minutes Or Less

mysdrial says...

Nah, that's just proof that the aliens that seeded all the worlds so that intelligent life would form were actually massive perverts.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What about the fact that the Nav'i have attractive human boobs. What are the chances that would evolve in the same way on aliens.

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