Stewie acting like a REAL toddler

THIS is what having a toddler is actually like. I am not a big fan of Stewie because he so rarely acts like a baby. I know that's supposed to be funny but it doesn't work for me. I'm the same way about the dog. But this is funny.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Family, Guy, Stewie, Lois, toddler, fun' to 'Family Guy, Stewie, Lois, toddler, fun, mom, mommy, mama, ma, mum, parenthood' - edited by lucky760


@lucky760 Don't even act like you looked at this and laughed out loud because it was actually funny.

You probably looked at it and said "THAT is HILARIOUS!!! I know kids who do that! That's just what kids do! It's so annoying when they do that!" but couldn't muster up an actual "hah!".


>> ^JiggaJonson:

@lucky760 Don't even act like you looked at this and laughed out loud because it was actually funny.
You probably looked at it and said "THAT is HILARIOUS!!! I know kids who do that! That's just what kids do! It's so annoying when they do that!" but couldn't muster up an actual "hah!".

You are speaking way, way out of school and making incredibly inaccurate assumptions that further exemplify your arrogance and lack of familiarity with children/parenthood.

My wife and I watched it last night and we both laughed honestly and heartily out loud at how hilariously the clip resembles our child's behavior.

Just try not to shout too loud at the children playing outside your house when you're old and alone.

(I can see it now: "What are you kids doing?! Why are you acting like playing is fun?! Stop pretending like being a kid is a good thing. You know childhood is full of being annoying, molestation, and sadness!!! And stay off my lawn!")


@JiggaJonson: So, your argument is that because children are naturally prone to misbehavior, it's impossible for any child to ever do anything that can make someone laugh... And that everyone on earth has your sense of humor... Wow. Okay, you've lost all credibility.

@lucky760: Expecting someone who apparently hates children to be capable of understanding parenthood is like expecting a blind person to understand aesthetics. Don't waste your virtual breath.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

@lucky760 Yeah the way kids honestly behave is inherently hilarious.



You mistake my hatred of Family Guy for some misplaced hatred of children. I never said I hate children. I am the oldest of 8 kids (the youngest currently being 9 years old). I grew up dealing with diaper changes, babysitting, getting thrown up on; and spite of that I'm a school teacher. I would have a difficult or impossible time getting by if I hated kids.

Now, to quell your pretentious assumptions, I will say that I hate Family Guy. I'm not going to repeat all the criticisms it's received over the years. I used to think it was a decent show, I even signed several petitions to bring it back on the air, but since they've come back on the air it's been a pretty steady downward spiral.

This clip is a perfect example. It's not inherently funny, it's just what kids do. When kids do it, it's annoying. When I watch someone else's kid do it, it's just as annoying. And when I watch it on TV, wait...I don't watch it on TV because it's fucking annoying!!!!!

Back me up cracked.
Back me up Tv Critic.
Back me up media critics and other cartoonists.

Finally, to quote Stewie from when he was on 'Kids Say the Darndest Things' with Bill Cosby "That's not funny! He's just saying what happens when you go skiing have kids!!!


I didn't make a blind or pretentious assumption about you, despite that you did that to me; I based my observation on your actions. Pasting a video of a crying child and insinuating that children's behavior cannot possibly be funny are two big hints.

I didn't mistake your hatred for Family Guy; those were your statements about children in general and have nothing to do with Family Guy. Hate the show all you like. Hate the clip all you like. Just don't make a blanket statement about children and claim it's accurate and valid because you hate a TV show. One thing has naught to do with the other.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:

You mistake my hatred of Family Guy for some misplaced hatred of children. I never said I hate children. I am the oldest of 8 kids (the youngest currently being 9 years old). I grew up dealing with diaper changes, babysitting, getting thrown up on; and spite of that I'm a school teacher. I would have a difficult or impossible time getting by if I hated kids.

Now, to quell your pretentious assumptions, I will say that I hate Family Guy. I'm not going to repeat all the criticisms it's received over the years. I used to think it was a decent show, I even signed several petitions to bring it back on the air, but since they've come back on the air it's been a pretty steady downward spiral.

This clip is a perfect example. It's not inherently funny, it's just what kids do. When kids do it, it's annoying. When I watch someone else's kid do it, it's just as annoying. And when I watch it on TV, wait...I don't watch it on TV because it's fucking annoying!!!!!

Back me up cracked.
Back me up Tv Critic.
Back me up media critics and other cartoonists.

Finally, to quote Stewie from when he was on 'Kids Say the Darndest Things' with Bill Cosby "That's not funny! He's just saying what happens when you go skiing have kids!!!


@lucky760 yep, you have it all figured out. It's impossible for me to dislike when kids do things that are admittedly annoying, dislike Family Guy when it tries to pass off said annoying things as humor and still like kids simultaneously.

Do you think it's possible that I would make one comment about kids being annoying, and it being not funny, and not have that mean that I dislike ALL kids??? You know, maybe not the kind of person who would end up all crotchety and jaded but I would still go through ernest emotional reactions of frustration and annoyance to the point that I might not like hearing it for a solid minute. Just like the way Lois reacts to it in the clip.

Just because Lois finds what Stewie is doing here annoying, doesn't mean she hate's children. Sorry, you are the one on the wrong end of this argument I would say.


I HATE Family Guy. I just don't understand it's popularity. However, the vid got a snicker out of me because I remember me as a kid. My mom was just as stoic during my harrying, and I sounded almost exactly like Stewie.

And then I read JiggaJonson's comment and was like, WTF.

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