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BoneRemakesays...Seriously ? two grown people and ..
Come on mang, ... Come on
yellowcsays...That's one stupidly lucky person. Every step could have gone much worse.
Lawdeedawsays...Yup @yellowc. But I wouldn't say she is stupid for one incident. I would say she did something stupid. I can't count the number of things I look back and say, "Well, that seemed silly at the time, now for a spot of tea."
Life is a result of action--some good, some dumb.
BoneRemakesays...>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Yup @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since October 22nd, 2009" class="profilelink">yellowc. But I wouldn't say she is stupid for one incident. I would say she did something stupid. I can't count the number of things I look back and say, "Well, that seemed silly at the time, now for a spot of tea."
Life is a result of action--some good, some dumb.
gharksays...I remember standing in front of an electrical outlet when I was about 3-4 with a fork, thinking man, I'm so tempted to see what would happen if I poke this fork into these little holes.
Ahh, the good old days, before it became politically correct to safe'ify one's house for the chillun's.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Timeshift) - requested by Zifnab.
Deanosays...Could a young person please explain to me wtf planking is and why anyone would want to do this?
oritteroposays...I'm middle aged rather than young, so my explanation might not be quite right, but I hope you'll accept it anyway
Planking is the practice of getting completely horizontal, like a plank of wood, in an unusual place (like in the video) for long enough to take a photo, probably to post to facebook.
You would want to do this because you missed the memo that it is no longer fun since old people started doing it.>> ^Deano:
Could a young person please explain to me wtf planking is and why anyone would want to do this?
antsays...*femme *cooking
They forgot to leave the stoves on too.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Cooking, Femme) - requested by ant.
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'planking, stove, fall, kitchen' to 'planking, stove, fall, kitchen, soviet russia' - edited by calvados
quantumushroomsays...You did that at 34?
Man, you lucky.
>> ^ghark:
I remember standing in front of an electrical outlet when I was about 3-4 with a fork, thinking man, I'm so tempted to see what would happen if I poke this fork into these little holes.
Ahh, the good old days, before it became politically correct to safe'ify one's house for the chillun's.
lucky760jokingly says...That was a good idea.
mxxconsays...>> ^ant:
They forgot to leave the stoves on too.
Or the brain.
antsays...>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
They forgot to leave the stoves on too.
Or the brain.
Do they even have brains?
phymansays...Love the dedication of the photographer. She'll be fine, just keep her in frame.
shagen454says...Haha, I remember when I was in second grade I had a boombox and probably a Vanilla Ice or Michael Jackson tape on hand. But, I wanted an extension cord so I could have the boombox on the otherside of the room, so I grabbed some wire stuck in one end of the power cord for the boombox and then plugged the cord in the wall. Fireballs. Fucking FIREBALLS. It was awesome. I'll never do it again.
>> ^ghark:
I remember standing in front of an electrical outlet when I was about 3-4 with a fork, thinking man, I'm so tempted to see what would happen if I poke this fork into these little holes.
Ahh, the good old days, before it became politically correct to safe'ify one's house for the chillun's.
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