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Second Amendment Rights Gone Wrong

"On January 19, our nation will have a new holiday to celebrate. Normally, we’d have the Hallmark corporation to thank for this, but this time there is a very different force behind the movement: the American gun lobby. That’s right, it’s time for the first annual “Gun Appreciation Day,” and instead of buying chocolates and flowers to mark the occasion, this holiday encourages you to buy -- you guessed it --- more guns!

In honor of this auspicious occasion, we've put together this collection of idiotic dangerous great moments in second amendment rights.

Obviously, for every responsible, law-abiding gun owner out there, there's one of these folks. It almost makes you wish there was some sort of enforceable law in place that kept guns out of the hands of irresponsible people.

Fortunately, none of these individuals were seriously injured... but, clearly, not for a lack of trying."


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, January 18th, 2013 6:09pm PST - promote requested by eric3579.


just a little responsibility to go along with those rights. That's ALL we ask.

No one wants to take your guns. I know this video doesn't represent gun owners as a whole, but can we at least demonize the kind of behavior shown in this video or is that too much of an "infringement" of your right to bear arms too?


A video of a minority of gun owners (i.e. irresponsible and not educated in firearm safety rules firearm owners).

They give the majority a bad name - but we all know the story of not judging the majority by what a minority does.


Not only that, quite a few of them were actually faked/staged.
Not that I am surprised that people use tactics like this, after I learned how Australian politicians try to fool people about gun laws and their results.


A video of a minority of gun owners (i.e. irresponsible and not educated in firearm safety rules firearm owners).

They give the majority a bad name - but we all know the story of not judging the majority by what a minority does.


Well. There really are a number of people that would like to take everyone's guns away.


just a little responsibility to go along with those rights. That's ALL we ask.

No one wants to take your guns. I know this video doesn't represent gun owners as a whole, but can we at least demonize the kind of behavior shown in this video or is that too much of an "infringement" of your right to bear arms too?


Not enough to matter.

just like there are a number of people who want strict theocratic rule. we know they don't represent the right as a whole so we relegate them to the fringe.


Well. There really are a number of people that would like to take everyone's guns away.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Gun, fails, second amendment, shooting, Gun Appreciation Day' to 'Gun, fails, second amendment, shooting, Gun Appreciation Day, damn thing went off' - edited by calvados


Which ones were faked or staged, and how can you tell? Call me jaded but I do believe that the world is teeming with idiots.


Not only that, quite a few of them were actually faked/staged.
Not that I am surprised that people use tactics like this, after I learned how Australian politicians try to fool people about gun laws and their results.


There IS some sort of enforceable law in place that keeps guns out of the hands of irresponsible people....You are watching it in action. The law of cause and effect works just fine. For example, contestant #2 here on this, uplifting and edifying video of people who better not fucking move in next door to me.

So how do you (Lann) feel about guns, expatriate??


Sadly, far too often, the victims are the innocent bystanders. Like four of the five shot this weekend at gun shows.

I wouldn't worry at all about keeping guns out of the hands of idiots, if only the idiots were at risk.


These are the type of gun owners who frequently do have their guns pried from their ... well, you know.


For one all the girl ones were staged. People who filmed that knew very well how they would handle the gun, or they wouldnt be filming. Even I as someone who has never owned a gun can tell they are holding the guns wrong.

The one at 0.42 was staged. Many people were handed that rifle, and the guys there knew it was a very high powered rifle and wanted to see how people fail, who didnt know it. Its actually a pretty well known video...

On the one at 0:47 I dont see any dust clouds that would happen if you shot a gun so close to the ground. These gun sounds were added.

The gun "firing" at 0:55 funnily has no recoil at all. He fell because he was too drunk, not because of the gun firing, else his arm would have moved from the recoil.

The one at 1:17 was staged. You can easily hear that those sounds are not original and were added.

The one at 1:27 was also faked, you can see the added muzzle effect. Its fake. Very cheap fake.

Im not sure with the one at 1:44, but sorry, I am very skeptical at this point. Lip sync is weird and you dont actually see anything happening.

The one at 2:05 looks pretty fishy too.

Taking his other videos into account, I would say the last one is actually trolling the idiot Youtube community. Look at them go in the comments again, once they can think they are superior.


Which ones were faked or staged, and how can you tell? Call me jaded but I do believe that the world is teeming with idiots.


1. The 2nd Amendment calls for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Emphasis on WELL REGULATED. The majority of Americans are in favor of at least some form of gun control. The idea is to get the most dangerous weapons we have out there out of the hands of those most likely to misuse/abuse them. And personally, I think accountability should be factored in. Gun owners should be required to have background checks, inspections of homes with required gun safes, ammunition limits, mandatory certification in gun safety courses, with regular testing, marksman training, and insurance to cover any damage done by weapons they own. And honestly, I wouldn't mind if people were required to join their State Militia or National Guard in order to own more than a hunting rifle.

2. The Constitution was never intended to be sacrosanct. It's a living, breathing work in progress. Hell, the ink was barely dry before the Bill of Rights was introduced. We "amend" the Constitution as needed to address issues that were never foreseen by our forefathers.


Whose emphasis is inferred?
Some form of gun control: check
You can never get the guns out of the hands of the most dangerous people, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a way to keep them out of the hands of the mentally ill, esp. if they are in the care of someone with guns in the home.
Background checks: check.
Inspections of home gun safes,meaningless. people hide shit under floors, in attics, not to mention "reasonable cause" used as a means of cops in your home. Fuck THAT!
Fully agree with cert and re-certification-One should stay sharp.
Mandatory service has honed many a nation's folk and prepared them for the world. We should try it here,then perhaps the U.S. would slow-down the production of ineffectual pussies and whiners.


1. The 2nd Amendment calls for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Emphasis on WELL REGULATED. The majority of Americans are in favor of at least some form of gun control. The idea is to get the most dangerous weapons we have out there out of the hands of those most likely to misuse/abuse them. And personally, I think accountability should be factored in. Gun owners should be required to have background checks, inspections of homes with required gun safes, ammunition limits, mandatory certification in gun safety courses, with regular testing, marksman training, and insurance to cover any damage done by weapons they own. And honestly, I wouldn't mind if people were required to join their State Militia or National Guard in order to own more than a hunting rifle.

2. The Constitution was never intended to be sacrosanct. It's a living, breathing work in progress. Hell, the ink was barely dry before the Bill of Rights was introduced. We "amend" the Constitution as needed to address issues that were never foreseen by our forefathers.


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