Rogue Gets Fired from the X-Men

Wish it.

No. Sorry. Rogue's cool and useful. Screw you, wheels, and your "you mean this helmet will protect me against everything you can do except run me over slowly" attitude.

X: fired.


Yeah y'know, after watching a few of these carbon-copy routines with this self-indulgent turd whose comedic moments he has to milk like a goat with deformed nipples, finding his tired, white-person-schtick, wholly un-funny.

Oh, and two solid thumbs down for his half-assed impression of Professor X.

Just what the ailing cathode-ray nipple-cube needs: More untalented, uncreative, shit comedy.


This video series made me not like Pete Holmes any more. Choggie is right, this guy milks every last bit of funny until it's just tedious to take in any more of the material.


Actually Rogue is dead now I think.. so yeah.


No. Sorry. Rogue's cool and useful. Screw you, wheels, and your "you mean this helmet will protect me against everything you can do except run me over slowly" attitude.

X: fired.


No dude, some people are immune to bad comedy like some people never get the flu. The laugh-o-meter needle never wiggled once-Oh, and X-MEN fans don't LOVE the X-MEN, they just wanna have a great big orgy with 'em at DX's mansion!


This whole series is hysterical. If you are against them because you LOVE X-men, then you're not getting the point.


Comedy is pretty damn subjective, so it's reasonable you didn't like it. Shitting on everyone else who might have enjoyed it is not as reasonable.


No dude, some people are immune to bad comedy like some people never get the flu. The laugh-o-meter needle never wiggled once-Oh, and X-MEN fans don't LOVE the X-MEN, they just wanna have a great big orgy with 'em at DX's mansion!


It's actually an "If Professor X were Dr. Evil" impression.


Yeah y'know, after watching a few of these carbon-copy routines with this self-indulgent turd whose comedic moments he has to milk like a goat with deformed nipples, finding his tired, white-person-schtick, wholly un-funny.

Oh, and two solid thumbs down for his half-assed impression of Professor X.

Just what the ailing cathode-ray nipple-cube needs: More untalented, uncreative, shit comedy.

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