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Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

Jaer says...

This isn't anything new, several people have went on pure fast food diets and lost weight as long as they kept it within reason (calorie count, etc)

The "documentary" super-size me is a joke also, I remember reading a few stories where a couple of sites and other documentary makers asked for the info and data regarding his calorie counts etc and they either flat out refused or lied.

In the end, it's always about self control and watching the calories and cutting various things out (minimizing carbs for one).

Greetings from Chuck (The epic christmas split)

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Jaer says...

Because if Cracked Magazine is anything, they're scientific!

"So their premise that fully automatic shooting only takes place in a matter of 4 seconds is bullshit. "
Technically the example they gave (the commando reference) it's a clip fed weapon, not belt fed, thus "4 second" example applies. Also, there's a reason why the 249 and M60, 50 cal etc have replaceable barrels, over time the barrel can bend due to high constant rate of fire.

Jesus, gun fanatics get so uptight..

Jimmy Carr and the Hecklers

How attached cats are to their owners?

Jaer says...

Each situation is different, most cats are independent and able to take care of themselves, where dogs generally have a pack mentality and as such will attach themselves to an owner.

My cat follows me everywhere, scratches at the door when separated from me and greets me at the door when I return from work. When visitors come over, he avoids them at all costs and stays close to me during the visit as well.

In the end it all depends on how you treat the animal.

TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

Jaer says...

I didn't read all the responses, so forgive me if this was mentioned already, but if the federal min wage was raised to 15/hr. Wouldn't that really screw things up?

For instance:
15 becomes the new fed. min wage, everyone from 7.25 up to 15 would be 15, meaning those who made more than minimum wage would now be making the federal minimum wage assuming the employers don't adjust for the pay hike (most wouldn't).

So with that assumed, all pricing on services and products will also raise accordingly, putting everyone at the minimum wage level back where they started, correct? But in this situation, even *more* people would be affected by the inflated costs and we'd be in a far deeper hole than before.

I'm all for having corporations (specially the billion dollar industry that is the fast food services) pay their workers more, but I don't think a hike like this would actually help things overall, unless *everyone* in the country got a raise in pay, and the services/products stayed the same price (very very very unlikely).

Rogue Gets Fired from the X-Men

Rogue Gets Fired from the X-Men

Jaer says...

Actually Rogue is dead now I think.. so yeah.

noims said:

No. Sorry. Rogue's cool and useful. Screw you, wheels, and your "you mean this helmet will protect me against everything you can do except run me over slowly" attitude.

X: fired.

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

Jaer says...

One of the first steps to recovery is believing in yourself, and while how one looks only seems superficial, it definitely helps build up confidence to continue on.

It's made out of cookies!

If this doesn't put a big smile on your face...

Die Antwoord - Fatty Boom Boom [Metal Version]

Just please wait for the chorus... It's totally worth it.

Open Letter to Students

Section 8 Rental - What a sad and upsetting experience

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