Richard Dawkins - Boobie Evolution: Why are there Two?


What is your favorite type of Boobie? I prefer them to be larger and in flocks, however I would just as well be content with seeing a pair of somewhat smaller Boobies.. especially if I have an opportunity to examine them closely.


OMFG! Dawkins and boobies. All we need is him interviewing Ron Paul on his opinion of the boobie while his assistant busts an escalopter in the background and it would be the Greatest Sift of All Time.


>> ^EDD:
If somebody had told me that Richard Dawkins would be doing a documentary on chicks and boobies, I'd have called them a liar. I guess the joke's on me
Btw, this reminds me of The British sure love their birds and double entendres.

Have you never seen the carry on films? We like the SINGLE entendre, but we can double it up if you like.

I know it's not double, but it's less funny. Leave my joke alone.


It's just unfair to use science and logic to defeat creationist arguments. I mean it's not like they use science or logic right? It's like bringing a gun to a knife fight (except no matter how many holes you shoot somehow the creationists just brush it off).

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