Quick-Peel An Egg

"Save 4 days of your life"


"Your egg is free and ready to eat, and covered in the chef's spit."

I can peel an egg quicker than that with my fingers. However, I have few other life skills. *sigh*


i tried this twice before w/o much success.

1st time turned out it was a soft-boiled egg so i blew the insides w/ the yolk out on the table

2nd time it didn't exactly work either cause i blew the whole egg out of my hand and it plopped on the floor


>> ^mxxcon:
i tried this twice before w/o much success.
1st time turned out it was a soft-boiled egg so i blew the insides w/ the yolk out on the table
2nd time it didn't exactly work either cause i blew the whole egg out of my hand and it plopped on the floor

I guess some hand eye coordination is a prerequisite.


Eggs have to be at least two weeks old for this to work. I have hens and there is no freakin way you can do this with a recently laid egg. The older the egg the more it shrinks inside the shell. BooYaah!

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