Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

transcript in comments

Preface: Mike Murphy - Friend of Jon Mccain and former adviser to the campaign.
Peggy Noonan - Primary Reagan speechwriter.


Chuck Todd: Mike Murphy, lots of free advice, we'll see if Steve Schmidt and the boys were watching. We'll find out on your blackberry. Tonight voters will get their chance to hear from Sarah Palin and she will get the chance to show voters she's the right woman for the job Up next, one man who's already convinced and he'll us why Gov. Jon Huntsman. (cut away)

Peggy Noonan: Yeah.

Mike Murphy: You know, because I come out of the blue swing state governor world: Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. I mean, these guys -- this is how you win a Texas race, just run it up. And it's not gonna work. And --

PN: It's over.

MM: Still McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech to do himself some good.

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this --

MM: They're all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives --

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what' sreally the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.
(scripted by TPM)


I was just about to post this.

Holy mother of fuck this is 100000000xAwesome. If these POS pundits were as honest on-air as they are off, this election would've ended six months ago.

This is already on LA Times, and spreading. If it gets raked through the MSM machine, consider Palin&McCain as over.


I really want to believe that most of the country sees just what a horrible choice she is aside from the one fact that she's a woman... still, it seems when I hear people talk about her, they have blinders on...


Due to a technical difficulty, we interrupt the usual spin for a dose of honesty. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back with our normal insipid analysis after these words from our sponsor.


Just imagine a world where democrats and republicans, conservatives and liberals, militant atheists and religious nutjobs always spoke their minds and were open about their own reservations about the candidate they support.

Seriously, I'll begin...
Barack's promises to solve the energy crisis, turn back a century of global warming, end the war, provide exceptional affordable health care to every American while personally tracking Bin Laden down and balancing the budget in the first three days of his presidency make me a little skeptical about his ability to deliver.

Who is next? Stop drinking your parties Kool-Aid and be honest for a second.


^ Yeah, if he actually said he'd do that in the first three days I'd be skeptical too. But those are his positions on the issues, not specific promises or timetables.

The only thing I'm worried about Obama is that he's going to come up against a brick wall of political resistance that he may not be prepared for. Still, it's better to push against a brick wall than walk down the path to oblivion that McCain is headed.


where is my turbovote.. man, this is one of the greatest moments (how sad). Cable news talking morans finally speak the truth.

Why is there no news outlet where anyone actually speaks the truth????


Barack's promises to solve the energy crisis, turn back a century of global warming, end the war, provide exceptional affordable health care to every American while personally tracking Bin Laden down and balancing the budget in the first three days of his presidency make me a little skeptical about his ability to deliver.

Nobody expects Obama to undo 8 years of continual fuckups the first three days, I dont know what maniac Obama supporter told you that. The difference is that the people who support Obama IS actually mostly honest and straight forward. They may not even think he'll succeed during a full term, but we can still AGREE with Obama on those issues. I support Obama mostly, but I can easily think of a downside, like his pandering to the religious, which I see as somewhat of a mixed bag, since its a pill we have to swallow to get him into office. but its either deceitful or delusional (if he is honestly a Jesus guy)

But these conservative nutjobs, I mean, I've really tried to avoid saying it, I really have, I dont want to paint an us-vs-them black and white image of the world, but seriously, these people are lying, manipulative, cynical, delusional, evil fucking scumbags, and quite honestly I find no redeeming factors in their behavior. I - perhaps naively - go around thinking the best about people, I try thinking "Ok, I disagree with everything that person says, but I'm sure that deep down, they only mean well." but these evil greedy fucks ... I cant sympathize, sorry, they are fucked and their fucking us all. please, whatever you fucking do, Americans, dont vote another fool into the White house, the world at large deserves better, they really do.

Oh, and at this video: YES!!


>> ^ajkido:
>> ^hueco_tanks:
Just imagine a world where [..] militant atheists [..] always spoke their minds

Say what? Here: you are an idiot.

Point made... I am agnostic/atheist, and I am being called a moron (apparently by a militant atheist) because of two words I used that seem to describe perfectly the individual that made the response. Well played ajkido.


Point made... I am agnostic/atheist, and I am being called a moron (apparently by a militant atheist) because of two words I used that seem to describe perfectly the individual that made the response. Well played ajkido.

Firstly, I don't agree that you're an idiot, but even if that isn't true, how does this make your point? He, if he's a so-called "militant atheist", expressed his opinion quite clearly. Your point was that apparently "militant atheists" are yet another group of people who lie to themselves and others and that you wish that the "spoke their minds" and "stop drinking the kool-aid"

I agree that his comment was rather rude and stupid, but thats not the issue, and even if ajkido does fit your description, doesnt mean thats got anything to do with being a so-called "Militant atheist" I'm rather strongly against being bullied around by people over fairytales myself, and if thats what you call "militant", then count me in, but you'll have to explain how that makes me dishonest about my own opinions.


>> ^hueco_tanks: Barack's promises to the first three days

Who on earth ever said "in the first three days"?

Obviously you're no fan of Obama, or else you wouldn't have fabricated this back-handed remark.

Obama has consistently stated that this country has a long road ahead of us to reverse course on the disasterous policies of the Neo-Cons and their way of thinking. And it will take a lot of time to refocus our efforts but we have to start now, or we may never be able to right this ship.

(btw: Can anyone please explain to me what a "militant atheist" is? Is that someone who believes in science and reality?)


This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

2. 3 days.
It is amusing to me that some thought I actually believed Barack promised to accomplish all of what he plans to do in three days. What is most amusing was that the entire passage before was also exaggerated beyond comprehension, and no one seemed to notice. Barack is not going to personally drag Obama from a cave, or turn back a century of global warming. To believe that all of the promises listed could be accomplished in 30 years is a pipe dream, and I thought the exaggeration was apparent.

I will be voting in this election FOR a candidate rather than against a candidate for the first time and I am strong a supporter of Barack as you will find. I have never agreed so strongly on so many issues with a candidate in my lifetime. I speak to lots of very intelligent people, however, who are not as certain about Barack and I can understand many of their reservations. You cannot possibly like everything about a candidate, any candidate! I didn't vote FOR Kerry or Gore, I voted against Bush. I am, however, voting FOR Obama. What I loved most about the convention speech were the lines about finding common ground on gun-control, abortion, immigration, and gay marriage. He took a common-sense stance on each issue. These are not black-and-white issues, but we paint them as such, and there are fools on both sides who would not vote for a candidate on the 'wrong side' of many of these issues for that reason alone. I do wish, however, that he provided a more common-sense view of what can and must be accomplished, and what sacrifices must be made to achieve these things. These sacrifices are not easy to stomach for the common voter, however, and I know that accepting things like religious pandering and over-reaching rhetoric are necessary in an election as important as this one.


Peggy Noonan has since tried to explain that her 'its over' comment is being misinterpreted... that she was referring to the Republican campaign policies that the clip begins talking about as being dated and 'over'. Having re-watched the clip I actually believe her; she jumps in with that comment right when they're talking about McCain trying to run 'Texas-style' politics.

An excerpt of her clarification;

"In our off-air conversation, I got on the subject of the leaders of the Republican party assuming, now, that whatever the base of the Republican party thinks is what America thinks. I made the case that this is no longer true, that party leaders seem to me stuck in the assumptions of 1988 and 1994, the assumptions that reigned when they were young and coming up. "The first lesson they learned is the one they remember," I said to Todd -- and I'm pretty certain that is a direct quote. But, I argued, that's over, those assumptions are yesterday, the party can no longer assume that its base is utterly in line with the thinking of the American people. And when I said, "It's over!" -- and I said it more than once -- that is what I was referring to. "


I am so scared for the world right now.

a) Polls before this nomination stating that McCain is more popular than Obama... WHO the crap could possibly think that a dottery old fool who is anti science, anti athiests, anti gay, pro creationism, pro 'life', is a rich, out of touch money hungry conservative, will do ANYTHING GOOD? ANYTHING for the USA or the world? With him at the helm, the US will descend further, further into the mire it currently finds itself in, the rest of the world will be partially pulled down with it, and hopefully pull away from it and build up our own world governing power more to steer the world a bit better.

b) The republicans choose THIS woman... THIS woman who is a shining example of how refusing sex education and having a healthy attitude to sex and relationships ends up... with her teenage daughter pregnant and now being forced into marrying the father... yeah, won't that end well. HOW can someone continue to think that abstinence and lack of knowledge on sexual matters is the right way to go when she has THIS as an example? Her own daughter's life screwed up... having a child at 17, when she should have had so many more years of just being free and enjoying her life and gaining experience before taking the enormous step of being responsible for a child.

Hooooly crap it's scary that they could think that this will win votes... and if it does... if they are the people to lead the USA... well... good luck, as the rest of us are going to abandon your red white and blue ship.


>> ^hueco_tanks:
This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

What you are describing as "militant atheism" is actually just "atheism". You don't have to claim absolute truth on the existence of god to be an atheist, all you need is to evaluate a probability to declare you "know" something doesn't exist. You probably "know" that zeus, unicorns, man-bear-pig, and talking teapots don't exist--and the principle is precisely the same. If so, you are an atheist with regards to these mythical creatures,--so why not take it one god further?

I "know" that if I run into a wall it will hurt. But quantum mechanics shows us that this is not "true"--there exists a finite, albeit infinitesimally small, probability that every particle in my body will "tunnel" through the energy barrier and I will arrive, unharmed, on the other side of the wall. If you think this is impossible, you will have to throw away your ipod, digital camera, and phone because the flash cards inside all these electronic devices perform this very same feat on a daily basis.


Ok, so militant atheism refers to people who are jerks about being atheists (and the others not belonging to their group).

Just like how slurs towards the religious (do I have to name just one?) are aimed towards religious people who are jerks about their religion (and the others not belonging to their group).

Now can we please return to shaking our heads in collective disbelief at the American electoral process?

Thank you.


blah blah blah i have a logical problem for you blah blah blah why don't you believe in fairies blah blah blah quantum physics is completely understood by modern science blah blah blah

shut. the. fuck. up. if. you. don't. understand. what. you. are. talking. about.


>> ^MINK:
blah blah blah i have a logical problem for you blah blah blah why don't you believe in fairies blah blah blah quantum physics is completely understood by modern science blah blah blah
shut. the. fuck. up. if. you. don't. understand. what. you. are. talking. about.

I never claimed quantum physics was completely understood, but thats not the point--the point is that things you think you know, are actually just probability functions--and that the same is true for the question of whether god exists. What exactly was fallacious in my post, though?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'palin, conservatives, huntsman, mccain, msnbc' to 'mike murphy, peggy noonan, chuck todd, sarah palin, open mic, huntsman, mccain, msnbc' - edited by my15minutes

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