Hugh Jackman founded Laughing Man coffee so he could give back 100% of his profits to the fair trade farmers who grow it - and also to make himself way less of an asshole. That coffee is actual magic.

It was the first time I used it, but I had intentionally used the "sarcasm" feature. If you look at my post, it says "eoe jokingly says...". One of two things could have happened:

1. You didn't notice that I said it "jokingly" (as I don't think I ever noticed anyone having used the "sarcasm" feature before).
2. You saw it and were, in turn, joking.


Don't project.


Not really either. I assumed that, like many, you used it to avoid having to answer for your comment, but you meant it.
I'm certain that was exactly what many right wingers thought when watching this.
If you really didn't mean it, you should know the sarcasm button doesn't always indicate you don't mean it, just that you thought you're being funny.
When you used the right wing "cuck", I thought you likely meant it but wanted an "out" if you got called out about it, that's how many hard core right wingers use it.

If that's wrong, I'm sorry, but you might want to be more clear when you're making similar comments or you run the risk of being misunderstood. In my defense, I've been pretty sick all weekend and I'm not thinking clearly. Sorry for the downvote if it wasn't warranted.


It was the first time I used it, but I had intentionally used the "sarcasm" feature. If you look at my post, it says "eoe jokingly says...". One of two things could have happened:

1. You didn't notice that I said it "jokingly" (as I don't think I ever noticed anyone having used the "sarcasm" feature before).
2. You saw it and were, in turn, joking.


Nah, it was my bad. In these unfortunate times of "fake news" being a knee jerk reaction to everything and dog whistles galore, you have to be clear, especially when making jokes.

I never thought about it before, but it looks like the alt-right is also ruining comedy. Fuck them.

Re the downvote: Meh. Internet currency means less than zero to me. No worries.

Update: I added an extreme sarcasm tag, for clarity.


Not really either. I assumed that, like many, you used it to avoid having to answer for your comment, but you meant it.
I'm certain that was exactly what many right wingers thought when watching this.
If you really didn't mean it, you should know the sarcasm button doesn't always indicate you don't mean it, just that you thought you're being funny.
When you used the right wing "cuck", I thought you likely meant it but wanted an "out" if you got called out about it, that's how many hard core right wingers use it.

If that's wrong, I'm sorry, but you might want to be more clear when you're making similar comments or you run the risk of being misunderstood. In my defense, I've been pretty sick all weekend and I'm not thinking clearly. Sorry for the downvote if it wasn't warranted.

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