"How could you Steve?"

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This is SO on point. I lean left, and I'm fucking sick of the whiny babies and PC shaming that is taking over. Yes, we should be inclusive, but no, we should not "call out" people who are obviously on your side of the debate when they misspeak, or as Maher said, when they give compliments!


As a far-left Liberal, I 100% agree with Bill on this point. I understand the underlying idea behind PC -- that all people deserve respect and shouldn't be singled out for ridicule for things they can't help -- but the execution of this idea has been a disaster.

Nobody likes it when someone shouts out, "I'm a victim!" when they're obviously not. It demeans real victims, lessens the gravity of the word and concept of "victim", and makes the person calling themselves a victim not so much that term as the term "Cry-baby". Thus it makes all the people in the class (Liberals) generally associated with that group (whiners) look like specials snowflakes pleading for special, and unearned, treatment.

So if identifying new species of victim-hood is going to be your principle reason for existing, then you'd better expect to lose and lose often.


It seems like Bill Maher is gonna be calling out resurgences of political correctness forever. I like the term "cry-bullies" and how well it fits the people who are constantly outraged and demanding the heads of all who cross them. Thanks to the internet they're more pervasive and annoying than ever.


well, dems keep winning more votes but losing elections. mainly cause republicans re-draw the districts when they get in office ie: gerrymandering.

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