Movie Middle Fingers -- five notes in, you'll know the song


It took you five?

I don't understand the people who flip the lazy bird, only pulling down the first 2 knuckles of the other fingers.

Be proud! Use the thumb to CRUSH down those fingers standing in the way of the MIGHTY MIDDLE!


>> ^Payback:

It took you five?
I don't understand the people who flip the lazy bird, only pulling down the first 2 knuckles of the other fingers.
Be proud! Use the thumb to CRUSH down those fingers standing in the way of the MIGHTY MIDDLE!

The two knuckle down fingers are the balls. Just a middle finger is like saying fuck you, but the middle finger with the balls says fuck you and suck my balls.


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Love the Evil Dead 2 hand. The whole bit with the self-possessed hand had me cracking up more than almost anything else ever as a kid.

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