Missionaries Spread The Love

An American missionary spreads the love of the church in Uganda.
I certainly hope he's been excommunicated, anything less is the church actively promoting this behavior.
Granted, this is pretty mild abuse compared to what most missionaries have done.

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This guy, got what he deserves being arrested for Assault.

BUT what about all the damage he's done to everything including slandering his own religion, racial relations, international relations and so on.

so much to say here, quitting before I rant - Have a nice day.

Edit: I hope he's sent home and de-funded by the church and benefactors who pay for his missionary work - In fact, I hope he's forced to pay back all the money he's received thus far.

newtboyjokingly says...

But....."slander" implies his depiction is somehow inaccurate.


This guy, got what he deserves being arrested for Assault.

BUT what about all the damage he's done to everything including slandering his own religion...

Mekanikaljokingly says...

My scripture is a bit rusty, but wasn't satan the one who wanted to force everyone to adhere to gods laws and god wanted everyone to have free will and choose for themselves, thus satan was cast out to the lobby of a hotel in Uganda.


Edit: I hope he's sent home and de-funded by the church and benefactors who pay for his missionary work - In fact, I hope he's forced to pay back all the money he's received thus far.


Did anyone ever confirm he actually ever was funded by a church or had any external benefactors to be cut off from? The articles I looked only ever listed him as claiming to be a missionary, but never did anyone specify it as confirmed nor list any claim to affiliation with any specific organisation.


This guy, got what he deserves being arrested for Assault.

BUT what about all the damage he's done to everything including slandering his own religion, racial relations, international relations and so on.

so much to say here, quitting before I rant - Have a nice day.

Edit: I hope he's sent home and de-funded by the church and benefactors who pay for his missionary work - In fact, I hope he's forced to pay back all the money he's received thus far.

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