Michael Richards (Kramer) goes nuts on hecklers


....one take is simple, semantic mistakes, foot in mouth or hate in heart, this was pathetic...also...hasn't this country's masters, in times of stress, change, or regime swap, used the time worn tactic ito incite to riot, with race as the catalyst...or look at heroin in the ghettos in the 60's, to crack in the streets everywhere today...the blacks in America were scary to the whites in the 60's, they had to do something...Drug War???? the Providers make the rules....next it will be everyone against the Mexicans....watch......


Holy social incompetence, assman. When was this? Somebody better put Kramer on suicide watch, because he probably just ended what was left of his career. That was so bad it that I am actually embarrassed for him.



When I first heard about this, I hoped that the whole thing was taken out of context because I really don't want to think of him this way.

Richards could been a professional and ignored the hecklers and continued with his routine, but these hecklers also could have been polite and either left or sat quietly if they didn't like the act instead of hurling insults at him. Not that any of this excuses their behavior, but a little courtesy could have avoided this.


> Richards was being all too human. He made a mistake in a fit of rage

You are far too generous. He was being a racist asshole, period. I've made mistakes, I've yelled at people, I've been an idiot, but I wouldn't ever do what this guy did. He's filled with rotten pudding just like Faith Hill, the camera doesn't lie. He makes Faiths pudding smell fresh though, this guy is festering.


[quote]Meanwhile, in measured "rational" tones **this** jackass called for the genocide of the White race:[/quote]

This guy is just another racist idiot, like Tom Metzger says "kill all niggers, blah blah" all the time, nobody gives a shit, because he's nothing but a disturbed nazi. Michael Richards on the other hand *is* somebody, he played one of the most popular comedy characters ever on TV for 9 seasons on an award-winning sitcom


....I think qm has a better grip than most there, Theo....but of course, I would agree with something as off-the wall, right wing, republican born-again christian, friend of the Jews, anti-abortion, homophobic, reactionary rhetoric.....huh???!.....
and damn straight, rickegee, you have a great responsibility when you take the podium...Why do not we discuss daily, the statements being made by the fucking worm in Iran??? Anti-Semite fuck needs to be taken-out black-ops style, and Israel, will probably have to clean up the mess again....like they did in Iraq, with the reactor the French sold them......and you want to whine about the unfair, inhumane occupation.....yeah life sucks....but so does having your entire race, on the virge of genocidal extinction.....again, kids, perspcetive, and perception, thats why we have opinions, and they, are like what????!!! Everybody now, That's right, assholes.


....natural reaction of the un-enlightened, make fun of the one in the group, who just can't play well with others......University will do that sometimes....teach you to be a caring, sensitive, politically defect, and there is THAT version of one's own fantasy world.....
and virtually ineffectual in the world of the real......again, Perception is a Motherfucker...


BicycleRepairMan is right.

QM's main prerogative is to muddle the argument, bringing factors that have nothing to do with the discussion to throw it off to the deep end and create another polarizing affair. With people like that you don't get fair and rational discussion or debate, you get partisan politics. I say that because for all the times he says we are the Chomskysift and the leftist PC pinko liberal whatever he still keeps coming back because he just likes to stir up shit by saying ridiculous things. Like Ann Coulter.

As for Iran, it's anti-American because of American involvement in installation of the Shah of Iran by the CIA of which the CIA itself said it would receive 'blow back', the covert word for "It will come and bit us in the ass one day". Blowback.


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