Michael Moore - America is NOT Broke (Madison, WI March 5th)

Michael Moore makes his speech in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday, March 5th, 2011 in support of the 14 Democratic senators who are trying to fight the union-busting bill.

Post cannot be double-promoted by Tymbrwulf because Tymbrwulf is the original submitter.

I find meatbag Tymbrwulf to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by Tymbrwulf.


There's some truth to what he said. Certainly there's been a financial coup d'état. That happened a long time ago, but more recently it can been seen when all the small banks closed right after the generous bailouts.

I just can't get behind the cult of taxation. I don't see that as the correct solution.


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Join us Blankfist- you know you want to. You can be like Percy who comes back into the fold for the Battle of Hogwarts.

>> ^blankfist:

There's some truth to what he said. Certainly there's been a financial coup d'état. That happened a long time ago, but more recently it can been seen when all the small banks closed right after the generous bailouts.
I just can't get behind the cult of taxation. I don't see that as the correct solution.


High School graduate motivating the masses. Hitler was a high school dropout. Nothing like the uneducated motivating the masses. I don't care for Moore, but just ust had to give a poke

Click for list of Richest 400 Americans So should we just take their billions just because their rich?

Sounds like class warfare.

Agreed, should have let the banks collapse.

Agreed that government is corrupt. Only through strict adherence to the Constitution. That only comes from leaders with a strong moral compass and a people desiring the best for America, not what best for themselves.


Moore - despite his rampant hypocrisy - makes a valid point in the sense that capitalism has become corrupted. Back in the late 19th and early 20th century the robber barons controlled government, and made laws so they could do whatever they wanted. Then the progressive movement worked to establish a vertical wall around powerful centralized government as a means of countering crony capitalism's unholy domination of the weak federal government. Also, they established & promoted unions as a means of increasing worker power and bettering their conditions.

But as with anything, incresed power in a sector of society results in corruption. Unions were rapidly overtaken with corrupt leaders. The more powerful federal government VERY quickly became corrupt and open to bribery, graft, waste, and 'outside-in' crony capitalism in collusion with unions. We are in a position today where the federal government has become so powerful, so corrupt, and so out of touch that it is as bad as the robber barons ever were.

Corrupt corporations & industries know where the power is, and smear money around Washington to get laws that favor their objectives. Without the corrupt federal government, the repeal of Glass-Steagall would have been impossible, and America could have entirely avoided the housing bubble and resulting collapse. Without corrupt unions and their evil alliances with government, we could have entirely avoided all these "unfunded liabilities" that are crushing our budgets.

Moore is right. We aren't broke. There is 4 trillion dollars we the people can take away from the corrupt federal government. There is also as mucha s 16 trillion dollars we can take away from lousy contracts with corrupt unions. We can balance our budgets in a year by cutting federal spending so that it is ONLY allowed for consitutionally mandated functions like defense. We can balance state budges by voiding every single union contract ever written, eliminating preposterous 'for life' benefits, and starting over with logical, limited, VOTER APPROVED contracts where unions are taken out of the equation completely.


In short - the problem is this...

•Corrupt labor unions are monopoly personnel providers for state and local governments
•Corrupt labor union leaders force all union members to donate to unaccountable, unmonitored union budgets
•Corrupt union leaders use union dues to hire lobbyists to agitate for greater government spending which will result in a need for more union employees
•Corrupt union leaders use the union dues to donate to the campaigns of corrupt politicians who support the corrupt unions
•Corrupt union leaders then personally negotiate with thier pet-elected corrupt politicians to freeze unrealistic pay, benefits, and work rules for unions
•The higher they get these union contracts, the more money they have to buy votes and perpetuate the whole mess.
•At no point in this process is the VOTER WHO IS PAYING FOR IT ALL given a chance to throw the brakes.

Until this cycle of corruption is broken (dare we say, BUSTED?) the taxpayer will continue to get rogered by these corrupt unions, their corrupt pet politicians, and the stupid union dupes who go along with it all because it give them fat & sassy benefits.


>> ^bobknight33:

High School graduate motivating the masses. Hitler was a high school dropout. Nothing like the uneducated motivating the masses. I don't care for Moore, but just ust had to give a poke
Click for list of Richest 400 Americans So should we just take their billions just because their rich?
Sounds like class warfare.
Agreed, should have let the banks collapse.
Agreed that government is corrupt. Only through strict adherence to the Constitution. That only comes from leaders with a strong moral compass and a people desiring the best for America, not what best for themselves.

So you would rather have people who have a substantially smaller amount of money take a pay cut instead of the rich? This definitely sounds like class warfare.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

•Corrupt union leaders then personally negotiate with thier pet-elected corrupt politicians to freeze unrealistic pay, benefits, and work rules for unions

Throughout this entire mess, I have not seen any evidence of the lazy, overpaid union workers like the right keeps claiming. Where is the gravy train? From the studies I've seen, the union workers are at best paid a few percentage points higher than non-union. And the ones I believe, which take into account required education levels and responsibilities, indicate that public sector union workers could do better in the private sector.

I don't buy it. If the union workers are earning too much money, show us the proof and we will elect officials who run on the platform of negotiating for more reasonable pay levels. That hasn't happened, and it makes me believe that it's a load of bullshit.

Even if it is true, the proper route is to demonstrate the problem to the public, not bust the unions. We're the boss, remember? It's our money. Let everybody decide how to fix the problem if there is one. But right now, the majority of Americans are firmly behind unions. This whole Republican union-busting movement is a despicable end-run around the will of the people. And if there is any justice, they will be crushed for it in the next election.


Double-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, March 7th, 2011 6:37am PST - doublepromote requested by kronosposeidon.

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