YouTube Description:
Recently, Sean Hannity called the #OccupyWallStreet protesters un-American by saying they "hated liberty." seen in this video) In response, interviewed a few Marine vets at Zuccotti Park.The Marines stated why they had come to protest and in direct response to Hannity's statement: One said "F**k Off" and the other replied: "That's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard"Please continue to support "We Are The Other 99". Consider a donation of $9.17 [Sept. 17] to keep our coverage on the air. We are funded 100% by small donors like you. Thanks for the generosity you've already shown us, whatever the amount.. We Are The Other 99t: @TheOther99
Barsepssays...Former servicemen telling politicians to "fuck off" is all I need to declare this video *quality
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by Barseps.
siftbotsays...This video has been flagged as being Not Suitable For Work - declared nsfw by Boise_Lib.
Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 1:57pm PDT - promote requested by Boise_Lib.
ChaosEnginesays...>> ^Barseps:
Former servicemen telling politicians to "fuck off" is all I need to declare this video quality
Sean Hannity is not a politician, but I still approve of people telling him to fuck off.
lantern53says...Who forced this young man into student loan debt?
I went to school on the GI bill and with a job incurred zero debt.
At least these two are likeable in contrast to the guy seen taking a shit on the police car.
But it's a shame that two veterans are being used to promote the progressive agenda. I can sympathize with their gripes but I would not associate myself with the majority of that unfocused, anarchist rabble.
Thumpersays...@lantern53 Yeah because the blanket statements like "hippies playing bongos" are not at all used to promote misinformation about what is being protested. They are being used as a response to the hippy B.S. allegation the media is jumping on. I hope to see more veterans show support for what is happening.
Yogisays...>> ^lantern53:
Who forced this young man into student loan debt?
I went to school on the GI bill and with a job incurred zero debt.
At least these two are likeable in contrast to the guy seen taking a shit on the police car.
But it's a shame that two veterans are being used to promote the progressive agenda. I can sympathize with their gripes but I would not associate myself with the majority of that unfocused, anarchist rabble.
Fuck Off.
Paybacksays...Upvoted for Marine 1's statement even though the situation's not ironic, it's moronic.
chilaxesays...Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
gharksays...Fantastic vid
GenjiKilpatricksays...Go ahead @quantumushroom.
Say something.
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'marines, veterans, sean hannity, occupy wall street' to 'Marines, veterans, sean hannity, occupy wall street' - edited by garmachi
garmachisays...Edited the tags to capitalize the "M" in "Marines".
articiansays...>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
chilaxesays...>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.
Yogisays...>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.
You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.
chilaxesays...I worked in unskilled jobs when I was in college (because I was unskilled), and I learned a lot about life. I also shared rooms and lived simply. You're too good to do the same? I've even voluntarily slept in my car while a student in order to save on rent. It's not that hard.
Move to an area that has a decent economy if you need to. Read books on business psychology. Nobody else is going to build your life for you.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.
You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.
MarineGunrocksays...Those rich fucks! This whole fucking thing... I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...
ajkidosays...>> ^chilaxe:
I worked in unskilled jobs when I was in college (because I was unskilled), and I learned a lot about life. I also shared rooms and lived simply. You're too good to do the same? I've even voluntarily slept in my car while a student in order to save on rent. It's not that hard.
Move to an area that has a decent economy if you need to. Read books on business psychology. Nobody else is going to build your life for you.
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.
You're saying the solution is to get a the worst job market there's been in decades. You need a college education to get a decent need a decent job to get a college education. Hmmm sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.
By the way, life doesn't have to be that rough. There are countries where students get paid to go to school (even the best universities) and those countries are doing pretty good even in international competition. It might not "build one's character" like living in a car, though...
articiansays...>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^artician:
>> ^chilaxe:
Wait, isn't it obvious how to avoid student loan debt?
Go to any of the excellent community colleges for the first 2 years, then transfer to a public college.
There are a lot of people in this country who can't even afford that.
Then get a job?
Classes can be taken online now from most schools, so if people are willing to work hard and keep themselves disciplined, they can save a lot of time.
You, sir, are obviously a white American.
chilaxesays...@ajkido said: "By the way, life doesn't have to be that rough. It might not "build one's character" like living in a car, though..."
If people can't pay off their student loans, that means the increased benefits to society of their education were not as high as the increased costs to society of paying for their education. When you make something "pretend free" you distort it's consumption.
Keep in mind that student loans often have interest rates so low they're below the inflation rate, so you're basically being paid to have the loan.
Solution: Everybody who takes out a student loan to go to a 4 year school instead of transferring from a community college is being dumb. Become an advocate of that. Also, don't major in dumb majors.
@ajkido said: "There are countries where students get paid to go to school (even the best universities) and those countries are doing pretty good even in international competition."
Wait, as college-educated people, we know why those countries do well, right? Because those countries are full of White or Asian people. White Americans do better at academics than other White countries, and Asian Americans do better than other Asian countries.
chilaxesays...@artician said: "You, sir, are obviously a white American."
Are you saying non-White Americans don't have to sleep in their car to save money as a student, like I did? Or do you mean non-White Americans don't like to go to community college and then transfer, like I did?
Also, you're aware Asian Americans out-perform White Americans in academics to the degree that universities formally discriminate against, them, right? So I think you mean "You're obviously White or Asian American" although I'm not sure why you'd say it.
articiansays...My point was that there are millions of people in the US who are far, far less fortunate than you are. (You have a car to live in?! Jesus-Luxury-Christ!) It's fantastic that you worked hard for your education, obviously you are a very intelligent and right-headed individual. But downplaying the debt that so many take on for education to make it look as though it's bad judgement or individual choice, rather than situational circumstance or systematic exploitation, suggests you are out of touch with the reality of the situation.
siftbotsays...Video is already flagged NSFW - ignoring nsfw request by silvercord. bad
Sagemindsays...@chilaxe @artician
Not to get too involved in you diatribe, there are a few points I'd like to throw in.
1). Sleeping in your car is fine, in a pinch, Congrats to you for pushing through the strife. Fact is, you shouldn't to live like a third world refuge to get an education. Quite a few people out there have families, so this solution is not a solution. Living in one's car is by definition, "Homeless." No respectable employer will hire you without a permanent address. Besides that, for a person with a wife and one or two kids, this is NEVER an option.
2). Although student loans are extremely helpful, they aren't as easy to get as one might think. Without an address, next to impossible. Once you have the loan, paying it back is hard. It took me 13 years to pay back my loan (with interest). It''s one more expense on top of all the other living expenses. Getting an education does not automatically get you a good job right away. For me, it took years of stepping up job to job, working min-wage jobs and changing cities 3-4 times to get where I am. I'm finally in what would be considered a semi-decent job and I still can't afford decent food for my family and clothing. I myself have a couple pairs of shorts and no pant's at all - winter's coming and it's getting cold. (I'm not complaining, just stating facts.)
3). life's tough out there, and there is no denying that the economy is slouching, governments are mismanaged and corporations are running things. It's fact that the banks and leaders in charge are corrupt and stuffing their own pockets while the majority are all struggling to get half way up the pile that everyone is living on.
4). Race..., why race? race is irrelevant to this crisis. Yes it sucks that some white people have an advantage while it is also true that there are non-white people that have it better than some whites. Who cares. It's not race that determines this crisis, it's scruples. Those that have no problem stealing and screwing over others prosper first, while those who "would never do that," end up lower in the pile. It's the classic story of "Nice guy finishes last<./i>" If you don't screw someone over before they screw you over, they get ahead of you. If you are smart enough, are without scruples and have the fierce determination to crush others on the way up - you prosper. The rest of us wallow in our own goodness because we didn't see the car that hit us. Now we are angry and want recompense.
That's where we are now. the scales are out of balance and they need to be straightened. So who's going to do it, when is it going to happen, and at what cost?
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