Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial


First time I saw this commercial I thought nothing of it. I may have slightly chuckled inside at the joke the advertisement is making, it's cute. I didn't even notice the racial thing until it was pointed out. I actually am quite proud of myself for not noticing, I feel like the kids in the "hate crimes" episode of South Park.


First of all, prejudice against race and prejudice against religion aren't quite on equal footing, since one is something you're actually born with and the other is something that you can actually affect later in life with your own decisions. Prejudice against how people are born, something that's totally beyond their own control, that's just insane on the face of it. Prejudice against their religion or lack of it though, since that is either the result of them actively thinking about it and coming to a conclusion, or perhaps more commonly actively not thinking about it and just going with what they were told when they were young... There's room there for a healthy dose of prejudice.

Secondly, censorship isn't the answer, not even on YouTube.

But overall, DAMN it feels good to see stuff like this. Gives hope that maybe, just maybe one day this world won't be so bad after all.


With regards to that first paragraph. No.

Prejudice - an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

Although humans categorize and use shortcuts to make sense of the world, the use of prejudice in any real or meaningful way is always to the detriment of those involved.

Instead of condoning prejudice in any form, how about condoning the application of knowledge, compassion, and intelligence for any given situation/event based on the reality of the immediate situation instead of relying on things like prejudice and stereotype to take the easy way out?

In other we've all been told do not judge a book by it's cover (or title page/table of contents to extend the analogy) but instead by the full contents within.


First of all, prejudice against race and prejudice against religion aren't quite on equal footing, since one is something you're actually born with and the other is something that you can actually affect later in life with your own decisions. Prejudice against how people are born, something that's totally beyond their own control, that's just insane on the face of it. Prejudice against their religion or lack of it though, since that is either the result of them actively thinking about it and coming to a conclusion, or perhaps more commonly actively not thinking about it and just going with what they were told when they were young... There's room there for a healthy dose of prejudice.

Secondly, censorship isn't the answer, not even on YouTube.

But overall, DAMN it feels good to see stuff like this. Gives hope that maybe, just maybe one day this world won't be so bad after all.


You can be prejudiced without being racist, but all racists are prejudiced.

Like, if you see some white guy, who looks like he just walked off the set of Jersey Shore, you shouldn't immediately think he's a doucheba...

...ok, never mind, bad example.


For sake of clarity I'm using prejudice in the sense of "any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable".

The reason I'm for some amount of prejudice against religion is that some religions/religious views are quite favorable, whereas some others are just bloody dangerous, inherently immoral and wrong, and several are like this by design (death cults for example). And some religions/religious views are just... Silly. While others can be both, like how scientology is silly, but if even part of the controversies regarding them are true then they're also bloody dangerous.

I'm not going to interact the same way with a self-professed death cultist, scientologist, raelian, or a fundamental/extremist of any religion or lack thereof as I do with so called "normal" people. By going that way they've already made some things painfully obvious, by signing up for some specific religious view they've already declared some things they believe in. If I know that some of the tenets of their professed view are just wrong, dangerous or possibly ridiculous, I will interact differently with them. I am also likely to be positively prejudiced towards for example christians from more liberal sects (like those who support gay marriage and women's rights), as opposed to, say, the Westboro Baptists.

Religious views are not something you're born with, they're the result of your own reasoning or some outside influence, but it's always something that can be affected. That puts them on another level entirely when compared to something like race. Whether some amount of prejudice can be helpful in certain situations (dark alley, strange person pointing a weapon at me, I'll initially judge that particular book by it's covers, even if the contents may possibly have some redeeming features), that's debatable, but race and religion aren't nearly on the same platform.


With regards to that first paragraph. No.

Prejudice - an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

Although humans categorize and use shortcuts to make sense of the world, the use of prejudice in any real or meaningful way is always to the detriment of those involved.

Instead of condoning prejudice in any form, how about condoning the application of knowledge, compassion, and intelligence for any given situation/event based on the reality of the immediate situation instead of relying on things like prejudice and stereotype to take the easy way out?

In other we've all been told do not judge a book by it's cover (or title page/table of contents to extend the analogy) but instead by the full contents within.


One word: mulatto


But seriously, if we build REALLY tall walls -- and I mean, like totally totally tall (in the mall), we keep darker creature human things outside AND we block out the sun so we don't get cancer on our weak, racially inferior skin.

Oh I'm sorry, did I just call white people racially inferior? That's actually what bugs me about this video. The white wife. Fuck that bitch.

I mean, don't fuck her, unless she's on the pill. That way you don't create the abomination called the mulatto.

Seriously. I'm not joking. Ban me. Just kidding. Don't ban me. But I'm not joking about the other thing. Except the Jew Savior part. I like jews. they're BASICALLY white. Oh wait, no, I hate white people. Crackers.

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