If your New Year's resolution is to quit smoking...

Something to pass along; eventual success in quitting smoking is correlated with the number of times you try, not how successful you are on the first attempt to go cold turkey---so keep trying.

Once you quit, the cancer risk clock starts counting backwards (assuming you haven't had it already)---and at 5 years after your last puff, you re-set to the baseline risk of folks who haven't smoked before.

And---the people who love you want you here as long as possible. So, look for the support you need and best of luck..

Engineering because of the sensors linked to display
Art because: I thought it as pretty cool that it was interactive.

I realized one day that cigarettes were interfering with how many bong hits I could take....I quit in that moment and never had another.

This passive aggressive coercion is quite distasteful to me. I hate people who do this, pretend the smoke is bothering them when in reality it's the fact that someone is smoking that bothers them....not the smoke. What's hilarious is to see those kinds of people try to publicly shame a cigarette smoker with their fake coughing and death stares, then I'll spark a cigar and they'll not say a word or even tell me it smells great.
I used to ask people who complain about cigarettes (usually a fake health complaint) if they drive...then I would offer to sit in a closet smoking if they sit in their car with a hose from the tailpipe going in the window and see who cracks first. No one ever took me up on the challenge.


coffee and cigarettes are my last vice,and i ain't fucking giving them up!

how is that people feel perfectly at ease to just walk up to me,a total stranger,and offer health advice?

"you know those will kill ya,you should quit"

thanks captain obvious.

so i always offer them options,people LOVE options.

cigarettes or heroin i ask them.

which always stops them in their tracks and totally bewilders them,and gives me the silent giggles.

which of course they suggest neither,but i tell them i kicked my heroin addiction,my coke addiction,my painkiller addiction,my sex addiction,my porn addiction,i have plenty of experience with addictions.

"so why not lose the cigarette addiction?"

because i don't want to i reply,as i sip my coffee and take a drag of my cigarette.

and they got nothing,and they know it.

smokers realize that smoking is bad for them.that it will facilitate future health issues and most likely result in an early death.

so when you walk up to a stranger smoking and preach the dangers of smoking.you are not revealing some secret truth that they are not already fully aware of,your intentions may be good and your heart coming from the right place,but it is extremely condescending and patronizing.

and the dangers of second hand smoke have been proven to be totally over-blown.it is just rude of a smoker to be forcing anyone to be in the same air space while they enjoy their addiction.

i do not smoke in someone elses car,or in their home.i don't blow smoke in peoples faces.i go out to smoke on the patio.i try to be respectful.

and when you look at the statistics,fewer and fewer young people are picking up the habit of smoking.for all the tobacco companies whining and crying,it appears education is the very simply answer to address a very nasty habit,and even worse addiction.

so to all you well-inentioned do-gooders out there.please do not waste your time or energy pointing out the obvious to people like me.who will be turning 50 in a few months.save that energy for the young people.

coffee and cigarettes are my last addictions.think i will keep them.

hmmmm....coffee sounds good right about now.


I'm skeptical.

First up, I find it unlikely that a smoke detector would work that well outdoors at that distance.

Second, as evidenced by the comments above, I'm not sure this kind of finger-wagging actually dissuades smokers.


The smokers seemed more amused than anything else really. Maybe they could make a better one that detects what brand you're smoking and makes pithy comments. Or one that detects weed and starts to get stoned.


Everytime I see one of these "bus stop" commercials I'm 100% certain that:

1) they truthfully do put in the exact technology they say they do.
2) they never intend for it to work properly, if at all.
3) there's someone pressing a button nearby.
4) once they're finished filming, it all gets taken away.

I'm not QUITE to believing every smoker filmed was a plant, but I'm close.


I'm skeptical.

First up, I find it unlikely that a smoke detector would work that well outdoors at that distance.

Second, as evidenced by the comments above, I'm not sure this kind of finger-wagging actually dissuades smokers.


I thought they were merchandising the lines of nicotine gum and stuff they carry as a pharmacy.


I'm skeptical.

First up, I find it unlikely that a smoke detector would work that well outdoors at that distance.

Second, as evidenced by the comments above, I'm not sure this kind of finger-wagging actually dissuades smokers.


If you wanna quit smoking, buy a proper vaping kit (not the sort they sell at the gas station or likely anything a tobacco company makes), cut down the nicotine level bit by bit over a month or so (but don't let it drag out too long) until you're at about 1 or 2 mg a day. Then stop.

It's pretty easy if you do it right. The vapor makes all the difference. The gum and patches don't work, you need the instant absorption you'll only get through your lungs.

If you don't want to quit smoking, don't.

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