Hundreds of Bed Bugs in a Cup

According to LiveLeak, These pesky little blood-sucking critters were removed from a single bed.

Whatever, just KILL THEM! Kill them with fire, nuke from orbit, just kill them!

They had a television show where the bed bugs were migrating through the wall around the electrical socket into a whole other apartment eating the other person up (who was allergic). They called out an exterminator for them, exterminator couldn't find them in the mattress of the person who called but found traces of them on the pillow cases and stuff heading to the wall. So they asked the adjoining apartment if they could examine their apartment and found their mattress to be heavily infested.

Have no idea if that was possible, true, or even a real show (could have been a fake reality show)...but it gave me the creeps thinking that I could be munched on and never find a real trace of them because they were coming from another bed.


>> ^Porksandwich:

They had a television show where the bed bugs were migrating through the wall around the electrical socket into a whole other apartment eating the other person up (who was allergic). They called out an exterminator for them, exterminator couldn't find them in the mattress of the person who called but found traces of them on the pillow cases and stuff heading to the wall. So they asked the adjoining apartment if they could examine their apartment and found their mattress to be heavily infested.
Have no idea if that was possible, true, or even a real show (could have been a fake reality show)...but it gave me the creeps thinking that I could be munched on and never find a real trace of them because they were coming from another bed.

Och aye, apparently they'll very often nest deep in the walls 15 or 20 feet from their meal (you), and just make the commute every night, no problem.


Good telltale signs for bedbugs is fecal spotting on the bed and mattress from when the bugs take a dump after gorging on your delicious blood... Even if they aren't staying in your matress, you'll should still get signs.

Having slept in my fair share of hotels in my life, spotting is the first thing I check for on entering a room.

ps. Have a good night sleep everyone!

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