How to pay for anything with blank paper

Derren has a wallet with blank paper. He pays with this blank paper and gets whatever he wants. This doesn't work all the time as you will see :)

I think that last guy definitely looked at the "money" (at least after it was handed to him). I think the trick is to overload the brain with so many questions and misdirections that it just tells itself that it sees what it expects to see. Wow, though.


Yeah, trick the brain into seeing what you want it to see, distract it, program it... bingo. Now, imagine how much easier this trick would have been with counterfeit money.

I saw this guy pulling the same trick to get people to give him their wallets. Very scary stuff, but it wakes you up to see it.


I think the quote from the prince/halftime-show scam was "The psychology of the cat and mouse is this: The cat doesn't expect the mouse to come up to it and ask if it can use the forklift. They just don't do that."

I'd guess that the hot dog guy is used to small-time quick scams like that, so is more watchful. The guy that sold the ring? Did he ever even think that a guy would just walk up and hand him paper to pay for something? I'd highly doubt it, as that just isn't supposed to happen!

Sigh... when will people learn that security is about being vigilant, even in the areas you think should be safe, as that's where people will target...


yeah, he's using the "take it, it's fine." as the technique. with the hotdog guy it doesn't work so well... i would suspect that he's simply more watchful, but i notice that the "intimidated" line doesn't show up there either. he leads into "take it, it's fine" with a headache remedy question.

very interesting psychology, or stupid people... either or...


its a mixture of stratagies. first of all you have to get sumone into a fame of mind thay are not notmaly in. this is realy easy if you are doing it to sumone who is doing a tedouse job. as thay are normaly set in a stedy mental frequency when you brake that frequency there is the opertunity to imput new data into the brain and it will bypass manny of the brains checks. he uses a fairly complex stroy to get the shop ceapers mind out of its useual rut thinking about directoins is quite a complex activity. then he hands over the fake mony but reasuers the shop keeper that its ok. the shop keepers mind is not doing the checks it would be normaly and so compleaty misses that its fake mony.

allso to pull this off you have to be realy well traind at controling how you say words interms of the speed you deliver them and the tone of voice. aditoinaly you need to lern how to structure words that sound like other words into sentences. this all works becuse the subconchouse brain takes in pritty mutch all informatoin and only sifts variouse parts of it to the conchouse.


The Art of Misdirection. (see Penn and Teller)
One can easily do this on a smaller scale in any Supermarket at a busy 6:30 pm weekday when checkers are swamped and in a zombie-like state. Especially convenient are the self-checkout lines where you scan your own items.


I call bullshit. This could probably work with small amounts of money when the recipient is busy. But $4500? How often do you think someone walks into that shop and buys something like that in 2 minutes? I'm pretty sure the guy would count the money over and over before giving him the ring.


So he makes people totally blind by talking. I wonder when everything will be stolen from shops with his techniques. It must be real because it has been on tv, right? Or maybe he has just invented an explanation for the stooges' behavior so that people would believe it.


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