How Sifter CHINGALERA Treats His Toys!!!

Our very own Chingalera exercises his right to toy abuse. (I bet Buzz Lightyear's crappin' himself) I totally pis**d myself laughing at the bubbles.

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SO the set-up for this one take was

1 Col. George Taylor POA Heston doll (Snapped on E-Bay when Heston died, new -in-box)
1-paper cut-out Statue of Liberty lower, left frame)
2-Estes D rockets, duct-taped to back
1-scavenged fuse from leftover Chinese sky-candy
1-Micro-cassette recording of National Anthem (Foley)
1 FUJI Finepix F1000

The tree-bounce-around is off-camera....only one recording of that so here it is: As soon as he leaves frame he's in the tree and barley freed himself of the tangled bounce in the top before ditching in the pond at full throttle-Had he made air he had about 40 feet up inna swirl before thrust would have pooped-out.

...done this before so any way it could have gone might have-


At the end he stands up, sees a broken plastic model of the statue of liberty and realizes, my god, this is Earth.

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