"A review of the Fanny Flambeaux doll that is apparently part of the Smokin' Pussies gang. Not really surprising as you'll see in the video.
Since I've now been asked several times if it's a real product I have to confess that the product in the video was actually made from a few different items all sourced from Poundland. The good news is that if you are a big boy or girl (18 or older) you can own an actual Poundland Fanny Flambeaux doll by making it from the following Poundland items:-
You do this ENTIRELY at your own risk. Doll may explode in flames. (Yay!)
A 'Dress to impress' doll,
Birthday cake 'ice fountains' to insert up the dolls (widened) botty,
A barbecue style gas lighter to light it with,
A pack of 6" by 4" photo paper to make a new label and glossy instruction guide."
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