Hot Girl Photo + Cloak + Unsuspecting Ogler + Knife = BACK STAB!!! No one said the results would be perfect, though.

>> ^Raaagh:

haha I used to do this in CS 1.4-1.5

I made a spray back in CS of a crouching terrorist (and ct if needed). From a decent distance there was no distinguishable difference between it and a real player.

Man, I got cussed at majorly for that spray... usually by dead people.


How the Hell is that griefing? His victims are the ones deciding not to play and just stare at bewbs.

Since when has taking advantage of morons become griefing? Griefing is fucking around with people who are trying to play. They weren't.


>> ^ChosenOne:

This used to happen all the time in Counter Strike.. cept the hiding was a bit more difficult.

I was just gonna say, you have no idea how many times I squatted in a corner waiting for people to look at someones sexy spraypaint (there was one on every server practically) with an AWP, I got so many kills that way but usually it would only work for so long before folks in the enemy team realized the trick. But still so very fun.

Sweet video!


>> ^deathcow:

HOW is the guy throwing out this picture?

The game has a "spray" feature which allows users to create an image that they sort of spray-paint onto surfaces for other players to enjoy. The default key is T.

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