Holy Crap! Slot Car racing has Evolved!

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Those are some fast cars.

So many questions:
So how do you win?
What the scale/non scale speed of those things?
Is it allowed to "Tron" them out by strapping a glow stick to them?


There are a few slot car places near me, one in a mall... never really stopped by long enough to check it out fully, but they did seem fast at the time.


I think a lot of this is an effect of the camera. At 30 frames per second and 8 inch cars, they seem even faster than they really are.

I've been involved (to varying degrees) with slot car racing several times over the last 45 years, and each time I come back to it, the cars have vastly increased performance. When I first started, cars managed to top out at just a bit over 20 mph (actual speed, not scaled). Last time was some 15 years ago, and the cars at that time were running probably 35-40 mph. Given the apparent size of this track, I'd be very surprised if these cars were managing twice that. 60 mph seems much more believable, and -plenty- fast enough to be a challenge.


This could really use some timeshifting so we could see what the hell is happening, but there isn't any.

*nochannel *geek *wheels *engineering


I gotta say... that looks quite unfun. I don't see the enjoyment of them going that fast myself. When slower, but still fast, it feels more like a miniature race of real cars, this just looks insane and twitchy, no enjoyment for me.


>> ^spoco2:

I gotta say... that looks quite unfun. I don't see the enjoyment of them going that fast myself. When slower, but still fast, it feels more like a miniature race of real cars, this just looks insane and twitchy, no enjoyment for me.

I'd guess that a lot of the enjoyment comes from designing and manufacturing the cars to stay on the track at high speed -- they looked custom built from the intro to this video. The race itself looked like the power was just maxed out all the time, rather than requiring any skill, but it's hard to tell.

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