Hilarious: Old vs. New Battlestar Galactica


reminds me of Stargate ep200 with inside jokes, poking fun at itself. I think that's what they are going for here. Though, they fraked up but not having badass KITT sytle shiny cylons with voice synthesizers. Too many skinbag cylons, not enough cyborb ones.


Again, please keep the "saved from blah blah blah" or "sifted out of que blah blah blah" out of the comments. ENOUGH OF THIS WEB 2.0 crap! Just post your video links...if it's voted, it's voted. Now, 22 comments on here already and what, 90% of the comments are about if it was saved or not? What about the fricken clip itself?



Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Your disdain for "Web 2.0" stuff reminds me of the over exposure of KISS at around 1982. I was in 5th grade and didn't really know much about them, but dutifully enscribed "Kiss Sucks!" on the playground equipment with my Bic pen.

It's cool to hate on passé cultural concepts.

That being said, I think your ire might be misdirected. I don't know that there is anything really "Web 2.0" about Siftbot. He's fairly similar to invocable bots that have been on IRC for a decade at least.

We will probably intitute "ignore filters" at some point, so you can - a la Burger King - have it your way.


All kidding aside, I was making the comment about the Web 2.0 stuff because this site IS basically a Web 2.0 site just like YouTube is. Content created and posted by it's users and voted or demoted by it's users. And I love this site btw, don't get me wrong.



been watching Classic Battlestar this week... soooo bad... so much cheeeese!

And I would love to freaking strangle Boxy and that stupid Daggett... who thought that crap up?

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