Hannity Agrees To Be Waterboarded!

Hopefully he'll let us do it 183 times.

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

On the one hand I appreciate Grodin going on the show and giving Hannity what for - on the other I feel like the whole network should be boycotted - and delegitimized, in the same way that most celebrities would not consent to a National Enquirer interview.


I'm so sick of these idiots agreeing to be waterboarded under gingerbread conditions where they can stop at any time. I say waterboard them the way they do in Gitmo, none of this "drop the weight when you've had enough" bullshit. Keep em there all day and do it to them until they change their minds as to whether it constitutes torture. Or to be fair, do it to them the AVERAGE number of times they do it to a Gitmo detainee.


>> ^dag:
On the one hand I appreciate Grodin going on the show and giving Hannity what for - on the other I feel like the whole network should be boycotted - and delegitimized, in the same way that most celebrities would not consent to a National Enquirer interview.

You're absolutely right Dag. If the internet has taught me anything, is that you don't feed trolls. Before Fox News came on the air, people were generally more hostile toward the Rush point of view. Now, they gain legitimacy with the false dichotomy of there being two equal sides to every issue. Fox News pushes itself into the zeitgeist with false outrage. It is tiresome and to quote an 80's movie:

"The only way to win is not to play"


as much as i detest this mans public persona. the thought of waterboarding him makes me sick and sad. 1. because he throws it around so loosely and 2. because its a despicable fucking act
its like saying "ill get gang raped and beaten in front of my children for charity"

fuck this


^peggedbea, No, the only part that's not awesome is that it won't actually happen. It'd be great to see him throw the term around so loosely, and then not be able to last 10 seconds when he's actually waterboarded.


Getting these pundits water boarded does nothing to make them change their position or rhetoric. You do realise how easily he could spin the experience, right?

He could easily say that the horrible sensations only confirm his 'belief' that "detainees would be effectively scared to confession, with no actual danger of drowning". Dag is right, the only thing for these guys is to ignore them.

Torturing Hannity only serves to keep torture from extinction.


>> ^braindonut:
SERIOUSLY! Look up the definition of fascism! I'm glad he said it. Now everyone needs to keep repeating that until the asshats finally do it.

To people like Hanity, Fascism is a buzzword. They, and he, haven't got the first clue what actual Fascism is.

I mean seriously, if they think we are becoming Fascist now, and weren't in the last 8 years? They are clearly delusional.


>> ^dag:
on the other I feel like the whole network should be boycotted - and delegitimized, in the same way that most celebrities would not consent to a National Enquirer interview.
Are they not successfully delegitimizing themselves?

To put it another way: "Would the last person to take Fox News seriously please turn off the lights on your way out?"

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